And let's think about that for a moment. Let's say Brazil "secedes" from the WWW to create their own internet. Let's assume it's no big deal setting up the physical infrastructure (because it probably isn't - just use the existing internet lines, disconnected from the web). Now what, they're going to buy their own root servers? Or are they going to say "Well, we could buy them...but it'll be cheaper to license them from someone else off-site." What about content? "Damn, our content's pretty thin...maybe we should strike some deals with third-parties to provide content. Like AP or Reuters, let's have them provide news content. Gee, now we need a search engine, our content's so rich. Writing one's expensive, though...maybe we can strike a licensing deal with Yahoo or Google..." Before you know it, Brazil's internet is being managed by - of all people - US companies.
Great plan. I say let 'em secede.