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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. Though I agree with that, you typed: "But just because prosecutors are not able to convict certain people on obvious charges doesn't mean they are not guilty of them, and should not be jailed because of it." Which, as I read it, is different. I'd sooner you just said "Yeah, that was pretty damned stupid, here's what I really meant..." than tried to defend it, as I know you better than that by now...
  2. Not quite verbatim...but close. And personally, I think Scooter Libby should have simply been convicted of "Criminal misuse of a dumbass nickname in the 1st degree." "Scooter Libby"???? WTF???
  3. I'll make excuses and deflect criticism for them, and I !@#$ing hate America at this point.
  4. Because "Even though we can't convict you, we're putting you in jail because we think you're guilty anyway" is the foundation of the American legal system... Did you really just type that.
  5. "And our other top story...Generalísimo Francisco Franco is still dead..."
  6. 1) The point was incorrect. 2) That wasn't Wacka's point anyway. I'm not sure he had a point. What I got out of his post is that the PLO count as UN members because the UN are just observers and Taiwan isn't in the UN. Why spoil that lahjik with a point?
  7. So sayeth the representative of the Lollipop Guild.
  8. You may as well ask him to stop being short.
  9. It means you're standing behind a line of figurative metaphors throwing downfield to a Pepsi machine.
  10. The way I read Fez's original post, he was saying that he was going to do the right thing regardless without question, but he was curious about the legal ramifications of the situation. I'd do the same thing: wonder if I could legally claim ownership of the mis-delivered item, while at the same time returning it to its rightful owner.
  11. Shocked, yes shocked I am, to find out that FEMA hasn't satisfied every need of every single person affected by the hurricane within 96 hours. Geez, you think that maybe, just maybe, on occasion sh-- doesn't just happen instantaneously? I'm doubly shocked to find out that FEMA hasn't fixed the electrical grid yet...particularly considering how the electrical grid is the responsibility of private companies and not FEMA.
  12. No, a cynic. And someone who looks to the office of the president for foreign policy first...of which, the Democratic party has not managed to produce a coherent one since Truman, really. But the fact is, neither party's produced a candidate truly competent to hold office in my lifetime.
  13. Extremists have taken over both parties. Moderates aren't represented by either of them. What someone needs to do is create a "Centrist" or "Moderate" party to challenge the two we have now. I'd guess conservatively that at least half of America isn't represented at ALL by the parties we have now.
  14. He ain't "my boy". He just happened to be a better choice than Kerry...albiet, a worse choice than, say, a cucumber.
  15. She's allowed.
  16. If Kerry were president, this never would have happened...
  17. The difference being that Bennett's presumably reasonably normal, whereas Kambon's a certified nut-job. So what you're basically saying is that the media should treat certifiable nut-jobs as though they're normal people. Personally, I'm far more comfortable with the media ignoring them.
  18. My Sunday afternoon plans are to go out and buy a second-hand, sh------- TV. Because my Sunday night plans involve throwing a brick through the screen when the idiot refs inevitably !@#$ us over again.
  19. We do with Supreme Court nominees, as long as we (i.e. "the public") keep making it a litmus test for elected office.
  20. Assad has many times. Nasser did, off and on (depending on which way the wind was blowing - friendly with the Americans, economy doing well, he'd ignore the issue. At odds with the Americans, war in Yemen going badly, economy in the tank, call for the destruction of Israel). Assad and various of his underlings in Syria have frequently. I believe some statements came out of Lebanon before it blew itself all to sh-- in the '80s, and I'm bloody sure Hussein's Iraq has made such statements as well. Mostly, though, such statements are to mollify the masses. Much like the aforementioned annual Chinese saber-rattling towards Taiwan has historically been: all bark, no bite.
  21. Except that the Democrats would somehow manage to dig up the single candidate in the world totally unable to beat him. I mean, John Kerry? I'm still boggling at that. A chocolate eclair should have been able to beat Bush in '04...
  22. That just isn't true. If I were at home, I could find you specific instances of times when Arab states have called for the destruction of Israel. And I disagree. It's just the annual Islamic Israel Bashing. It should be paid no more attention than the annual Chinese saber-rattling against Taiwan, or monthly North Korea saber rattling against...well, everyone really...
  23. She already spends too much. I get nothing for it.
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