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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. Yeah, I guess...as long as they keep axeing and introducing new characters, though, it keeps the show...well, not exactly fresh, but from getting moldy at least. It sure as hell ain't the best show on TV anymore, though.
  2. And this decision was by the Ninth Circus? What a shocker...
  3. I am not the least bit surprised.
  4. Why do you think I want to work there?
  5. Don't get me wrong, I like that album. But it was overproduced, particularly compared to the previous two.
  6. Tedy Bruschi didn't get it? Unbelievable...
  7. No kidding. It's the Boston "Third Stage" effect.
  8. I have played Warcraft and Starcraft. RTS just isn't my cup of tea...I enjoy spending the entire day planning out decisions and actions that have significant impact 90 turns down. "Fun" to me is detailed, involved planning with complex ramifications absent the time pressure. But to each his own...fun to some people is FPS. Okay...whatever. De gustibus non est disputandum.
  9. It's off "Venus Isle"...which I think has better composition than "Ah Via Musicom" but was badly over-produced. But...yeah, same basic principle. Maybe a little less frenetic and pressured than "Desert Rose".
  10. And I'll bet the other three are the same song, different lyrics. Just like how, when you learn "Twist and Shout", you've learned about 20 other songs.
  11. They're generally leftist loons, as much as they claim not to be.
  12. That's why I was kind of surprised at the post. CBN, however, only claims a viewership of 1 million (which in itself I think is bull...but whatever). "Reaching" people is far different from having them pay attention. PETA reaches, at a minimum, several tens of millions on a daily basis in this country alone, frequently through several front organizations (e.g. PCRM) that no one realizes is PETA, and PETA is FAR from representing the views of those tens of millions every day. The real difference, which you allude to without really hitting, is one of finance and organization. Both live primarily on the donations of others...but churches typically have a much longer tradition of it that tends to leave them particularly well-endowed nowadays, which in itself gives them an edge-up on groups like PETA. Sure, their (PETA's and the 700 Club's) membership is roughly the same, by most estimates (at roughly a million)...but a million organized people can throw their weight around a hell of a lot more effectively than a million scrabbling individuals. So I think your real complaint isn't that fundamentalist Christians are more numerous (at least, I don't think they are...in any population as large as the US's, the distribution of philosophical leanings will almost certainly follow a strict gaussian, so the fringe groups on either side should be roughly equal.) Just that they're better organized than left-wing fringe groups.
  13. Cliffs of Dover, technically, is a solo in its entirety. I didn't want to count it. And as Eric Johnson goes, the solo in "All About You" is probably better. Musically as tight as anything he's done, and a technical marvel.
  14. I have, however, flushed cooling systems that were old and poorly maintained for the purpose of improving coolant flow and cooling efficiency. So it's not pure gimmick. However, whenever I've done that, I've nearly always had to replace the radiator and hoses anyway, since when a car gets that neglected those items are usually shot (and sometimes it turns out the crud you flushed was the only thing plugging the holes in the radiator. ) So while it's not pure gimmick, it's not the most useful thing in the world, either.
  15. You have GOT to be kidding... Not exactly a fair comparison, comparing the membership of a specific organization to everyone who "ascribes to" a fundamentalist Christian belief. A fair comparison would be something more akin to comparing PETA/Earth First membership to 700 Club/Operation Rescue membership...which is about the same, about a million each. Or comparing the number of people who share PETA's beliefs and philosophy to the number of people who ascribe to fundamentalist Christianity...which is likewise probably about the same, at several million. But, just like not every Muslim isn't a terrorist, not every vegetarian environmentalist is a member of PETA, and not every fundamentalist Christian is a political extremist, either. But I wholly understand your point of view...when overgeneralization suits you, use it.
  16. http://www.jesusveg.com/ Though when I wrote that, I was thinking more along the lines that PETA is itself a quasi-religious (i.e. a cult) organization.
  17. The Lance Rentzel? Didn't Jim Croce write a song about that sinking?
  18. I'll bet that was all a piece of cake, too, after someone pointed out the radiator cap for you.
  19. First thing I thought of reading this was the all-too frequent PETA protests in front of KFC franchises. Morality-legislating zealotry isn't limited to the bible-thumping Christian right, it's alive and well at both fringes.
  20. Geez. That was so easy, you have to wonder if it was a set-up.
  21. Actually, he never said he was a bit off. He said he wasn't off at all.
  22. Hmmm...I haven't flown a helicopter. Haven't performed any invasive surgical procedures, either. Nor have I worked as a mortician. That's all I can think of, really. I mean, aside from the obvious stuff like "Haven't developed a quantum theory of gravity" that no one's done.
  23. What a...surprise...
  24. You made me look like a complete maroon? Because you worked as a "counterman" [sic]. Guess what, kid. I've worked on cars.
  25. News flash, space cadet: Most of western culture, history, and philosophy is based on the Bible and Christianity. But directly, the US government was actually founded on English common law and European liberalism, which itself has roots in the Renissiance, which itself was founded on the ashes of the Holy Roman Empire. But let's pretend that a third order relation to the demise of a strict Christian- and Biblically-based government is the same as a dependency on the Bible.
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