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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. I'd bet Bruschi (We're not worthy!), in all His heavenly omniscience, wouldn't have called that play...
  2. "A" historic night. The rule is: if the beginning "h" is pronounced, as in "house" or "historic" or "hobbit", use "a". If it's not pronounced ("honor", "Hermitage"), use "an". So it is, in fact, a historic night, but an honor to watch a hero like Bruschi (We're not worthy!). Yes, I know most of you think I'm making this up. I'm not. That is the actual grammatical rule of English. The alternative ("an history"), is bull sh-- made up by idiots who have nothing better to do with their time.
  3. If the message they got was "Stop talking about Bruschi (We're not worthy!)", they weren't paying attention. The message they should have got was "Announce the game"...which, considering last night's ESPN Sunday Night Terrell Owens Bashing With Occasional Football Intermissions, I don't think they got. And speaking of football intermissions...that was a GREAT screen on Graham's score. Why can't the Bills do that? Oh, yeah...because they're too busy running double-reverse fake end-around pitch-out WR option passes...
  4. He won't. Not as long as he's playing with Bruschi (We're not worthy!).
  5. Unlike Tedy Bruschi (We're not worthy!). I just realized...Bruschi (We're not worthy!) is the first player ever to come back and play TWO games after a stroke. The guy is a true hero. I can't believe they're not giving him his due tonight. This announcing team sucks!
  6. Well, I know Joe Theisman gave him one...or a few...or several dozen... They did NOT just call Corey Dillon "down by contact", did they?
  7. Actually, the column says precisely what I said: the "Werewolves" managed about three attacks in their entire history.
  8. So's Doug Flutie Jr.
  9. I tried to watch II...whereas Tremors was simply what it was, Tremors II didn't know what it was. Ergo, it sucked. A lot. I gave up after about ten minutes. And from what I've heard, III and IV were actually worse. A level of suckitude that could give March of the Penguins a run for its money.
  10. One of the main reasons that movie was so good was because it was what it was - a tribute to the B-monster movies of the '50s and '60s like Them - and didn't try to be anything more. It's usually the movies that try to be everything to all viewers that stink, because you end up asking "What the hell was that all about?"
  11. They were just as bad last night, too. I couldn't shake the feeling that they were upset about an actual football game interrupting their Terrel Owens coverage...
  12. Where'd he find the time to cover football between his coffee reviews and field hockey coverage?
  13. My point. We always have to qualify them with a demographic over here.
  14. We ceased being a "melting pot" where everyone was American a long time ago...so why would it be surprising that we see other countries the same way?
  15. I was trying to think of a corresponding right-wing comparison...but I can't imagine even the looniest far-right fundamentalist Christian Pat Robertson groupie blaming anything on the US...hell, some of those morons think the Bible was written in English, they're so nationalistic. But I have personally known some far-left radicals who would blame the Paris riots on the American oppression of the Palestinians via our client state of Israel, and insist we pay reparations. Not many...but idiots exist on both sides of the aisle.
  16. I thought it was simpler than that: that pass (whatever it was) represents the same amount of skill and ability in a QB that a 95 mph fast ball does in a pitcher.
  17. The "Werewolfs" turned out to exist largely in Goebbels' imagination. As I recall, there were three instances of guerilla activity in West Germany by 1948. Like I said...you were right for once.
  18. Hey...I got there in two. Where's my credit?
  19. Newbie's right (for once). To expand: the US military's largely organized around conventional warfare...large, heavy, organized units rattle-assing around a battlefield with defined (to a degree - the definition is never exact) front lines. A good example of such is: invading a country. So as such, when the invasion of Iraq was over, the President's statement was truthful, timely, and accurate. The real issue was with the wording - "major combat operations", while accurate in terms of the intensity of operations, gave the implication that the peace that followed would be "minor" (accurate, again in terms of intensity) and hence "easier" (patently untrue, as anyone with half a brain pretty much realized). The problem with his statement was that most people will equate "major" to "more difficult", which is an incorrect inference that Bush's speechwriters should have known better than to foster.
  20. Somehow, this is going to get blamed on us. And somewhere, some visible political idiot - probably a looney California Democrat - is going to agree.
  21. Count me on the bandwagon...just so I can say "Ya gotta Ngata!"
  22. You'd expect that..."tea, Earl Gray, hot" is good for the voice, and doesn't wreck the vocal cords like the Antarean brandy or Romulan Ale real men like Kirk drink...
  23. "...in a large part due to the fact he has NO counterproliferation experience..." That probably has something to do with it. His wife arguably would have been better qualified.
  24. That is the gayest site I've ever seen.
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