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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. You named your car "Rachel"?
  2. Someone did once suggest to me that I was brainwashed by Cheney. Ever since this whole "intertube" thingy was invented, everyone's a photo-analyst...
  3. You forgot that the two WTC planes had "suspicious bulges" under the wing roots...which, of course, can only be explained as tanks of napalm installed by the Israelis when no one was looking.
  4. I thought you were Spartacus?
  5. The first two paragraphs say it all: Mr. Jiggywinkle rips his willy apart on a hedgehog's pricks? You'll never see writing better than that...
  6. They do have a tendency to cut in to your drinking time.
  7. My personal favorite thing to do in Cleveland is: leave.
  8. I think I missed it, because I was too busy arguing about Arabic translation with a moron who doesn't know Arabic. I'll go back and look...
  9. The problem isn't that TD found players that can still contribute to the team. The problem is that he never found offensive linemen that could contribute to the line.
  10. Yeah, that's exactly what he's saying. Because only Islamic terrorists will learn Arabic or the Koran. It has nothing to do with "know your enemy". And according to him, "Islamic terrorist" is redundant anyway, because if you're Muslim you're a terrorist by default for living according to phrases in the Koran that are figments of his imagination to begin with.
  11. http://www.firestopper.us/Pentagon_Pics/im...tagon_after.jpg In the top left of this picture there's three apartment buildings, big three-armed 'Y'-shaped things. I lived in the right-most one. 1111 Army-Navy Drive. First I knew anything was going on that day was when I saw the plane out of my bedroom window, just leaving for work (had I been some five minutes earlier getting ready, I would have been on that cloverleaf nearest the Pentagon when the plane hit). Turned the TV on, saw the WTC, called work and said "I'm pretty sure I won't be in, since the roads around me are going to close in about 30 seconds." Which they did. Then I just went up to the roof terrace and watched them fight the fire, until the FBI closed the roof (chain and padlock) and secured my apartment building for the next two weeks. Roads outside my apartment were closed by I believe some law enforcement arm of the Bureau of Indian Affairs (my recollection's hazy on that, but at any rate it was some really obscure law enforcement arm of some sub-department that made me say "Wait...you're who??? That's how thinly resources were spread in the aftermath.) Another thing you can see from that picture I linked...there was pretty clearly a lot of damage to the Pentagon. There's a significant portion of the roof that's charred. That wasn't just "a small hole" (which I saw close-up, BTW. That road that passes by the damaged area of the Pentagon has an earthern berm next to it now, but for about a year after 9/11 the road was open, and you could easily see the damage from the road. The hole looks car-sized in most pictures, but it was probably closer to the size of a small house, actually.) Plus, I've never seen a picture of the Pentagon that manages to convey the sheer mass of the building. It's a massive structure. Where I used to live is a 14-story, 300-unit masonry-and-concrete apartment building. That'll fit comfortably inside the courtyard of the Pentagon. It's a huge building. And the hole the plane punched in the Pentagon was through the outer three rings of the Pentagon...roughly equivalent to punching a hole through each of the three arms of my former apartment building.
  12. And let me say again...I saw the damn plane that hit the Pentagon. It was a plane. It was not a fictitious supersonic top-secret cruise missile. And I do know the difference.
  13. When has this administration ever painted any sort of picture for anyone? That's been my most consistent complaint about this administration: they can't (or won't, or simply don't) present a coherent platform on anything, ever since they gave nineteen different and conflicting justifications for invading Iraq. I'm sure their reality is an actual, coherent whole. I'm equally sure their presentation of such is entirely unlike an actual, coherent whole. The pictures they paint for the public are abstract impressionist art done by a blind three year old with finger paints.
  14. And my response was to the league, not you. Guess I should have made that clearer...
  15. I choose to believe it came from the White House...just because I then get to enjoy the irony of the NYT bitching about a statement that just as accurately describes themselves.
  16. Or Travis Henry.
  17. bull sh--. He made one play. Moorman had a career day.
  18. He's gone downhill recently, hasn't he? Really, ever since he was forced to give up "that" crusade...
  19. It's a quote attributed to a Bush staffer. I've got to think the quote is taken egregiously out of context. Either that or the staffer was a bigger idiot than his boss.
  20. Actually, I think that's pretty funny. But then, I'm the type that would get into an argument with a talking camera, just to highlight how egregiously stupid an idea it is.
  21. Funny...I thought I was pointing how your limited understanding of Islam and the Koran frankly sucks. The comparisons to other religions aren't to disparage other religions, they're to demonstrate how, when Islam was established, it was ethically and morally far ahead of its contemporaries. I would think, given your "Islam is the root of everything evil in the world" position, the simple fact that its doctrine is enlightened in comparison to the doctrines of other world religions is actually relevant. No, that's not a stretch at all. It is a stretch, however, to say that the Koran advocates killing and subjugating anyone not Islamic. Which you'd know, if you could manage to actually read it. But that would require actual work on your part, and removing one's head from one's ass is hard. Much easier to just accept any old nonsense you read on some anonymous Geocities page. Strategically stupid, for as Sun Tzu said "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle." But much easier. You should try it from my end. I can read Arabic after a fashion, but I have real trouble with your particular dialect of imbecile.
  22. Natural gas in DC. And I believe they're looking into making them wind-powered, given the large, cheap supply of blowhards and hot air here.
  23. "People are !@#$ing stupid", basically.
  24. Every time I see my wife. A year ago, an acquaintance of mine was killed on the Beltway here. Minding his own business, driving, car got crushed by an out-of-control semi. Left behind a wife of six months who was a month pregnant. Wife gets a kiss every morning before we go to work, and every night before we go to bed, because you never know which one will be the last one...
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