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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. You THINK you jest, but... Intelligent design meterology. Storms don't just "happen". http://universist.org/neworleans.htm
  2. I though the government's responsible for everything? Specifically, the president. Even more specifically, Bush.
  3. And for his hard work, he wins a Bills troll doll!
  4. No, you disagree with me, because as I clarified it's not personal. It's not George W. Bush vs. the press, it's the Bush administration vs. the press. Christ, even when you agree with me you manage to be a moron.
  5. Reread your posts. You refer to it frequently.
  6. I'll bet you a friggin' Porsche that's not true... Lori? Want to win a new car?
  7. It's an accurate thing to say. Did you see how TB was jumping all over the receivers' routes Sunday? That's due in large part to Losman staring at the receiver he's throwing to. That's not necessarily a slam against him, any more than it is a slam against any other young QB in the league. They all do it, they all have to have it beaten out of them, some outgrow it and some don't. But until he does, Losman is going to throw picks. That he hasn't yet is largely because the Tampa defensive backfield apparently washed their hands Sunday morning and couldn't do a thing with them...
  8. Little hint for everyone: when I refer to "Bush" or "Clinton", I'm almost universally referring to their administrations, not them personally. Ergo, I was not referring to any personal relationships (not that you could have known that...I'm not criticizing, just clarifying). The press claims to represent the people as the "Fourth Estate"; previous administrations have accepted their own definition of their role in the process. The current administration, however, has told the press "We don't think you represent the people" (which I happen to agree with, btw. The media nowadays represents their own interests, not ours). They established early on a completely different relationship with the press than previous administrations have had. Thus, I will continue to contend that the Bush administration has a fundamentally different relationship with the press than Clinton or any previous, that makes the press more apt to attack/smear/report on in an unfavorable light/malign/whatever-you-want-to-call-it his family than they would have Amy Carter or Chelsea Clinton.
  9. As much a critic of Nagin as I am (and I'm a big one), his reasoning isn't necessarily that Machiavellian. If I were mayor of a deserted and abandoned city with no cash in the till and no tax revenue but lots of costs, I'd probably be encouraging people to come back as soon as possible as well. It would still be wrong...but it doesn't have to be as selfishly motivated as "rehabbing his image"; it could just as easily be him trying to do his job as mayor as best he can...which he's already shown is pretty damn poor anyway.
  10. Because, like I said, the relationship Clinton had with the media is completely different than Bush's relationship with the media...mostly by choice. Double standard? Sure...but it's as much the administration's making as it is the media's.
  11. Yeah, he got a government loan...and he paid it back. And he paid it back early. Better management than most CEO's can manage...
  12. The Clintons worked hard to shelter a younger Chelsea from the press, and (far more importantly) had a very good relationship with the press. The Bushes, on the other hand, have twins who are no longer minors as Chelsea was, and (far more importantly) the administration chose to pursue an antagonistic relationship with the press. Is it a double standard? Sure. But it's largely one of the families' own making.
  13. Last week: This week: This guy's about as schizo as the rest of us.
  14. What's a "legit" touchdown?
  15. SRV, "Couldn't Stand the Weather"?
  16. At least he's consistent. What I don't get is: what would make anyone think Holcomb's any sort of improvement? Particularly after yesterday.
  17. But this is VABills. Three hours is a full day.
  18. Like it matters. The Iluminatta and the Freemasons run the league anyway, no matter who's coach.
  19. Does anyone here aside from RiO actually buy this line of retatta? I could probably cut $50B from the defense budget alone without breaking a sweat or materially effecting the security of the country.
  20. That's funnier than the "Mickey Mouse fake end around bull sh-- reverse !@#$tard screen pass on 3."
  21. Frankly, some people (i.e. me) are better critics than cheerleaders. Just because such people spout off when things are bad, doesn't mean they're not happy when things are good. But then, some people are just massively insecure and need to be right about everything. I.e. me.
  22. You mean the Mickey Mouse fake end-around bull sh-- !@#$tard reverse screen pass? Only good thing about yesterday's game is we didn't suffer through that steaming pile of retatta of a play.
  23. "Find a forum for this thread" is pretty damned close to a customer service issue, though.
  24. So bad passing is only JPs fault if the CBs hold on to the ball? Never mind that the defensive backs were jumping all over the receivers' routes all day because JP stares at his target before he throws...but it's still not his fault until a DB catches the ball instead of knocking it down. That's just weird, man...
  25. "Everyone get to the stadium, then wait for someone else to tell you the game plan."
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