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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. And suddenly we're no longer talking about Werewolves, but al-Qaeda? Paridigm shifting without a clutch again, aren't we?
  2. Your Grandma Pepina's a narcotics dealer who owns the police force?
  3. But...but...but..."intelligent design" isn't a religious issue!
  4. Gravity Gnomes, plural. A single gravity gnome does not explain gravity. Geez, don't you know ANYTHING about modern physics?
  5. Note my deafening silence in this thread on the topic of an "independent investigation"...
  6. Or maybe - just maybe - I'm not a narcissist, I've just studied that sh-- for a quarter-century. Nah, can't be. I can't possibly know more about it than you. And I'm a narcissist...?
  7. By "Christian calender" do you mean the calendar, or the Christian holidays? Two different things, you know...and I think that, yes, knowing the calendar (as in 12 months, 30-31 days a month for the most part, seven days to the week, today's Nov. 10th, a Thursday, and get your ass to work) should be required for the citizenship exam. I also think they should be required to understand that different people celebrate different holidays (so that some irate Arab isn't screaming obscenities at the local Safeway for being closed Christmas Day)...but that would disqualify most current citizens from citizenship. Which, upon reflection, is not necessarily all that bad an idea...
  8. Of course, you're in New England. You're already halfway there.
  9. Some of those girls make me want to invest heavily in peroxide futures...
  10. There's still moderates in this country? I thought the radical wings of the parties drove them to extinction...
  11. Wish I knew. I'm sure I wouldn't agree with it if I did, though. That's going to be somewhat amusing...
  12. Is this a sort of "Being John Malkovich" thing? "Bruschi? Bruschi? Bruschi bruschi bruschi!"
  13. And yet, the first step of that - an open vote overturning a Constitutional guarantee locally - did just happen in SF. I have no doubt the second step - police going along - will come to pass as well. But it dodges the real question: why is it okay for San Francisco to decide to not follow part of the Constitution, but not okay for Crawford?
  14. Because particle physics was intelligently designed. QED.
  15. Nope. It's enough just to say it was designed that way. Physics decided instead to redefine the meaning of "physics" to reflect that reality...
  16. That's a difficult concept? And - like you said - they are NOT identical. They are chirial - near mirror images, but with not insignificant differences. Just like <gasp> racemates. So why do people preferentially use one hand over the other? Must be because we were intelligently designed...
  17. Uhhh...yeah. Ditto. That was some bass-ackward reasoning.
  18. Nope. Turn-of-the-century, physics actually went from the left- to right-hand rule, and they found that physics didn't change (which was a major discovery at the time). 50 years later, when they were developing electroweak theory, they actually discovered that "handedness" was not a conserved quantity, and the universe preferentially creates right-handed particles over left- (which won its discoverers one of the quickest Nobel Prizes ever awarded - six months from inception of idea to publication of experimental results, nine more months from publication to the award.) And of course, when they reached that point of discovery, physics just collectively threw up its hands and said "Well, it must be because the universe was designed, and that's the way God wanted it." No more investigation necessary...
  19. Too late. It was surprisingly difficult to verify on the web whether DNA was dextro- or levo-.
  20. Because biological molecules tend to be chirial, which will provide the opportunity for selevtive pressure against one (levo-, in your example) versus the other. Any idea why the universe overwhelmingly prefers right-handed quantum spin to left-handed? Should be 50-50. Must be because particle physics was designed by a Supreme Intelligence.
  21. Sorta-kinda. Like I said (or implied - I don't remember) earlier, it my very well have been a test-case to get before the court. Ideally, though, I think the system should not even put blatantly unconstitutional items on local ballots. It's representative of the same "It's Constitutional, but the states aren't bound by it even though it's federal law" bull sh-- Kerry tried to pull justifying the Defense of Marriage Act. The Second Amendment is either binding, or...there is no "or". It is the law, and it's binding. The majority of people in San Francisco are not entitled to pick and choose which parts of the Constitution apply to San Francisco. But of course, like you said, that's for the courts to decide. Specifically, the idiots in the Ninth Circuit Court, who are just as likely to decide that San Francisco CAN pick and choose a la carte from the Constitution as they are likely to decide that San Franciscans can own guns just as long as they don't pray at the same time...
  22. Basically: "My client is deeply apologetic for disrupting his - and my - income stream. Can we all kiss and make up now?"
  23. I do my part. I don't expect much from any of you bozos.
  24. No. Most people's understanding of evolution is very much like their understanding of everything else: it doesn't go beyond what they hear on the evening news. Different topic, but same sort of basic ignorance we see in people's opinions on damn near every other topic discussed here... ...save the topic of self-aggrandizing Nazi Werewolves in Iraq. That's on a whole different level...
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