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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. !@#$ING stupid. How much easier is it to access when the interstates, bridges, airports and helipads, buses and diesel-powered trucks aren't flooded out. What't the point of that editorial? Bush is responsible for the flooding????
  2. MoveOn.org themselves asks and admits that their help be considered and is non-partisan. Apparently, you missed their memo. As for me and the wife...we gave several thousand dollars already (all my free cash), and are planning on housing a friend of mine for the rest of the year. So shut your sanctimonius partisan ass up.
  3. 4th. Season 4 was horribly stupid.
  4. Sean Penn is one of the best actors in the country right now. But outside of that, he is so goddamned stupid...
  5. In the DC area, it seems to have stabilized in the mid-$3 range for the weekend. Some stations are running out, apparently (I saw three closed ones today - out of maybe a few dozen I passed), but prices are stable for at least the past 48 hours. The station in Centerville that jacked their price from $3.40-ish to $5.99 in an afternoon got slammed with a fine for gouging.
  6. And credibility. The more Shep sensationalizes, the more his ratings go up, and the more his marketing staff crows about his knowledge and skills because so many people "turn to" him for "information". Sad, isn't it?
  7. You've got to have somewhere to put it, some way of supporting it, and something to do with it. Same thing with the tsunami...people were complaining that the US didn't offer billions in aid immediately. Well...the fact is, billions would have just sat there doing nothing. Anything most anyone sends right now to New Orleans is likely to do just about the same. Putting more of something into a situation like this is not always good...after a point, you can put so much resources into it so quickly that the size of effort paralyzes itself.
  8. That's probably very true. And I'm sure the government's answer will be another bureaucratic entity to compete for resources...
  9. BiB's got a little more experience at emergency planning than Shep or Cooper, for starters. Doesn't help much when you don't understand what is and is not possible, but still have to talk like you do. And in Shep's case, it doesn't help much that he's a total idiot.
  10. Yes, and yes. Because people are !@#$ing stupid and can't differentiate TV from reality. Most of you !@#$ing idiot Americans deserve to be wiped out by a !@#$ing hurricane for your ignorance.
  11. Why even bother? Most people here couldn't accept it as fact if it conflicted with their preconceived notions anyway.
  12. Yes, there's a chance. Four hit Florida last year, after all.
  13. Search for them, they're easy to find. They've been very widely reported on over the past many years.
  14. It's not FEMA's job. It's the city of New Orleans' job...and they were saying it.
  15. 1) It's not FEMA's job. 2) The people who's job it was to get the warnings out - NOAA, for example, and the city - did. 3) The mayor of New Orleans himself, when he told people to go to the Superdome, speficially told people to be prepared to be there as much as a week without support. 4) The New Orleans emergency response plan had written into it specifically that anyone left in the city would be on their own for as much as a week with no support. The city government itself knew that they'd be on their own for days. 5) People are forgetting that, after the storm passed, everyone started saying that New Orleans dodged the worst of it. The crisis - the levees failing - begain after everyone started saying the worst had passed.
  16. And they were. Why do you think a mandatory evacuation of New Orleans was ordered, with people saying publicly "This the situation we've all feared for years"?
  17. And the Superbowl Bills routinely "lost" preseason...and only played their starters a series or so. It's when I first developed the theory. There's a good reason for that. It's because we haven't seen any football in six months, and we're jonesin'. By September 12th, no one's even going to remember the preseason record.
  18. From Jefferson Parish's web site: "Jefferson Parish citizens may not be allowed to return home on Monday. Hotel reservations should not be canceled. Citizens should plan to remain where they are until it has been determined when they will be allowed back in the parish." Apparently, it's closed and being evacuated. Also apparently (and I'm supposing - I could be wrong), they're trying to keep refugees from a given parish IN that parish to keep track of who's evac'd where. But at any rate, it's closed and they're not letting people in. And Shep's apparently as much of a fool as being named "Shep" would imply...
  19. Realistically, though...when the levees went, how quickly could they have repaired them? Your approach to the canal breach is common-sense enough (screw the breach, block the narrow ends of the canal. ) But the lake levee had a breach two city blocks long (direct quote from the news - so it's probably BS, and take it for what it's worth) with a lake emptying through it. How do you plug a breach that wide against that hydraulic pressure...and do it in a way so that it's not just going to erode around the plug as you're placing it in? I can't even begin to imagine a way of approaching it effectively until the water levels equalize...but there's got to be a way. The Dutch can't wait for half their country to equalize in water level with the North Sea before they plug a breach in the dike system, after all...
  20. Well...I've always had the suspicion that in general better teams do worse in the preseason. I can't prove it, but my justification of the theory is that the better teams go into preseason with their starters pretty much set, so can afford to play their backups and camp fodder more, whereas the worse teams actually need to give their starters the practice (either because they've changed their lineups in the off-season...or they're frankly just that bad). Ergo, you have a good team's backups playing a bad team's starters...and generally even bad starters will beat good backups (unless it's Buffalo playing Pittsburgh in the last game of the regular season ). Thus, worse teams have better preseason records. It's probably BS...but at least it sounds pretty good.
  21. Jefferson Parrish is closed, I think. (One of the parrishes that's letting people back in Monday to pick up essentials...then kicking them out for a couple of months so they can put it back together.) At any rate, Jefferson's in pretty bad shape as well, and it doesn't make a hell of a lot of sense to take in refugees when you can't do anything for them. Doesn't make a hell of a lot of sense to turn them away, either...but either way, the end result's the same: keep walking, eventually you'll get somewhere where people can help. The only difference is direction of travel.
  22. Sentimentality's part of it. It's a lot easier sitting a thousand miles away saying they have to abandon the city (EII and I together came to that conclusion in a few hours - that it would have to be completely abandoned to be fixed. And he's an idiot, we never agree on anything. ) But when you're the governor of Louisana, the necessity of abandoning your biggest city is probably a lot harder to see.
  23. It did, and that was apparently a HUGE problem. Something like a 200 foot breach that may have eroded to 500 feet (no one was ever really clear on the size - surprise, surprise - but reports seemed to have it getting bigger with time). And I've heard of a third breach somewhere...but I think by that time the solid biological waste material had intersected the oscillating cooling device, and no one was in any position or even mood to say where and how bad. NO may very well have been able to survive the canal breach. When the lake levee went (which is the one I believe they were trying to drop sandbags into - 3000 lb sandbags into a 200 foot breach, real good plan ), they were pretty much screwed.
  24. He'd win. I'm not in his league.
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