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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. Deserved? Why the hell would Indonesia "deserve" American aid?
  2. But he still gets his playbooks from ACME, because his "Wile E. Coyote - Super Genius" club membership is still active...
  3. A congressman, hypocriticly misappropriating resources in an emergency for his own personal use? Unbelievable...
  4. Retarded... As though D-Day "just happened" one morning, thus so should anything else. Does she have ANY idea the preparation that went into that? "If we can do something sixty years ago that we planned, prepared, and practiced for eighteen months, we can certainly save New Orleans overnight. Because the aspirin in my kitchen is from New Orleans." I cannot BELIEVE how utterly and grossly stupid people are in this country.
  5. But if they air dropped them with kayaks!!!... I'm laughing because it's so, so sad. We need more natural disasters to cull the "Why do I have to take care of myself, the Nanny State will do it for me" crowd.
  6. I actually had someone tell me, very upset, "Well, this just proves I can't rely on the government for anything. I'll have to take care of myself if anything happens." My response was something along the lines of "And the problem with that is...?" And this was not some third-generation welfare recipient, either. Very gainfully empolyed (contracted to, of all things, FEMA), drives a BMW. Still expects the government to "take care" of her.
  7. Look at the hurricane news. Most of the people forgot by Wednesday everything they'd heard on Saturday about FEMA's preparations. Hell, most of the media forgot, and it's their own damned stories they were ignoring. Most of "us" don't see past last weekend, never mind last week.
  8. Actually, the ready brigade of the 82nd Airborne can be moved in something like 24 hours (I think...it might be as much as 72, I'm almost certain it's not less than 24). Which in itself is interesting in that: 1) Even a brigade held in readiness for immediate deployment can't move in less than 24 hours. 2) For that to happen, it has to be held in a high state of readiness. But everyone else in the US government is supposed to move faster than the most mobile and most ready brigade in the Army? And aside from that...drop them into a flooded city? DROP???? Know what you get when you drop paratroopers into a lake? Dead paratroopers. Know what you get when you drop them in a city? Dead paratroopers. Now take a guess what you get when you drop them in a flooded city... Where does the media find these "experts".
  9. He has EVERYTHING to do with this topic, as much as the news outlets do, as they faced the same problem: deploying a half-dozen or less people to an area that's practically impossible to get to. A news crew - or Sean Penn - can be supported by maybe one carload every three days...and most were only there for 3-5 days anyway. That's a MUCH different problem from moving an battalion or two of National Guard troops (which, by the way, are a state and not federal resource, which kind of shoots down your "Bush sucks" argument anyway) into the region for a long-term mission. Plus...you have no idea how well the news crews were supported anyway. Could be that they were dumped bareass with two days' worth of personal supplies. It could very well be that the pissy little tantrum the media's throwing over the "slowness" of the response is due in large part to their reporters being stranded without the government rescuing them. In a lot of cases (Shep Smith, for example), I'm far more ready to believe they were upset because they weren't being rescued than they have some compassion for their fellow man. That's a classic paragraph. "I have no military background...I may not understand the military operations...I think forty-eight hours is acceptable." In other words "I'm completely ignorant...but you're still wrong." You would have done far better to just keep your mouth shut. It tells me that even a president who has expressed utter contempt for the media and their bull sh-- claim of "representing the people" can cave to them if their onslaught is strong enough. Even if he WERE responsible and messed up, the errors that led to the loss of New Orleans were made YEARS before Katrina was even imagined.
  10. Actually, his contention isn't necessarily that they shouldn't have broke as they were. I believe it's more "They shouldn't have broke, if they'd been properly maintained and upgraded over the past several decades." Which I have to say is a very valid point.
  11. Do you have any idea what it takes to move that many people in an organized fashion into a region that can't support them? For starters, you have to recon every road you'd send them down to make sure they're passable, and inspect every bridge they'd cross to make sure they're not so damaged they'd collapse under the weight of loaded trucks. Route reconnaissance doesn't even get done "immediately". Then there's packing...when you've got to pack up not only a battalion of men but everything needed to support them, plus relief supplies, it's non-trivial problem that doesn't get solved "immediately". And we're talking about the National Guard, as well...state entities that are not standing units and have to be called up, formed up, and organized before anything can get done. That doesn't happen "immediately" either. And that's just the obvious stuff that an over-educated geek like me can think of off the top of his head. Sean Penn didn't even think of THAT much...which is why he got there quickly and accomplished little more than bailing out his boat. Imagine if Penn had been in charge of, instead of three people, three hundred, and went in with such sh------- planning. Imagine what a cluster-!@#$ that would have been. And that's what you advocate?
  12. Mike Brown. No, it wasn't a wise decision. But it was a decision made two years ago, and I don't recall you having a problem with it then. I'm not defending anyone; I'm arguing against your bull sh-- reasoning that someone with two years' experience has no experience.
  13. "No one's doing anything about this body, so I decided to use it as a photo op..." That (his ridiculous little "nobody's doing anything" report) is the precise moment I started actively rooting for the looters to cap his ass... Fortunately, I've managed to avoid all but hearsay reports of the Celine Dion interview...
  14. I'm so unloved... Feels good, actually.
  15. I've got two words that prove that statement wrong: Shepherd Smith. Wait...I've got two more: Geraldo Rivera.
  16. That criticism would have carried a lot more weight when he was appointed, rather than after two years of on-the-job training that included responding to four of the most damaging hurricanes in history.
  17. I've been a VP. I've also refused a promotion to VP. But keep thinking you're special, you friggin' moron.
  18. You mean...not everyone's truthful online? Shocked, I am!...
  19. Never met a vice president who didn't bore the sh-- out of me. Never met one that did any actual work, either.
  20. I believe that, yes, we are morally obligated to "stabilize" (i.e. provide a measure of safety and security to the population in general) things in Iraq after we've "destabilized" (i.e. removed a great measure of safety and security) it. I don't particularly like it...the idea of a years-long commitment of the military to police-work is to me a gross misuse of the military. But I'd like it even less if we invaded a country, toppled the central government, then pulled out with a "Well...good luck to you." tossed over our shoulders at everyone while leaving. That would be rather like...oh, I don't know, maybe pulling people out of the Superdome and abandoning them on a bridge with instructions to walk "thataway". The bottom line is that I believe when you accept responsibility for something or someone, you don't do it halfway. And you can feel free to disagree with me...that's only my belief, not a hard-and-fast fact. But if you want to convince me I'm wrong, you're going to have to convince me that invading a country does not involve taking responsibility for the aftermath.
  21. I do? News flash: I'm dead-set against most of the high dollar value programs the Pentagon's indulging right now...which I wouldn't expect you to know, as you've never asked. I only support the occupation of Iraq because I believe we're morally obligated to stabilize the country, since we destabilized it to begin with. Of course, you don't know that, because no one in this friggin' asylumn is capable of discussing either in remotely intelligent fashion without "Flightsuit! Halliburton!" Hell, most people can't even see past their preconceived notions to understand the reason we invaded Iraq, even though it's been staring them in the face for years now... The only reason I seem to support things more than I do is because I support the media even less. If they indulged even remotely accurate reporting, I'd be expressing my criticism more frequently. As it is, I'm too busy bashing the media to properly bash the administration.
  22. But of course, it was an option pass, so he wasn't required to throw the ball either. He actually had to give it some thought and say "Well, even though I can't do anything but run, I think throwing it is the better choice here."
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