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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. In Madden's defense, I've been listening to him for fifteen painful years, and I've never heard him pick up on any sarcasm.
  2. Thanks. I was just going to bed...now I'm going to have nightmares about that friggin' retatta of a play...
  3. I'm just cynical enough, though, to believe that, as he is a politician, Al Gore's "help" is self-serving and has little to do with people in need. You can disagree...but you can't convince me otherwise. I don't believe the ruling elite truly gives a damn about the hoi polloi except as election theory applies to them.
  4. That would carry a lot more weight if you weren't a f'in idiot.
  5. Very true, but it ain't my server. If it were...
  6. On the other hand, it was pretty funny to watch Jessica Simpson imitating Joe Cocker singing "God Bless America". I mean, what kind of an epileptic seizure was she having?
  7. They're not defending him anymore. They're saying the league told Coleman to go to the film review and confirm Trotter threw a punch...and apparently the review says he did. And from what I saw, it looks like he did. Mathis started it either way...but there's no "he started it rule". Couple of !@#$ing bozos, too. Mike Tyson had more sense than that, albiet barely.
  8. Honestly, me neither. But if he's outplaying Losman...well, that doesn't say much for Losman, does it?
  9. I'd like to apologize to Drew Bledsoe... Bledsoe: 143.4 rating, 18/24 for 226 yards and 3 TDs. Losman: 89.9 rating, 17/28 for 170 yards and 1 TD. Guy gets run out of town because "he" sucks...and now that he's got good pass protection, he's outplaying his golden-boy replacement. Looks like TD cut the wrong QB...
  10. That was cold...
  11. And you think those were federal-level decisions? The most amazing thing about this whole disaster is that people are actually revising history as it happens. I cannot believe the number of idiots who are ignoring even the subjective reality of mass media and just making sh-- up as they go along.
  12. As much as I loathe your stupid and senseless partisan sniping that you seem to think passes for rational discussion...that was pretty damned funny.
  13. Ever see a hurricane rip a bank vault out of the ground, like Andrew did at my wife's bank? Ever heard of Punta Gorda? Hell, the very fact that you say this belies your own position. I suggest you check the FEMA response times to last year's hurricanes: FEMA actually moved slower in response to those than they did to Katrina...and they responded to the Gulf coast while having resources still committed to all four of last year's hurricane zones. So Brown's incompetent because his agency, while spread thin still dealing with last year's disasters, moves faster in an unprecedented disaster?
  14. And I'll bet every penny of it is used properly according to the rules laid out by the trust...
  15. Who, as head of FEMA, responded to well over 80 declared emergencies in the past without anyone complaining.
  16. Yeah. It probably has nothing to do with Florida, being hit in an average year by more hurricanes than New Orleans sees in a quarter-century, being more prepared.
  17. Cut and paste from an earlier post... And why weren't you bitching about this administration's handling of FEMA and appointment of Brown earlier? Probably because you've conveniently forgotten that FEMA and its current director received high marks during last year's hurricane season.
  18. The difference being that the bozo who sticks his hand in the sausage dicer doesn't have a chain of command to answer to. There is a way things like this are supposed to work, which is: state and federal resources deploy to assist local resources, and local resources in turn direct state and federal resources as to their needs. What you're saying, in effect, is that federal resources should deploy not according to local information, but to what they glean off CNN, completely ignoring state and local direction. That ain't the way it works. Frankly, it shouldn't be the way it works, and I suspect if that's the way it did work, you'd be just as ready to B word about how the feds are heavy-handed in ignoring the responsible state and local authorities. I suspect it would be awfully poor...since pilots stuck on their roofs should have been flying their helicopters out of the emergency zone in preparation, if anyone had had the good sense to PLAN an evacuation instead of giving a half-assed last-minute order for one. A few pilots - or bus drivers - caught in flood waters while their helicopters - or busses - wait under ten feet of water isn't the problem, it's merely symptomatic of the larger problem: a lack of even the most rudimentary planning at the level at which it's supposed to occur. And I'll give you a hint at what that level is: not federal or state. Geez, why do you think the appropriately named "first responders" are invariably municipal services???
  19. Do you, being in the ACE as you are, have any way of finding out what the funding impacted?
  20. What, states can't coordinate with their own localities without federal help? And why weren't you bitching about this administration's handling of FEMA and appointment of Brown earlier? Probably because you've conveniently forgotten that FEMA and its current director received high marks during last year's hurricane season. Kind of blows a hole in your whole "FEMA's ineffective because of Bush" theory, doesn't it? And you know what the biggest difference is between last year's quartet of storms and this one? Last year's hit Florida - a state with municipalities that have emergency plans and know how to integrate the federal response into their own activities.
  21. But understanding that decisions made 40 years ago still impact us today is hard...
  22. Ah, the classic "Not that we're firing you...but you're fired" tactic. Though the "You don't have to make up your mind now" twist is a new. Actually, it sounds more like "We might fire you if you choose to stay...or not. We're not sure." Sounds like a pretty screwed up place.
  23. Even better...he gets free housing, three squares a day, and better health and dental care as a prisoner than we as private citizens get.
  24. Just to make it clear, I don't challenge the facts as presented in that article. I challenge the context in which they're presented, which to me was pretty damned clearly that the situation started in 2001. I also don't particularly appreciate the use of op-ed pieces as "factual" references while ignoring contrary facts (in articles the piece quotes as references anyway). They could have just as easily reprinted Krugman's referenced NYT op-ed rather than create their own, since it's effectively what they did anyway.
  25. But in defense of the refugees, this is probably NOT the first time this guy molested a 13-year old girl.
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