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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. You want to wade through hip-deep water barefoot after a hurricane strike? Quick way to die of tetanus...or even a staph or strep infection. Shoes are a survival necessity. Albiet maybe not $200 Air Jordans. Cars...not so much.
  2. And don't forget...insurable losses. How much of the worst parts of New Orleans, for example, do you think have flood coverage? I heard someone say total damages could run into the dozens of billions of dollars. Sure, it was on the alarmist FoxSnooze...but it doesn't sound all that outlandish, really.
  3. There's more than a few people in NO who lost even their shoes...
  4. Seriously, it's time to start shooting looters on sight. Grabbing diapers out of supermarkets is one thing, but interfering with emergency services...
  5. Because they have to pay for September delivery, which did go up $.30 overnight.
  6. Pay $3/gal for gas...get kicked in the balls... What's the difference?
  7. Count your blessings. A station in Baltimore was at $2.75 last night, and opened this morning at $3.55. I'm pretty sure that's price gouging. Other than that, I'm honestly having a hard time worrying about gas prices right now. I'm still too stunned by the magnitude of the disaster.
  8. Jesus Christ... http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20050831/ap_on_...katrina_medical What an absolute nightmare.
  9. I honestly don't know. Nor do I think it really matters in the high-level view. River deltas evolve. Building permanent structures on rapidly (in geologic terms) evolving land is invariably going to lead to situations where such structures become less permanent as the land moves, no matter if it moves up or down. Look how much archaeology is done underwater at the mouth of the Nile, after all...
  10. Damn. I was so looking forward to seeing a post written entirely with smileys...
  11. I think you should make it your goal to write every post using only emoticons...
  12. Maybe it had nuts... Wait, they all have nuts. Okay, maybe it was carrying its nuts in its hand instead of its mouth...
  13. I still say take down the levees on the river side and let the flood from all the upstream rainfall from today and tomorrow wash all the contaminants out of the city. Quickest way to clean it. ] Of course, it might get rid of all those pesky things like roads and building at the same time...but I never said it was a perfect plan.
  14. Unsurprising. Most people's understanding of gasoline distribution isn't far from the level of "Isn't it brought by the gas pixies?" If people had any idea of the fragility of the system as a whole...
  15. Then we'll see you later ...
  16. Use a few more smileys in your posts, too. I could actually identify words in your last one...
  17. But I thought you were banned...
  18. NO! NO! GOD IN HEAVEN, NOOOOOOO! That was, of course, my John Madden impression...
  19. [LAMP]About what I predicted yesterday. Though my timing's off a little.[/LAMP]
  20. Living there on a normal day is one thing. But when that thirty-year weather event is on your doorstep, and you say "I'm going to ride it out" even though you look UP at a river...well, that's just bad risk assessment.
  21. It's big. I think I said that earlier, that the fact they're admitting they're seeing bodies but not even speculating a number is pretty damned awful.
  22. The difference here being that, whereas the Bills had a #1 and a #1a but no #2, Miami now has a #2 and a #2a but no #1. Frerotte and Feeley...who's their #3, Johnny Unitas' dessicated corpse? Frerotte's my favorite, though. Dumbass actually knocked himself out of a game with a concussion by head-butting a cement wall.
  23. Depends on the context. Stopping a flood? Not really. Dropped on your head? Then you may disagree...
  24. That's just inland of St. Louis Bay, very near where the eye came ashore. Good thing everyone's okay.
  25. I'm not a shrimp expert, alas. I only meet one for lunch occasionally.
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