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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. No, but you did criticize people as being athiests (a basic assumption behind the "deathbed conversion" statement) for believing, among other things, that Pat Robertson is nuts. You actually sounded more looney than Debbie. And that's tough to do.
  2. Oh, yeah...those are credible sources... Someone questions a set of suppositions in your original link, so as a confirming source you link to...the source of the original article?
  3. That's why I'll never hold an elected office. Well, that, and I'm an ass hole.
  4. And he's still hurt...just because he moved from T to G because of the injury doesn't mean the injury's not affecting his play at guard. Not that I mean to make excuses for him, though...I'm sick of this whole bunch. Ten years without a decent line.
  5. Good. Drilling the ANWR to shave a few dimes off the price of gas short-term is stupid. Storing the oil for when we really need it...say, when oil actually becomes difficult to get, not just a little pricey...is a better idea. And where better to store it than in the ground, undrilled? Tapping ANWR is premature.
  6. Typical. Anyone remember "Sports Night" - crisp, funny, writing, timely story lines, and network execs couldn't figure out how to market it, so they canned it. Or even "Whose Line Is It Anyway"...consistent top-20 ratings, had to be a cash cow for the scaled-down production costs of the format (one set, few props, scant few writers since it's improv, and you might get 2 or 3 episodes out of a 2-3 hour performance)...but execs couldn't pigeon-hole it into a format, so bye-bye. Hell, the syndrome of "We network VPs are to stupid to understand it, so the viewing public won't like it" goes all the way back beyond "WKRP" to "Star Trek". There's a reason why the best (i.e. most innovative, acclaimed, and typically most watched) shows are on cable now...
  7. RIP Eddie Guerrero...a wrestler who changed the world <snif>...
  8. We need to start a weekly pool: Who's the ESBN Crew going to infatuate over each week. Next week's KC and Houston...and Priest Holmes is on IR. Holmes, you're on deck...
  9. That's nuts...in this area, that home would go for a minimum of $600k (in fact, the wife and I almost bought one much like that for $550k a few months ago, much farther out). Property taxes would be about $5k. In my current immediate area in Arlington...it would go for just about a million, and property taxes would probably still be less than $10k. Of course, property taxes in WNY are bound to go down, as assessments drop as everyone moves out. I know my dad's place in Clarence has lost about $25k in assessed value the past five or so years...although I don't think it's reflected in his property taxes, of course...
  10. Was watching it in a fairly noisy bar with sound low...all I heard was "give it to the equipment manager", and given it was Randy Cross...well, it's a natural assumption, obviously...
  11. Don't know, didn't see...but generally, if they have any inkling of a fault, they'll abort the flyover rather than risk a flight (and potential crash) over a packed stadium. With the obvious caveat of a fault occurring right at that moment (clearly possible, clearly long odds against it - and by the way, smoke coming from a plane indicates a major problem. There's very few failures that will start a plane smoking without some sort of advanced warning), it was probably some sort of planned display.
  12. Yeah, I caught that. What the hell was that? I mean, it's not like the equipment manager has anything to do on game day...Cross thinks the he gets the day off to watch football or something?
  13. I turned the game off to marvel at the inanity of "Category 7" ( Didn't the producers bother to learn ANYTHING abou the weather before making it?) Who are they servicing this week? I figured it'd be a Roethlesberger-fest...
  14. Doing one's job as one is expected to do it is a pretty damned low standard of "brilliance". Had it been "brilliant", then Evans, half a step beyond the coverage, would have caught the ball in stride and not turned half-around to get it. Losman did a great job throwing the ball over the coverage, but he relied as much on Evans to make the play as he did on his arm. It was merely competent...and frankly, I'm fine with that. If Trent Dilfer can win a Superbowl, "competent" is more than enough for me.
  15. Shut up, moron. You tryin' to start something?
  16. Right. Because a QB does what a pro QB is supposed to be capable of, he's "brilliant". And I'm the one that's nuts.
  17. That wind was hideous. That returned miss, that kicked dropped like it hit a solid wall at the goal line. And before everyone jumps all over Lindell...I think it's important to note that both kickers, combined, were 1 for 5, whereas before today they were both, combined, 33 for 37. They missed as many FGs today as they have all season. In other words...it could have just been a really bad day for kicking.
  18. Flashes of "brilliance"? I saw: some pretty good deep throws, reasonably on-target short throws, awareness of when to scramble and when to throw it away. More flashes of "competence" than "brilliance". Again..."competence".
  19. By my count, though, he did get two hits on that play...
  20. I saw that. That was...surreal. "Great play to struggle forward to no purpose! What drive! What a high-motor guy! Way to not accomplish anything!"
  21. Agreed. Shutting down Dante Hall like they did today is no mean feat.
  22. Scary thing is, he's not even the biggest moron in a booth. My nightmare announcing team: Norman Theisman, Dan "It's not over...'til it's over" Dierdorf, and Beastly Reese (yeah, I know it's "Beasley". But he'll always be "beastly" to me. ) With Eric Dickerson doing sideline reporting.
  23. Hell, even the Kansas City security guards were rooting for him...
  24. Not as much as one would think. While a TON of money was thrown at Y2K, the nature of that money ($200/hr contracts to COBOL programmers who themselves KNEW they'd never have it so good again), the bubble everyone refers to is the internet/telephone VC/IPO bubble, which really didn't have all that much to do with Y2K. Had it, it probably would have been more sane.
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