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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. Big deal. It's not like he was a pro wrestler or anything.
  2. So the Bills have to go 5-1, and the Patriots 3-3, then the Bills are in the playoffs? About as realistic as a jp-era helmet design.
  3. Yes, they lost to a great team. That's not the problem. The problem is they didn't just lose. They were gutted like a fish.
  4. You're discussing whatever "proves" him right and you stupid. Duh.
  5. Like your suggestion - Soldier of Fortune t-shirt and an AK-47 - while more authentic, was any less scary.
  6. I'm sure, at this point, the Zarq-man is pretty well funded.
  7. I'd like to, too...but I have a hard time imagining a context where I'd find that attitude acceptable.
  8. I think ICE is being considered. Rumor is BF's going to be the team dietician, too.
  9. Classic. NYS passes a law that makes it less competitive...so it's the federal government's fault NY is less competitive because they didn't pass a law to redress the imbalance NY created in the first place.
  10. Big deal. I mean, it's not like he was a wrestler or anything...
  11. Donahoe's offensive-line draft picks, if anyone was wondering. What is that, three starters? Only one of whom (Williams) is still with the team, and one other of whom (Pucillo) was so vomitously awful I cringe at calling him a "starter". THAT is the real reason the team sucks.
  12. Actually, neither of those goals is amorphorous or immeasurable. I don't think, however, the measurables for those have been published, and most people don't have the knowledge to estimate them for themselves. But just because you can't measure them and haven't heard anyone else do so, doesn't mean it hasn't been done. I'd bet large sums of money it has been done, if only because it's integral to the planning of the training schedules for the Iraqi forces, and that planning has been done. The real problem is that, once again, the administration's marketing sucks. Sure, there's an overall strategic goal with intermediate milestones, at least some of which are being met...but the administration can't, for a variety of reasons (including but hardly limited to: "they're idiots"), explain them.
  13. Or maybe not. It's not a western culture; there's a LONG history in the region of deference to leadership rather than individual decision. Longer and deeper, even, than in Russia...and look at the "Why are we doing this?" attitude the Russians had with their initial forays into democracy in the '90s. They're playing to their core constituency...just like Bush.
  14. I just became an uncle last Monday myself. Congrats, Uncle sh--.
  15. Bin Laden was disowned by his family. Didn't means sh--, obviously.
  16. All this thread really needs is Superhero to come in and tell Gavin his soul is condemned.
  17. Has Losman had a 300-yd MONTH yet?
  18. Ten minutes????? I'm guessing, maybe, that most men would come to the realization of "Hey, this is painful...maybe this isn't such a great idea" at...oh, I don't know...maybe five seconds???? But... Uh-huh...sure...
  19. Because the fake QB sneak double end-around tackle eligible reverse halfback flea-flicker option Chinese !@#$ing fire drill pass to Sam Adams for no gain is a lot more effective when the opponent doesn't know which QB to prepare for. You want a competitive advantage? Annouce "Tom Clements is considering calling a running play on a short-yardage down this Sunday", and watch the other teams panic. "Oh, sh--! We've only prepared against the fake QB sneak double end-around tackle eligible reverse halfback flea-flicker option Chinese !@#$ing fire drill pass to Sam Adams! Do we even have film on that?"
  20. I, for one, am calling for an immediate pullout from China in six months!
  21. Actually, starting immediately. I don't know where this "six months" thing is coming from; Murtha never said that. What he said was "before the Iraqi elections in December. (And my source for that is the actual text of his statement, so if any of you idiots want to argue with me, look it up first.) Now, I don't know about anyone else, but I personally think there's just a slight bit of difference between "December" and "six months from now".
  22. Oh, gee, let me think... Nope, sorry. I have a life.
  23. Wouldn't restrain him? He'll be so disappointed... At least, that's what I heard.
  24. This one is very lame, but funny... http://www.killsometime.com/games/Game.asp?ID=391
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