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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. I've heard that one and maybe two provinces voted it down anyway. In which case, it's back to the drawing board, and "voter fraud" hardly matters anyway. Probably the best thing that could happen, too. That constitution is toilet paper.
  2. I was going to say that. Pretty much exactly that, except for the word "epitopes". In support of that, though...there is epidemiological evidence that the reason the over-40 demographic didn't suffer over-much in 1918-1919 was that they were partially immunized by a previous H1N1 strain some three decades back or so. The epidemiology supports the idea that antigenic drift is not sufficient, and antigenic shift is required to cause evasion of recognition.
  3. Well...since I'm trying to be serious...no. It hardly matters anyway. An invaded soverign nation having democracy forced down its throat by the invaders is voting on a constitution so convoluted and bloated it's hardly a working legal document, and virtually everyone agrees it'll be tossed to the side the moment the occupying troops leave. Meanwhile they haven't YET exorcised the ghosts of the previous government, which by the way is allowed to vote on the new one...and never mind the other groups vying for power, most of them undemocratically. And people B word about voter fraud? Iraq hasn't even achieved the level of sanity required for "voter fraud" to have any meaning, let alone be an issue.
  4. In places where tribal leaders can tell people "You will go vote...and you will vote 'yes''.", and the people will listen?
  5. I can't help wondering, though, wha the demographics of said areas are. To be perfectly honest, I'd half expect such skewed numbers in overwhelmingly tribal regions.
  6. Don't pick on him while he's drowning his sorrows in rettata.
  7. You mean, things don't happen immediately, no matter how much you want them to? I thought if the response to a crisis wasn't immediate, it was because Bush !@#$ed up. Ray Nagin told me so. Your synopsis looked good to me...but then, I'm no virologist either. Just well-read.
  8. Let's dissect that, shall we: Peyton's insight: Peter's insight: Gee, thanks Pete. That was very illuminating.
  9. Joe Pendry's play book.
  10. "I remember you...you were in those rental car commercials! Listen...have you seen Thurman Thomas anywhere? I'm trying to get his autograph..."
  11. Pandakabobs? No idea. I've know a pretty good panda recipe, though: Boil 1 small panda until soft. Drain as needed. Place panda in frying pan with 1/4 stick of butter and cook on low until the panda is a crispy brown outside. Stir throughout cooking time so as not to have the the panda stick to frying pan. Next add 3-4 eggs and scramble along with the panda. When they are thouroughly scrambled and the panda nice and crisp, remove from heat and season with garlic and pickle juice. Cook time: approx. 3 days. I believe it's called "pandattata".
  12. Coli works in biotech. He's got a better idea than most of us on the nature of the vaccine.
  13. Wasn't from partying with his former Vikings teammates, was it?
  14. But can she cook or... ...nah, nevermind. For once I don't care.
  15. And the only reason he was found not guilty is because the LAPD can't even frame a guilty man.
  16. But it's important to note that, as opposed to way back then, Ted Kennedy these days can be used as a flotation device...
  17. Nope. Just like Thurber's "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty".
  18. Great...as if you weren't enough of a simpering milquetoast already...
  19. If I ever meet you in person, I am going to punch you in the friggin' nuts for posting that joke.
  20. Maybe, maybe not...but having both talked national security face-to-face with pros, and read Schneier's work, I think I'm in a position to postulate that reading Schneier's works does not prepare one for talking about national security face-to-face with pros. At the very least, one should demonstrate that they understand Schneier's work, not just have read it...
  21. Schneier is a data security expert - a cryptographer. Has about as much to do with national security policy as HVAC does automotive repair.
  22. Exactly...so since I saw GWB pushing a mower, he clearly didn't blow up the levees.
  23. I've personally seen George W. Bush out on those levees pushing a lawn mower, though...
  24. Like when they asked me about Ari's "conservation is un-American" comment, and I replied "Well, he's not setting policy in saying that, he's just stating a fact that us Americans are wasteful slobs." BTW, it was for German TV. I'm sure they ran that quote.
  25. No sh--, buckwheat. I'm a crap-throwing monkey. Well, gee, let's see...the facts are: GOB is an expert in national security. Fezmid told an expert in national security to do "a little research into security". Fezmid referenced an expert in data security to argue with an expert in national security. Ergo, based on the facts, Fezmid is being a pill. Better?
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