Of course, if you'd read the entire chapter, you'd have noticed that women have the right to own property, to inheritance, to free will and self-determination. The punishments for women outlined in the chapter are actually less harsh than those outlined for men. The Koran actually goes to great lengths to protect women; had you managed to find a better translation of it, you may have found that the Arabic in 4:35 doesn't read "and beat them", but reads "and as a last resort, punish them gently and without harm" (literally, as best I can make it out with my weak Arabic skills, "as a last resort, admonish them weakly, like a young camel").
That...is actually pretty damned gentle and protective, particularly compared to Leviticus 20, which basically says "If she steps out of line, kill the B word." Those damn, evil, abusive Judeo-Christians.
Trust me, I've searched. I just want you to explain it to me...mostly because I know the chapter and verse you're referring to, and I'd like to point out to you how egregiously wrong you are. Again. Still.