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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. You're just upset because my obvious superiority conflicts with your Napoleonic complex.
  2. Neither am I. I'm going to rag on him because he thinks it makes him superior to everyone else.
  3. Ain't many liberals either. Mostly, there's just selfish bastards. Except for Pete, because he selflessly rides his bike 50 miles a day in the rain and snow, he's such a special guy.
  4. Probably more like 25 yards by now.
  5. Yeah, I used to bike 80 miles a week before my knee went all to hell. But I never pranced around on a message board like a damned idiot thinking I was special for it.
  6. You're just so damned special.
  7. Probably because your average Garth Brooks fan would respond "Well, I would...but my wife has them in her purse. Why else would I be at your !@#$ing concert?"
  8. It cannot possibly be worse than "Hey, let's see if people will actually pay ten bucks to watch a National Geographic television special!" I mean, "Volcano" was such a bad movie I was actually standing in the aisle, screaming and throwing popcorn at the screen in utter frustration at the inanity of it (no kidding...had the entire theater to myself, wasn't going to bother anyone, so I figured "What the hell..."). And "March of the Penguins" was worse than that. I cannot possibly believe, bad as "You Got Served" must be, that anything could sink to the level of raw sewage that "Oh sh--, Not More !@#$ing Penguins!" achieved.
  9. You're damned right it wasn't acknowledged. Cheap ripoff of Dr. Seuss...
  10. I remember reading a story about Patton witnessing a German blowing a bridge with a couple of American soldiers and vehicles on it. Killed about 20 GIs...then came out of hiding with his hands raised and was taken prisoner. Patton thought it was the height of folly, and nearly ordered the soldiers to shoot the bastard. And that's Europe. Never mind the Pacific theater...the Desert Storm tactic that everyone bitched about of bulldozing the Iraqi trenches full with Iraqis still in them was commonplace in the South Pacific. The grunts on Guadalcanal decorated their jeeps with Japanese skulls. Machine-gunning Japanese survivors of ship sinkings was an almost universal practice (actually, the US probably had the worst record of any combattant in the war in that regard; worse than even the Japanese). Now we B word if people are made to wear dog collars. Nice thing about being forced to wear a dog collar: it means your skull isn't decorating someone's jeep. If we had to fight WWII again today, we'd lose, through no fault of the American soldier.
  11. For real. The context was drug companies selling vaccines/antibiotics...and the statement was most likely supposed to mean "Why should companies be allowed to profit from selling necessary commodities?"...which is still wrong. Corporations make profits from the sales of goods and services because that's the definition of a corporation!!!! I really wanted to call and say "Well, your weather and traffic reports provide a public service to the greater DC area...you should call your corporate officers and tell them they shouldn't be allowed to profit from it."
  12. True enough...but that merely explains why the movie sucked, it does not excuse it from sucking.
  13. No. Every time I think there might be, I think back to all those little frozen penguin !@#$ers organizing play dates between the little penguin chicks, and realize that just maybe Doom won't be all that bad... I mean, penguin play dates. My God...they don't have goddamned play dates, they're !@#$ing penguins!!!!
  14. I wish, though, the writer had addressed a little more the discrepancies in behavior between the WWII soldier and ours today. "Why was valor considered front-page news in 1945 and abuse considered front-page news in 2005?" doesn't quite cover it; I'm willing to bet a large sum of money that the conduct of our soldiers now is overall actually better than it was in WWII.
  15. Anyone remember the past few years, when we only needed to upgrade two or three spots on the line? This team is certainly improving with years, isn't it?
  16. And that nasty ol' evolution idea would be out.
  17. Gutsy. A guy worth millions is at high risk for being sued for helping anyone. It would have been much more sensible to let them drown.
  18. Can she cook and do the laundry?
  19. I'm sorry...was your point "sh-- happens"? Or was it "These are God's retributions for our sins?"
  20. Wow...only now they're getting around to adding "steganography"? That is not a new word, even in it's supposedly "non-archaic" definition.
  21. I read Hitchhiker's Guide...the movie still sucked. Better than "March of the Penguins", which is the all-time greatest suckfest of a movie...but not by much. Hitchhiker's Guide is probably the worst movie I've ever paid to see without being coerced into it. They just showed a clip of Doom on The Tonight Show. Oh...My...God. That looks seriously, tragically horrible beyond all infinite dimensions of horribleness. The clip - the damned clip they feature to promote the movie! - had absolutely no redeeming qualities whatsoever.
  22. Mathison/Ferragamo was bad enough. Thank GOD I'm too young to remember Marangi..
  23. He's already been offered a position at Ticketmaster...
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