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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. Ooooh...sounds like someone's threatening me. Whatcha gonna do, hit me with your mop or cut me with your potato peeler? Get back to the galley, scullery maid...
  2. Well...consider the source of this one. Reading is hard...
  3. On 9/11, we lost four planes and two buildings. The country, for all practical purposes, just lost an entire city. Half a million refugees. Yeah, it's not on the scale of 9/11. It's closer to the scale of the Indian Ocean tsunami.
  4. With the destruction on the Gulf coastal highway, gas transportation throughout the southeast is all sorts of !@#$ed up. People on the news early this morning actually called this...
  5. I'm sure Buffalo feels cheated as well during blizzards. And Grand Forks did when downtown went up in flames while the Red River flooded it. Homestead and Dade County definitely felt cheated. Less affluent communities always feel cheated when something bad happens.
  6. But not deterministically. Lots of people are saying that this hurricane was caused by global warming. That's just stupid - worse, it's a transparent attempt at using a horrible tragedy to push an agenda.
  7. And somehow, somewhere, some idiot in Indiana thinks my post was a dig at him.
  8. But facts and research are hard...
  9. In those unnamed's defense, Winslow did have the unmitigated gall and stupidity to compare himself as a football player to servicemen. There's more than a few servicemen on this board that can legitimately take umbrage to that remark.
  10. No link...and I don't know that it's "major", but Buffalo is on a pretty significant fault. I don't think a quake's ever been recorded higher than about 5.4 (back in the '50s)...but then, buildings in WNY aren't built up to California standards, either.
  11. Tell me something I didn't know...
  12. Good analogy. Though I'd suggest there is a difference between a regional forced migration such as the Dust Bowl and the functional death of an entire city (because let's face it: New Orleans has ceased to be a city in any Western definition of the word). Not that either's better or worse. Just different.
  13. Houston is turning the Astrodome into temporary housing for 25,000 people. They've cleared all the scheduled events there from now to December. Wow. Practically an entire city of refugees.
  14. I refuse to believe that "lubricity" is a word. In fact, I hereby declare it to NOT be a word. So from now on, please use "lubicrousness" in its stead.
  15. I'm still waiting for the first human consciousness.
  16. Don't know what they can send. They don't have much of an amphibious capability.
  17. Did he put it in your belfry with all the others?
  18. On one station yesterday, the anchor was remote-interviewing someone in NO and asking questions like "Why didn't you evacuate? Do you think that was a wise idea?" She finished off the interview with "Well, I guess you learned a valuable lesson, and next time you'll evacuate, won't you?" There was a very long silence...then the gentleman simply said "Thank you". I admired his restraint...I wouldn't have hesitated to tell her to take her holier-than-thou patronizing attitude and shove it up her ass.
  19. That...and there's too much else to do. The stuff they're looting...it's just stuff, in a completely non-functional and uninhabitable former city where people are dying. Why on earth would anyone recommend prioritizing arresting or shooting looters over helping people survive?
  20. Have you even bothered to LOOK for any, Joe?
  21. The tsunami also affected about 4000 miles of coastline. You pick any stretch of tsunami-hit coastline and compare it to the Gulfport or Biloxi shores, I think you'd be hard-pressed to see any significant difference.
  22. I'd give his tantrum more credence if I knew he had experience in plugging 200-foot breaches in levees.
  23. ...which is a full $10.00 from $10.01...
  24. For quite a few I've seen...yes. Saw footage this morning of people running in an out of a supermarket carrying food. I don't think they were looking for a quick score. But on the other hand, I've seen the footage of the morons carrying waterlogged TVs and stereos. I'm not pretending all the looting is survival oriented...but quite a bit of it is. As for that that isn't...let the morons sit in their shattered houses with no electricity or running water or food for weeks or months with their wrecked stolen TVs. What difference does it make? By the time this is over, they'll either have been forcibly evacuated and lost all their loot anyway, or they'll be dead and the rebuilders will find their bloated and decaying corpses curled around their precious stolen wide-screen TVs.
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