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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. I think he's blaming them for lacking initiative. Some people do things on their own, some wait for someone else to follow.
  2. I call bull sh--...just because "losing the city" is putting it mildly. It's lost. If it weren't, they wouldn't be trying to get everyone out...
  3. The holes were where the metal plates on the seams were ripped off. "Structurally intact" is a slight exaggeration...though it's in no danger of falling apart, apparently, and won't need to be torn down.
  4. Some may affect you sooner, particularly if you're swimming in them. And it's going to make rebuilding (which is the topic of this thread) a nightmare.
  5. CNN's web site is reporting that the eastern pipelines are back in service and combined probably working at about 35% capacity right now. Expected to go up to maybe 70% by the beginning of next week.
  6. You don't see the irony in that post? (P.S. I don't like this administration. Don't even go there.)
  7. Of course you've already said that partisan politics are ruining this country, but don't let that get in the way of your cookie cutter responses.
  8. The NBA's moving the Hornets as well (they're considering it, but I can't possibly see how they can't).
  9. And precisely what the hell do you think you're playing at? It's only partisan politics when the other guy does it?
  10. Wish I knew. I don't know that anyone knows, really. They have to pump out all the water before they can really begin to assess the damage. And clean out all the bodies. Even if the city's completely abandoned for all time (unlikely, I think), you still can't leave the corpses there to rot.
  11. Are those numbers right? 200-300k people left doesn't fit with "80% of the city evacuated", and 2400 left at the Superdome is about an order of magnitude lower than what they've been implying.
  12. And quick..why did we invade Iraq? I've said this many, many times in the past four years: this administration's marketing and PR sucks. Never has an administration been in such dire need of a Madison Avenue company's help before. He's dropping the ball...just like he's dropped the ball every other time he's been required to explain complex national policy to the public. Again...why is everyone surprised?
  13. And you can probably manage 6 showers/hr. But then you have to figure a given shower is available only 2/3 the time (they do have to be cleaned and maintained, after all.) But even assuming 4 showers/hour, 16 hours availability a day, everyone can take one shower every day with 400 shower heads. Once a week probably amounts to about 60.
  14. Better yet...you explain how it's so easy.
  15. I actually thought I was rather polite, by my standards...
  16. I think they should at everyone's games this season.
  17. Friends in New Orleans, sh--head.
  18. You fill airplanes with food and drop it on their heads...
  19. But he's NEVER been an inspiring president who seizes the moment and energizes the public. Why are you acting so surprised now?
  20. Yes...and it's happened before. I don't recall Nixon dropping everything before Camille hit, or Bush I for Andrew or Hugo, or Clinton for Floyd. I also don't recall anyone complaining last year when Bush didn't drop everything to prepare for the four hurricanes that ripped apart Florida.
  21. But that's near an airport. They've been gouging rental-car renters long before this...
  22. I'm REALLY not in the mood for you today...
  23. When's the last time a president dropped everything to plan relief efforts? And note I didn't say "the day before the storm hit." I said "the day before New Orleans went to sh--". Important distinction...New Orleans didn't die until a while after the storm passed. You're really complaining that, on the day of a weather event, the president kept to his schedule just like every other president in history did in the same situation.
  24. I considered that. I don't consider it a "better" idea, as that kills everyone. The real trick is how to maximize survival...which sadly seems has come down to a very conscious and brutal triage: "What's the least number of people we will directly or indirectly kill to recover this situation?" Seriously, we might be looking at a situation where critical care patients might have to be abandoned to die in hospitals so that those that can be moved can be saved. Frightening thought. Civilization is more fragile than we'd like to believe, apparently.
  25. Those damned Hindus...
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