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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. Seriously now...I HIGHLY doubt it. By all appearances, Clements is convinced of his own cleverness, and will continue to try to prove it to the world every Sunday. That straight-out, uncomplicated, sensible football has been successful... It's got to be chafing his ego something fierce. The only saving grace is that we won't be seeing Travis Henry throwing wounded-duck halfback option passes.
  2. Because Bruschi's a hero?
  3. Great. Now it's encouraged that rettata-brained !@#$ing pansy-ass potato head of an offensive coordinator to call a BS game. "Hey, a downfield pass succeeded! Let's try more! What's a running game? McGay-who?"
  4. Deep pass to Moulds...touchdown? That's got to be called back. No way my team just did that.
  5. Nah, you're way off base. We need to strike quick with downfield passes. So sayeth Tom Clements.
  6. Don't know how I forgot that. I actually woke my wife up to see the review.
  7. Because they scored a touchdown in the second half. Twice. In seven games.
  8. But tomorrow morning would suck, when you saw the 42-3 final score and thought "But they were up at the half!"
  9. That is not the first time Theisman and Macguire have argued about icing the punter, either. I've heard that from them before.
  10. Looks to me like both teams came to play. Play what game, I'm not sure. Looks like Calvinball as played by the Keystone Cops. I mean, when you heard the ref call "performing an unnatural act on the field", you just knew this was going to be a weird one...
  11. Moving him back 5 yards with a delay of game didn't help. That kick probably would have squeaked inside the upright from 39.
  12. And add... - Starks beating Evans' coverage by a half-step. - Adam Vinateri kicking a 39-yard fiel...no, wait, a 44-yard field goal, because a delay of game penalty moves it back. And missing it. You couldn't make this game up if you tried.
  13. Only in profile. From straight ahead...looks more like Mike Tice.
  14. It MIGHT scare me if it existed.
  15. I thought it was a decent (not good) challenge...but I look at challenges differently. I think challenges should be used not necessarily when calls are obviously wrong, but when calls might be overturned that have game-changing implications. That catch is one of those plays...even though it's thin odds its overturned, the benefits if it is outweigh the risks. So hell with it...throw the flag, and hope you get lucky with a blind official doing the review.
  16. There it is. May as well challenge it. Looks like a catch to me...but they might get a lucky break, and it's a potential drive-breaker if it's overturned. Good place for a review, even one with thin odds like this.
  17. Nice thing about the Bruschi love-fest, though...it's completely distracted them from their weekly Tom Brady jerk-off contest...
  18. When they're not tossing fish or feces at each other.
  19. It's SARCASM.
  20. Moulds may have run for the last four, if Holcomb had let him keep his feet on the ground and not hung him out to dry. The call made some sense...it's just that the pass was crap on a stick.
  21. So how's Bruschi doing? I haven't heard anything...
  22. In which Starks had Evans' coverage beat by a half-step. I love improv comedy.
  23. And on this drive, they start by driving roughly 40 yards to get a first down at about the 30. This is going to be one of those games where they have a 110-yard drive capped off by a missed field goal...
  24. Who cares? So far this game's given us: - A "Performing an unnatural act" penalty. - A ridiculous WR-pitch-out halfback option play. - The requisite end-around reverse !@#$tard play. - The single worst shakned field goal I've ever seen. - And Teddy Bruschi. Could this game be any more entertaining? Only thing it's missing is a laugh track.
  25. And he ran forward with a minimum of dancing this time. That always helps. Anyone want to guess the next play? I'll bet it's an overly-complex double-reverse end-around lateral wide receiver option flea-flicker that goes for three yards. With Shelton running back and forth behind the line in some bizarre motion that fools nobody.
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