Little hint for everyone: when I refer to "Bush" or "Clinton", I'm almost universally referring to their administrations, not them personally. Ergo, I was not referring to any personal relationships (not that you could have known that...I'm not criticizing, just clarifying).
The press claims to represent the people as the "Fourth Estate"; previous administrations have accepted their own definition of their role in the process.
The current administration, however, has told the press "We don't think you represent the people" (which I happen to agree with, btw. The media nowadays represents their own interests, not ours). They established early on a completely different relationship with the press than previous administrations have had. Thus, I will continue to contend that the Bush administration has a fundamentally different relationship with the press than Clinton or any previous, that makes the press more apt to attack/smear/report on in an unfavorable light/malign/whatever-you-want-to-call-it his family than they would have Amy Carter or Chelsea Clinton.