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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. Don't you ever get sick of posting that?
  2. And my point - again - is: it's already serious, so why keep overstating it? What is SO HARD about this concept? If it's already bad, why make it sound worse? It almost sounds like you bozos can't honestly discuss it, so you'll just pull sh-- out of your asses.
  3. Silent thread for Rosa Parks. A public transportation user who changed the world... ...wait, she really did, didn't she?
  4. Oh, shut up. Go root for Indy. Their season's not "over" yet.
  5. I was thinking specifically of injuries...but even so, your point is not a general one. Players' positions in the draft do rise and fall depending on their final year's college performance. Usually just a handful in any given year...but it does happen.
  6. Apparently PTR does. He must somehow think that trying out a nobody RB that no one's ever heard of who will at best see nothing more than the practice squad, from a league no one pays any attention to will somehow adversely effect the fortunes of this team... I, for one, am happy that TD's addressing...well...something. Not sure what. I guess I'm just happy he's actually thinking about football once and a while and not sitting on his ass all day playing Minesweeper.
  7. And I didn't say it was fine. My point - again - is that there's no need to distort the facts to make it sound worse than it already is. They "outed" a former undercover operative. No, it's not right...but it's also not throwing a CIA officer in-country to the wolves, as some would make it out to be. What the hell is the problem with calling it what it is, and not over-inflating it?
  8. I just love the way thread titles like "For Realists Only" pretty much guarantee the person starting the thread is as delusional as is possible. It's October, you numbskull. Football's not over yet. Hell, college football's not over yet, and you've already declared BOTH seasons over and are rating the draft.
  9. No, that ain't the point. But implying a former undercover operative is an active one plays to the emotions (being the difference between "Someone broke the law" and "Someone put someone's life at risk") and clouds the issues.
  10. Not me. I'm happily married. Though if I weren't, I'd probably be acting like a desperate, crazed, drooling lunatic towards you on the internet, too.
  11. We used to play tackle chess in college: every time you captured a piece, you got to launch yourself over the table at your opponent and slam him to the ground. We didn't finish many games of chess.
  12. Former CIA operative. Still serious, as it puts assets at risk...but I haven't yet heard that operations were blown and national security was compromised as it might be if an active operative were compromised. So let's at least be accurate with our vocabulary, shall we? Wait...what am I saying? Never mind...let's all just play fast and loose with the facts and mold them to fit our preconceived notions. This is, after all, about political mudslinging, not justice. It's Monica Lewinski all over again, but without the salaciousness.
  13. Then the bikini will have to come off. But does she cook and do the laundry?
  14. Good plan. Sounds really constructive.
  15. You and I have vastly different definitions of "tragedy". Which simply means, of course, that yours is wrong.
  16. A quick check leads me to believe that Houston's definitely the worst in the league since 2003. Next-to-worst is probably either the Bills or the Bears. Bills are definitely in the bottom five, and probably the worst since the beginning of '04. Which, considering we've got a good receiving corps, is pretty damned pathetic. In fact, the Bills' passing game was last good when Peerless Price was here.
  17. 300 yard games are not common occurrences...even with Kelly, Reed, and Thomas they weren't common. A quick, back-of-the-envelope calculation gives me a number of about 12-15% of all games league-wide are 300+ yard passing games. That's why they're usually used as a benchmark for a really good passing game, much as 100 yards rushing or 100 yard receiving games are. However...through a 36-game stretch you should expect 3-5 300-yard performances. So no, that's not good. But you should also expect...maybe 9 200+ yard performances over an eleven-game stretch, not zero. I think that's a far more accurate measure of the levels of suckiness the passing game has achieved.
  18. I find myself strangely unconcerned about that. I'm far more concerned that the Bills haven't had a 200-yard passing game in the last 11 games.
  19. In other words...he died doing something he loved, enjoying it to the fullest, and fully cognizant of the risks. That's even less of a tragedy.
  20. But did you find someone to go with you? Because if you can't get a date for a movie, there's something seriously wrong with the universe...
  21. Actually, from a meterological point of view, it's completely different from the '91 nor'easter. For anyone stuck out on the Grand Banks in a swordfish boat, however, it's probably a moot point.
  22. The receivers are pretty decent too. But they suck. And Lindell's having a non-sucky year. But we all figured out he sucks a long time ago...
  23. Particularly in their second year of their first stint as a head coach...
  24. Dude, if you consider your football team losing to be a "problem", you've got much bigger problems to talk about anyway...
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