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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. I think any time the most active thread in a board is talking about archiving the board, it's time to archive the board.
  2. Those systems usually predate nukes, I think. I KNOW it does in Moscow. But the Russians were always pragmatic about nuclear war, anyway. The West approached it with the attitude of "Nobody wins." The Soviets, with "It's at least possible for someone to win." That, right there, gave them an edge in civil defense planning.
  3. Because they're paranoid. Or, more specifically, he who required the stations to be dug that deeply - Stalin - was paranoid.
  4. Silent thread for Rich's troll doll...a doll that changed the world...
  5. It's probably with Heitz's cooler...
  6. What else are they going to say? "We just need a new left guard and left tackle, and replace Josh Reed with someone who runs his routes properly."?
  7. Worse, it's Congress. Junior high without the lunch monitors.
  8. I recall reading it in the Starr report. Though the report wasn't quite as lurid as BiB's description, BiB is at the very least being factually accurate.
  9. Best. Thread hijack. EVER.
  10. E.g. Colin Powell. The candidates we get these days make me pine for the Frank Zappa/Joe Walsh ticket.
  11. Ohhhhhhh...cooking is genetic. Okay. I was hoping to get up to WNY at some point this winter (i.e. Christmas)...but I've got a niece/nephew on the way, due during the holidays (first one...I'm NOT changing any friggin' diapers), so it looks like all holiday celebrations are down here this year.
  12. Nope. I'd make my five-cheese proscuitto lasagna. Use smoked gouda to give it a nice smoky tang. We've got to figure out when and how to do this, though...
  13. Someone MIGHT be able to convince me that Reagan didn't suck. Or even Bush I. But really...Ike's the last guy I'd consider to be an unambiguously decent president. And the truly sad thing is...I see no reason to expect that to change in 2008.
  14. Right...but call it in immediately anyway, since you then shouldn't be liable for much (if anything) that might be charged after you report it. Sure, it's PIN secured...but guessing a 4-digit number is not completely outside the realm of possibility. Unlikely, but not impossible. And just maybe it decides to work tonight...I know if it were me, with my luck, it would.
  15. I agree...but it doesn't look as good in the stats. Other than average drive start after kickoffs, there's not a hell of a lot of ways you can cook kickoff numbers to make returns consistently look better than touchbacks. And all that really means is that someone made their decision based on the stats.
  16. I would tend to agree...but if you're going to say it started with JFK, then you also have to recognize the contribution that Johnson and Nixon made as well. A decent leader after JFK could have reversed quite a bit of the damage done to the office's image at that point...instead, we get LBJ and Tricky Dick.
  17. Deal. Oh by the way, did I tell you I make a great lasagna?
  18. Google is your friend...
  19. Oh, yeah. When it comes to lasagna, I got you beat. I'm confident enough in my lasagna that I'll even go head-to-head with Chef Jim. Hell, I'll go WAY out on a limb and postulate that my lasagna's even better than anything BF could create...
  20. Of course, most originally said "investigating transactions related to Whitewater". How we get from that to a lurid account of the president's kinky sexual habits is beyond me...but it could lead some to think that just maybe Starr overstepped his mandate.
  21. I know you're not talking about Reagan or Bush...so Carter or Clinton?
  22. Four touchbacks. I can't really say I disagree with them, either...effectively stifling the other team's return game and sticking them on their 20 after every kickoff is arguably worth a missed field goal.
  23. You've clearly never met my cats...
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