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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. Well...the Bills dominated with an ass-!@#$ed game plan...then they fell behind in the final minutes, and FEMA didn't respond quickly enough and bring them a touchdown, so it's not their fault.
  2. In other words, you can't tell me why he's a bad candidate beyond "He's a conservative."
  3. Then why is Alito such a bad candidate?
  4. An opinion no doubt inspired by your intimate familiarity with both the list and Alito.
  5. It's not unreasonable to expect the defense to play off enough that a receiver could catch a six-yard pass and get the extra yard on his own. Five yards is a bit much, though.
  6. Once in the past two years. Maybe you should just "get over it"?
  7. Says the guy still whining about Henry's fumbles.
  8. I heard one time that he died on Friday, but by the following Sunday had risen from the dead to record two assists, 65 "hits", and a tongue bath from Joe Theisman.
  9. Yeah, JSP. It's your negative karma and bad vibes that forced Wile E. Offensive Coordinator to go to the air with seven minutes left...
  10. Not until he has a mild stroke and comes back from it.
  11. What the hell? Was that sarcasm? Is King actually bitching that the coverage sucks because they didn't IMMEDIATELY show a replay of Bruschi's first play, "the play we've been waiting months to see"?
  12. Problem is, your "defending world champions" played like sh--, and not for the first time this season. The drop-off in performance by the Pats this year, and the corresponding increase in performance by Notre Dame, makes one wonder if the genius behind Bill Belichek's coaching existed somewhere other than his own head...
  13. And I care? Do I even give you a second though?
  14. No, they didn't lose because of Bruschi or the refs. However, that doesn't make the announcing crew's Bruschi-worship any less nauseating, nor does it make the officiating any less bogus.
  15. THAT pisses me off more than anything. Up by one score, running game consistently gaining yardage, seven minutes left...31 coaching staffs in the league run the ball. OUR mongoloid !@#$tard ass-faced halfwit collection of Burger King employees masquerading as a coaching staff decide that it's the perfect time to "mix it up". WHAT THE !@#$ IS WRONG WITH YOU IDIOTS????? A ten-year-old with an X-Box and Madden '05 could coach a better game than these pinheads.
  16. The only response I have to that is: GOCWO
  17. Pro kickers have a basic level of competence in which they do NOT miss kicks as badly as Lindell did all on their own. That was so hideous, a bad snap and/or hold had to play a part...
  18. Bench them both, put in an extra tailback, and run the ball ALL FRIGGIN' GAME. As long as Clements believes he has a QB he can be clever with, this offense is doomed.
  19. I don't know. After watching the past four games from the bench, Losman is probably thinking "What have I gotten myself in to? I'm not going out behind THAT line..."
  20. Or you have to be somewhat predictable, but execute. When the other team knows you're going to run and can't stop you, that wins games. Being "unpredictable", after a certain point, ends up as simply trying to be cute, which does NOT win games. Ultimately, there comes a time when you have to seal the game by smacking the opponent in the teeth. That time was 3rd and 2 at the Pats' 17 in the 4th quarter. That is not a time to finesse the opponent, it's a time to kick 'em in the head.
  21. I wish we could take Holcomb's brain and put it in Losman's body...then cut both their worthless asses with one stroke.
  22. Don't even MENTION that game to me. That still makes me violently angry. But I never saw that play. I was blind with rage after that out-of-bounds-a-yard-short first down conversion.
  23. 147 yards on the ground. 247 through the air. 40 minutes time of possession. 16 points. Are you !@#$ing kidding me!!!!!
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