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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. That would explain not running the ball on 4th and inches... (Sorry...I am so !@#$ing incensed about that call...)
  2. Plus, it looked like sitting and watching the game after experiencing the pace of it for 4 weeks seemed to help him immensely. And I say that as one of his biggest detractors. He wasn't spectacular (save that TD pass to Evans, which was beautiful), but he was far more mistake-free and seemed less dazzled and lost than he's been.
  3. And three fewer turnovers. Takeaways can (not will...but can) make up for a lot.
  4. To his parents...
  5. What, you didn't like the artistic brilliance of the fake QB sneak option pass on 4th and inches for a seven yard loss? Why? Maybe you want to run the ball, you philistine? How DARE you question, you heretic, the genius of Tom Clements in running a fake QB sneak option pass for a seven yard loss on fourth and inches! Tom Clements, Super Genius, has forgotten more about the game than a festering pustule of ignorance such as yourself has ever known... ...including, it seems, how to run for a first down on 4th and inches. A fake QB sneak option pass on 4th and inches that loses seven yards? What the !@#$?
  6. You've got to be kidding. "I got invited to dinner...what do I do?" You go...or you don't. This ain't brokering peace between Israel and Egypt, it's a goddamned meal, you friggin' drama queen.
  7. But he was also in "Night of the Lupus", about the four-foot tall carnivorous rabbits over-breeding in Australia...
  8. Ummm...it's not a "ban from the game". His employer has decided to suspend him with pay for his behavior in the workplace, and has also decided, again based on his behavior in the workplace, that he will play a much smaller role in their organization going forward. THAT...is pretty !@#$ing generous of his employer. I've known people who've done far less than he did (executive managers, no less...people with real responsibility, unlike TO) who've been unceremoniously tossed out the door for it. TO should get a break because...why? Because he's visible? And somehow, in all his business and political dealings, I highly doubt the Reverend Jesse Jackson has kept people around in his organizations who as a matter of routine exhibited negative and abusive attitudes and disrupted the work place.
  9. Yawn. Old news, done to death already. Search the board on the subject for the answers. The only new thing this retard columnist writes is that fratricide on the battlefield is now a "crime"...which only demonstrates how little Niman knows about battlefields and crime.
  10. But that only applies to references to real Nazis. He's referring to fictional Nazi Werewolves, so I'm sure it's okay...
  11. I'm more confused by the complexity of his excuse.
  12. More likely it's just the work of one or two idiot junior staffers who were bullshitting over beers, when one says "What we really need is a good terrorist attack to build support behind Bush again, just like in '01-'02." And the other drunken idiot says "Yeah, I'll write that up!" And now a bunch of senior people in the party are reading this and saying "Friggin' idiot junior staffers can't hold their beer..." Really...it's the kind of thing that everyone talks about in beer and bull sh-- sessions - I'm sure there's people in the Democratic party who facetiously hope for a terrorist attack to highlight the weakness of Bush's national security policy. But you've got to be an absolute moron to put it in writing and pass it around...
  13. Oh, you're just avoiding my question.
  14. Like I know what the hell you're talking about. Like YOU know what the hell you're talking about, for that matter. You made more sense trying to explain how Nazi werewolves were infiltrating al Qaeda in Iraq...
  15. A telephone pole, usually.
  16. I think she and Yusuf Croce got wrecked one night and wrote a song about it...
  17. Nope. Wasn't me. Try again.
  18. There is a very high correllation between suicide and mental illness - well over 90%, last I checked. On the other hand, there is a very low correllation between suicide and reading about suicide. But at the same time...it is very, very difficult for people to accept, when a loved one commits suicide, that the cause, with alarming frequency, is an underlying psychopathy. It's entirely natural, what the parents are doing, looking for an outside and distinctly separate source of responsibility for events. It's misplaced, but a natural reaction nonetheless, and they have my sympathies.
  19. Over an automotive decal? That's someone who has problems in life well beyond religion.
  20. Yes...yes, I am. I am avoiding your question. That is what I am doing, and I am doing that. I have most certainly decided to completely avoid your question, that being the question that I am avoiding, and in doing so am avoiding said question, and I thoroughly admit confirming not at all in whole or in part denying said evasion. Your depth of perception in realizing that I am, in fact, avoiding your question is breathtaking, a dazzling display of subtle reasoning skills that could only possibly be matched by an equivalent realization by you that you have, in fact, asked precisely no question that I can avoid, which thereby explains fully and completely the ease with which I am evading said question, whatever it is. You. Simpering. Idiot.
  21. When the hell did you ask a question?
  22. Now I need a drink...
  23. So because someone repeated your horseshit, it's no longer horseshit? Morris was a !@#$ing idiot even before he agreed with you. It shocks me not in the least that he's still a !@#$ing idiot.
  24. I thought that was Jim Stevensfoot...
  25. Just curious...but is that "no building roads" until it's warmer than -20F, or colder?
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