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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. I've been married more than a year, boy...and trust me, after you've been married a year, you won't be any closer to it than the rest of us.
  2. I wouldn't say "share", considering it apparently spends the vast majority of time with me...
  3. It has far less to do with race than it does training. For example: running from the police after holding up a liquor store is very good training for sprinting. Ergo, you'd expect blacks, on average, to be faster than whites. I imagine, given all the crime and violence in New Orleans, we'll be seeing a generation of excellent black swimmers before too long... (Yes, I'm kidding. Though when I was VERY young - six or so - I did come up with the theory that blacks were faster than whites because they had to spend so much time running from the slave owners a century and a half ago...)
  4. No, not really. I mean it was...except in as much as it wasn't...but it wasn't not the reason to some degree...although at some point it ceased being the reason...if it ever was the reason to begin with, the certainty of which is open to question as a definite maybe. Or something.
  5. No. Missing-girl-of-the-week stories are actually fairly rare. Iran wanting to erase Israel is, on the other hand, par for the course.
  6. Because it's old news. Iran ALWAYS threatens to wipe Israel off the map. Making a big deal out of it is akin to reporting "Breaking News! Siberia is cold and barren!" Okay, mabye not that obvious. Maybe more like "This just in! Madeline Albright is cold and barren!" But either way, it's a yeah-no-sh-- story.
  7. Way to avoid using the apostrophe by misusing "your". Gotta work on your comma usage, too...the space comes after the comma...
  8. Nintendo? Bah! When I was a kid, we had Atari...16 colors, 40x80 graphics, a cheap-ass blocky little joystick with one button...Space Invaders, Missile Command...now that was a real video game console! And before that, we had to play with Rock 'em-Sock 'em Robots and Smash-up Derby... Nintendo...kids are spoiled rotten these days...
  9. Not only does the man not know how to use an apostrophe, he doesn't even know what one is...
  10. And the Bills' run defense is still questionable on the field.
  11. I nominate Coy Wire, since it wouldn't measurably affect his on-field performance...
  12. Yeah, tell her I said "Hey, remember that really good movie starring Jane Fonda? Yeah, neither does anyone else..."
  13. I thought you were Ed. Or was I Harry Truman?
  14. You actually talk to David Kay? Next time you do, tell him...I don't know. Tell him he nozzles the pebble.
  15. At the moment, considering it's stuck to a glue board...I'd have to say no animal has that tail. I kill me...
  16. Yep. That's all pretty much accurate. Though the idea that yellowcake is all THAT far removed from a nuke is open to debate - once you have the uranium in any fashion, your steps are pretty straightforward: refine to pure uranium, separate, mold the unstabe mass into a warhead, add the trigger, boom. Pretty straightforward, actually...the challenges crop up in the matter of scale: it takes quite a few centrifuges quite a lot of time to create the weapons-grade material, and those take up space and use power. In other words, you need a decent-sized hard-to-hide industry to make a nuke. The whole nuclear justification never struck me as anythng more than BS, as did the missile stories for the same reasons (you need industry to build and support them). Chem/bio, however, is another story...
  17. Actually, that's not entirely correct. It's an anglicization of the old Chinese "Ko Xiep", which means "to embellish" or "to invent". As in "you just cocked up your definition..."
  18. I though I was KRC. T-Bone...has slipped the surly bonds of earth to touch the face of - well, of another site. And somehow, it's all my fault.
  19. And what part of that wasn't covered by "written into the history books"?
  20. Addressing those issues you can impact, instead of those that are written into the history books? What a fascinating and novel concept...
  21. As true and honest a statement as any. And the idea that any president would just roll over and let 9/11 go unanswered is simply stupid prattle from the lunatic fringe, representative of the same mindless partisanship on the far right that "Bush caused 9/11!" evidences on the far left.
  22. But again...my point is, why do you feel compelled to make your case by stating non-factually that an undercover agent was "outed", when she was NOT under cover at the time? You - and damn near everyone else at this point - feel compelled to misrepresent the facts of the case because...?
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