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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. That's a change. Usually you don't mutter.
  2. You lost me after "naked slave girls".
  3. Actually, he's Polish and very flat-chested.
  4. But the Bills actually lost, because everyone (well...finknottle) knows you have to pass to win, not run.
  5. You know, I have been meaning to post this for some time. On the infamous last play of Superbowl XXXIV, take a look at the ball in Kevin Dyson's hand. You will notice that he's a yard short of the goal line. And as you know, he did not score. I don't know whether I have heard anyone else mention this. P.S. I am not related to Kevin Dyson.
  6. I think the medication is intended for our benefit, not his.
  7. But it takes him an entire afternoon to make it.
  8. "It's a Buddhist meditation ritual, the monks use it before they ride into battle." "What kind of Buddhism is this, Otto?" Great movie.
  9. Did you know Daddy Day Care was a far better movie than Saving Private Ryan?
  10. Gotta love the LAPD. Can't even frame a guilty man.
  11. Actually, it was a very good analogy demonstrating the difference between knowledge and practical application. Until you !@#$ed it all up...
  12. Hey...did anyone know that the night Nicole Brown Simpson was killed, blood was found in OJ's truck? I just thought it was interesting, and maybe we could discuss it...
  13. But ultimately, presidents become ex-presidents. If she's loyal to Bush past 2008...is it really that big a problem?
  14. And that is what happens when you over-analyse an analogy. It's an analogy, dumbass!
  15. Quite possibly the dumbest thing I've ever seen on the football field...Gus Frerotte knocking himself out of the game head-butting a wall in celebration.
  16. Bunch of pikers, all of you. I've got a laser system that'll burn a hole through you. And that's just in the car. You don't even want to know about home defense.
  17. I'm always very amused by the incoherent rantings of idiots.
  18. But you have to pass to win. Committment to the running game doesn't work. Finknottle told me so.
  19. "I brought it up because I've never seen it discussed here. But others didn't get picked on when they discussed it." You are such a tool.
  20. Screw that, we still haven't resolved the great Vince Ferragamo/Bruce Mathison debate.
  21. But it was discussed in everywhere else up to and including "Ace Ventura: Pet Detective". But since you've never seen it discussed, it must be fresh news, and everyone else are the ones with the problem. And people say I'm arrogant.
  22. No, YOU'RE the one that brought up "Hey, I'm the last person on the planet to realize something that happened 15 years ago! Aren't I special?" And it's everyone else's fault you're being mocked.
  23. Sorry, I don't have a lot of original material. I'm only 6-point Times New Roman.
  24. Squish the Fish? At this point, the way this team's playing, I'd settle for giving them a gentle squeeze...
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