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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. I don't think they founded the country in such a way that party loyalty was intended to take precedence.
  2. Way to completely miss the point, idiot.
  3. The theme song to 2001, by the way, was not written for the movie itself. It's actually Strauss' Also sprach Zarathustra "symphonic poem", which predates the movie by about 70 years. My personal preference would be to not count it as a true "theme song", as it wasn't specifically for the movie. And a little trivia: four of the movies you list - Jaws, Raiders, Close Encounters, and Star Wars - were all scored by John Williams, who also did ET, Jurassic Park, Schindler's List, Superman, Saving Private Ryan...and a hell of a lot of other work. Very good and very prolific composer.
  4. Not quite as classic as the currency exchange thread, though... "How come you only show up on the board when it's time to be a JERK?"..."How come you only show up on the board when it's time to do homework?" "Do unto others as they have done unto you!" "Are you missing a chromosome or do you just continually want attention?"
  5. I find your focus on everyone else's focus even more unsettling.
  6. That actually was a halfway-decent play by him, disrupting the play early so it gained virtually nothing. But it hardly makes him special, considering that virtually every player in the league has disrupted the Mickey Mouse BS Tom Clements !@#$tard reverse end-around at one time or another.
  7. And changed their name to ESBN: Everybody Suck Bruschi Network.
  8. What part of "At least until the roles are reversed next election" did you not understand?
  9. Sperandeo's an interesting and entertaining read in its own right, as well.
  10. I don't know what that was supposed to mean...but it was funny as sh--!
  11. At the same time, given that Holcomb had the Bills' first 200-yard passing game since week 12 of last season ( ), I don't necessarily think Losman is a foregone conclusion.
  12. Yes...but if this whole story had been about a Bill, it wouldn't even have been reported.
  13. Hi. I filled a cup full of beer and now I want to throw it at Ron Artest. Any advice?
  14. THIS is what I'm talking about...! Far better than the "Would you overturn Roe v Wade?" nonsense.
  15. Blame the founders for party politics that puts vested self-interest ahead of the good of the nation? Sometimes you say the downright stupidest things.
  16. Technically, that confidentiality doesn't exist, as your judgement is (or should be) based on public testimony. I would submit that any judge who claims confidentiality between an attorney and their client in discussing their judgement of a case is implying their judgement is in part based on confidential, private information, and such a judge would be unsuitable for the Supreme Court anyway...
  17. Wrong. It was Scooter Libby who masterminded it, to distract everyone from the fact that he's a grown man who calls himself "Scooter".
  18. Well, he's no Bruschi, that's for damned sure...
  19. You're high. Clements hasn't called a good game all year...and he won't, until he stops trying to prove how clever he is and starts trying to win games.
  20. Stop what? Differentiating between party loyalty and loyalty to one's country? Sorry, you're right...there is no difference. The Democrats ARE America, and the Republicans are evil Nazi intruders bent on stealing the country away from them. At least until the roles are reversed next election.
  21. I've been relatively impressed with Crowell ever since he stepped in. While he's not a playmaker like Spikes, he doesn't make many, if any mistakes. A Phil Hanesn-type player, as opposed to a Bruce Smith-type.
  22. Yeah...and it's a pretty !@#$ing stupid reason. Political leanings as a litmus test for nominees is just as stupid (perhaps even more so) than Roe v Wade as a litmus test. The ONLY litmus test that should be used to determine the capability of a possible Justice is: can said nominee faithfully defend the legal foundation of our country. NOT whether or not they can defend the philosophies of one party or another.
  23. I have a coworker that USED to annoy me day after day...what's worse, he worked far enough away that he actually had to go out of his way to make a conscious decision to annoy me. Then he shared with me one day that he has a severe phobia of snakes. I own a pair of snakeskin cowboy boots. He doesn't annoy me much anymore.
  24. I've got your full and complete list right here: - He's not a liberal. Really, why does everyone try to pretend that this whole process isn't partisan politics at its worst? Conservative presidents nominate conservative justices. Liberal presidents nominate liberals. Conservative senators support conservative nominations and bash liberal nominations. Liberal senators support liberal nominations and bash conservative nominations. That's all this is. Nothing else. It's "Bush bad" writ large...just as everything was "Clinton bad" writ large eight years ago.
  25. Standard response: That memo was actually constructed by Karl Rove to frame the Democrats. Because in the midst of defending himself against a perjury indictment, he's got the time for that. He's very Bruschi-like in his ability to do everything at once.
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