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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. Some. Not a whole lot. A big part of the reason why is that you need somewhere to put it and something to do with it. Germany's offer of a few dozen high-volume pumps, for example, is generous and necessary...but were we to accept them right now, they'd sit unused for a while in some warehouse somewhere while they found places to put them and a means of powering them. It's better and cheaper for everyone concerned that, if stuff's going to sit unused until later, it sit unused in its home country until it's needed. It's called planning.
  2. Of course, at the time the governor had ordered a complete evacuation of the "city"...so even the question "Why did it take so long to get help to the people...?" is incorrect. It should be "Why did it take so long to get people out...?" And the answer to that should be: because the state and local governments ordered the evacuation without having the means to accomplish it, and are now bitching because the feds didn't bail them out immediately. Wednesday: "We're evacuating the city." Thursday: "What's taking the feds so long to evacuate the city?"
  3. Not "terrible". "Non-existent." Literally, just try to find a post-emergency evacuation plan.
  4. What, no spherical gecko or soup threads?
  5. In other words, never mind the relief effort, the actual flood's Bush's fault. Guess what? The New Orleans levees have needed work for decades, and no one ever funded them.
  6. And another does of lunacy today... http://www.raptureme.com/cgi-bin/rrnews_li...Did_God_send_Ka Dan, no tin foil hat required.
  7. But NONE of you understood the power of the glockenspiel!
  8. But "Do unto others..." is hard...
  9. That sounds a LOT like someone trying to manipulate his fantasy football draft...
  10. Ain't it great? "It's because of Russian weather-control technology! We can prove it! The hurricanes had Russian names!" Dan, I would have thought the "conspiracyplanet.com" url was enough of a hint...
  11. Proof that no matter how ludicrous and alarmist mainstream media gets, they've got a ways to go before they achieve full-out lunacy... http://www.conspiracyplanet.com/channel.cf...&contentid=2732
  12. No need to get short with me. Oh, wait...
  13. Alright, you've made your point. Turn your Napoleonic complex back down to "idle".
  14. I'm trusting BiB over you on this topic, until I see hard copy to the contrary. Nothing personal.
  15. Yes...unless you're a raving lunatic liberal who thinks that the President, if he's Republican, should anticipate the request by 48 hours and already have ordered it...
  16. Which is something one could only authoritatively say after having tried both...
  17. There are exceptions to that, I believe. Our own resident expert on posse comitatus (BiB, who deals with it almost daily) said earlier that in a declared emergency posse comitatus can be suspended. Hardly matters...the order for forced evacuations didn't come from the President. I don't even think it came from the LA governor...I've only heard it uttered by idiot-boy Nagin. Whatever the circumstances, he sure as hell can't command DoD to ignore posse comitatus.
  18. Which authorities? Federal, state, and local, none communicating with the other. My impression was and still is that the local authorities told everyone to go there, but never bothered to tell the feds, thus the feds didn't know because the local guys never bothered to plan to coordinate with the feds. Yes, those things are supposed to be planned beforehand. Nagin?
  19. Including the National Guard? I can see the DoD saying that, and agree...but the LA Guard is another story...
  20. The Darin Smiley:
  21. Hog-tyin' 'em and throwing them in the back of a boat is kinder. And shooting them still takes resources away from recovery. Well...no, they weren't, in large part because !@#$ing Nagin told his police force "Looters? Who gives a sh--..." It's not the force's fault they didn't stop the looters, they were told to worry about other things first.
  22. Because they can disrupt recovery efforts. Even if you don't make the effort to support them in-place, they can still make nuisances of themselves...just look at how the looters ultimately disrupted the rescue work.
  23. Generator power, or piped in from outside power plants? If the later...wow is right. Holy sh--. I'd have thought that physically impossible.
  24. It was "supposed to" withstand "up to" 200mph winds - which basically means anything short of Camille, Gilbert, or Andrew. And I never completely bought that anyway, since 1) roof designs that are unsupported over large areas are always weak, and 2) structures that were engineered 30+ years ago to then-conservative standards have this odd way of turning out to be not-so-conservative 30+ years later.
  25. It did. "Future plans include..."
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