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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. What the !@#$? Is it "Inhale carbon monoxide before you post" day here? Did I miss a memo or something?
  2. Especially you. I've been studying terrorism, counter-terrorism, insurgency, asymmetric warfare, etc., for probably eight years now. I still couldn't give you less than a three-page definition. But I know I know more about it than your sanctimonious ass does.
  3. In other words: it'll be a good thing because it'll further eliminate the American middle class.
  4. You MUST be kidding. "Kill the B word" was obvious (I thought ) hyperbole...but fully half the verses in Leviticus 20 are variations of "Your wife shall be put to death for..."
  5. Muslims aren't outraged that their holy book is being tampered with, because they don't recognize it written in anything other than the Arabic script...so it's impossible to "tamper" with it in English. And yes, the word "lightly" is added in translation..but so is the word "beat". Then I'll just tell you to get off your ignorant ass and learn Arabic. You're actually arguing about translation when you don't know anything about the language? You think you're an expert on Islam because you take at face value an idomatic translation you found on the internet by an uncredited source of a metaphorical statement? I could say that...except that 1) it wouldn't be true, and 2) you've got a bad translation anyway. The phrase actually begins, "The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger..." The statement in Arabic does not refer to disagreement (which the Koran doesn't recognize betwen Judaism, Christianity, and Islam anyway), but to active opposition - oppression, basically. Again, if you'd actually learn something about it instead of parroting what others tell you, you might know this. What part of "in battle" did you not understand. "In battle." Warfare. When you fight a war against pagans, take them prisoner, and let them go when the war is over. Really brutal code there. Scandalously vicious. Keep in mind, too, that the Koran recognizes Jews and Christians as people of the Book, not pagans or "those who disbelieve". Yeah, that Judeo-Christian monotheistic ethic is a real B word when it comes to polytheism, isn't it?
  6. We won the war in Iraq pretty handily. It's the goddamn peace that's giving us fits.
  7. He's the only Iranian in the back seat of a car?
  8. Of course, if you'd read the entire chapter, you'd have noticed that women have the right to own property, to inheritance, to free will and self-determination. The punishments for women outlined in the chapter are actually less harsh than those outlined for men. The Koran actually goes to great lengths to protect women; had you managed to find a better translation of it, you may have found that the Arabic in 4:35 doesn't read "and beat them", but reads "and as a last resort, punish them gently and without harm" (literally, as best I can make it out with my weak Arabic skills, "as a last resort, admonish them weakly, like a young camel"). That...is actually pretty damned gentle and protective, particularly compared to Leviticus 20, which basically says "If she steps out of line, kill the B word." Those damn, evil, abusive Judeo-Christians. Trust me, I've searched. I just want you to explain it to me...mostly because I know the chapter and verse you're referring to, and I'd like to point out to you how egregiously wrong you are. Again. Still.
  9. And it says that in the Koran and Hadith where?
  10. That was the BEST uniform design they came up with? What were the other options? Burlap sacks?
  11. What, now you're anti-Moorman? Well...then he must be good.
  12. Hmmmph. Some pirate wench you are.
  13. But why is the rum gone?
  14. Cleveland area optometrists. Make an appointment.
  15. When have I ever forgone a chance to mock KurtGoebbels77?
  16. Wow. Thanks for proving that you are, in fact, a nitwit. Where did I say Muslims didn't have a choice, or that their actions are pre-determined? Here I (and my "two" friends [sic]) thought I was saying Islamic extremists choose not to follow the teachings of their own religion. Where did I say I was excusing anyone? (You do, I assume, know the difference between an "excuse" and an "explanation"? Hmmm...probably not...)
  17. "A" cause, maybe. Personally, I think the USSR was merely an exacerbating factor, not a cause. The Arab League and Muslim Brotherhood were probably foregone conclusions as a backlash to Western imperialism no matter what, and the British post-colonial policy (particularly their breathtakingly inept "We're outta here, you figure it out yourselves" policy on Palestine) contributed far more than the USSR did.
  18. I see you're a tool of British propaganda in the support of the genocidal campaign against the innocent Nazis too, you Stalinist stooge...
  19. I believe that's what they call "a face for radio".
  20. I think you're giving people too much credit here, assuming they know about the IRA.
  21. Of course, that masks the even larger issue: flex scheduling sucks moose genitalia.
  22. Oh, okay. Islamic atrocities bad. Christian atrocities okay...because they're mad. Moral relavitism at its best. Now go tell that to the Palestinians. They'll be happy to know that, since they're mad, their terrorism is acceptable.
  23. Yeah, that's exactly what I said, nitwit. What, you think Western colonial practices haven't contributed to Arab xenophobia and nationalism? Ever heard of the Suez Canal?
  24. It's hockey preseason already? Wasn't I watching the Stanley Cup finals last night?
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