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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. No, that was just !@#$ing hilarious. I won't complain about Branch's catch...I don't believe it was a catch, but I had to stare at the tape for a good while before I saw anything that convinced me. It was tough to distinguish. That PI call against Moulds, though...that was atrocious. Sure, technically he pushed off...but I have never seen such a nit-picky call before in my life. Nobody ever calls that, particularly that late in a close game. Bush league call. But then, pretty much everything about the game was bush league. Ugly-ass game.
  2. The question is: Who is the only Bills QB to pass for more than 200 yards in the past 12 games?
  3. ESPN had cameras at the scene, live, and would have televised it, but they had to run a taped interview at that very moment of Suzy Kobler discussing with the Patriots' assistant equipment manager Bruschi's ace bandage preferences. Really, was there anything about tonight that wasn't straight-up bush league? The TV coverage, the on-field play, the play calling...I don't know...maybe the hot dogs were decent...
  4. Ever since Ralph Wilson's scathing letter to the league after being fined for speaking out after the "Just Give It To 'Em" game.
  5. Hell, what are the odds of SF starting a fourth-string QB (how deep on the depth chart was he? He had a special teams tackle today) against Tampa and winning? Or Tiki Barber tagging 200+ rushing yards on the Redskins' defense? Weird day all around. Except in Boston. That was just dead-nuts par for the !@#$ing course.
  6. Moral victory? Does the NFL give out rings for that?
  7. Let me guess: signed "George Takei"?
  8. Look at the bright side...we've all forgotten about that field goal Lindell shanked badly early on.
  9. I didn't call any plays. Though your confusion is understandable. Those plays certainly looked like they were pulled from the ass-end of an ape.
  10. No it was not. If you look closely at the review, you see the end of the ball hit the ground, and the ball's knocked loose, completely out of his arm, and he falls on it. By the NFL's own rule, even if he had possession going down, he did not complete the requisite "football action" to make it possession and a catch (which, by the way, is a terminally stupid rule). Problem is...it was very tough to see. Rather subtle, and partially blocked by his arm. It was conclusive IF you saw it...but it was easy to miss, particularly on a time limit (took me more than 90 seconds to see it). Guess the ref just missed it. C'est la guerre.
  11. Which was crap in itself. What the refs have been encouraged to do, and what they have BEEN doing, is to let the play go if there's a possibility of doubt, and let it be overturned if they're wrong, rather than blow plays dead that may not be over and can't be overturned. In fact, I think that's the only play like that I've seen whistled dead all year. Figures that the ONE time someone blows a play dead, it's the WORST possible time for it to happen for the Bills.
  12. I ask, simply because...am I the only one here who saw this crap-fest as gross comedy? I just can't stop laughing... ...particularly at "Ow, my hammy!" and the image of the ball bouncing on the turf.
  13. Back from what? Did something happen to him?
  15. I would LOVE it if Bruschi right now, talking to Kobler, just came out and said "By the way...I'm gay."
  16. What the hell kind of a punt return was that? Time for one 90-yard pass play.
  17. I'm pretty sure it was NOT "Throw to the guy on the sideline at the line of scrimmage."
  18. I can name five worse ones: The reverse end-around. The reverse end-around flea flicker. The wide receiver pitch-out to the halfback option pass. The Travis Henry option pass. Bledsoe throwing it away on 4th down.
  19. Yeah. The coaches threw it a yard on 4th and 7. Could you be more stupid?
  20. Craptacular. Holcomb practically could have RUN for the first down, with all the coverage downfield as it was.
  21. I've never seen that called. Yes, technically he pushed off...but I've never seen a push-off that weak called. I've seen WORSE not called. That was straight-up nonsense.
  22. THAT was offensive pass interference? Holy sh--...
  23. Another timeout. "It's like a chess game." "Can you call a time-out in chess?" My brain just jumped out of my skull and is now skittering around the floor in panic with that one...
  24. It's against the rules in Calvinball.
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