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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Posts posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. Why not?


    As I stated islam requires reformation. I'm not advocating the elimination of islam or muslims, no matter how silly or hypocritacal of a belief syatem I think it happens to be.


    There are peaceful muslims, just as there are are bad christians (jeez this sounds familiar...). But the difference is the peaceful muslims are the ones who ignore the bad parts of the koran, the hadith, and the life of mohhamed. But just because there are good muslims, doesn't make islam good.


    Why can't you understand that?



    Because technically, a Muslim that doesn't follow the Koran isn't a Muslim!!! :blush: You speak as though following the Koran and being a Muslim are two different things. They're not. They can't be. By definition, a Muslim is someone who follows the teachings of Allah...i.e., the Qu'ran.


    So basically, your position is - once again, what a surprise - complete ignorant nonsense.

  2. You right, when I read that story I was originally filled with thoughts of sunny days and happy puppies. My fault for letting this board cloud my head with thinking there is something wrong the Religion of Peace.


    I heard on the Falcons board some one it talking smack about some Klan memembers who burned a cross. Why don't you go over and stand up for them too?



    I never understood why cross burning was such a bad thing. It's just two railroad ties, tied together, on fire.


    But then, I burned an American flag yesterday...

  3. That 77 yard drive that impressed you took place against a prevent defense.  It's easy to look good when that's what you're up against. 


    Yeah, the overall yardage total seems impressive.  But 70 of those yards were against a prevent defense.  Many more were the result of a WR such as Parrish turning a short pass into a long gain.  Now you could say that sometimes a QB like Montana would help his receivers with YAC by hitting them in perfect stride.  I really didn't see Losman doing that at all.  The high YAC was because of the playcalling, blocking, and speed of the WRs, and not because Losman threw the ball with a Montana-like sense of timing.  After taking all these things into account, Losman's yardage total begins to look a lot more similar to the one he had last week against Miami.



    JSP, can you open your poll again? I want to change my vote...

  4. Touche. I did imply you were muslim in that statement.


    And it was an attempt to insult you in your apparent belief that islam does no wrong, aka, brainwashed.


    Congrats, you actually used a quote in a successful arguement.


    Sort of...


    It still isn't racism. See the dictionary references above.



    Yeah, using Islam as a negative, in an insult, implying it's a bad thing to be Muslim, isn't racist. :blush:

  5. When did I imply you were muslim, and if I did imply you were muslim, how would that be an insult, unless I thought you would be insulted by being called one....????


    That doesn't even make a shread of sense.




    But for the sake of argument, lets say that I did assume you and KRC were muslims. What part of that is racist? What part implies that I could have even guessed your ethnicity?



    "Get out from the mosque much?" Used in a negative manner, to attempt to insult me. There's your direct quote, dipshit.

  6. What have I said that can be construed as racist? What have I said that implied a race or ethnicity of people is superior or inferior to another race or ethnicity?



    You mean the consistent attempts at trying to insult me by implying I'm Muslim weren't racism?


    Well...I could be wrong. Maybe it was just ignorant xenophobia. :blush:

  7. Down from me is a neighbor we just call the witch. She spies on us and has caused numerous problems when she dug away the hill side in her back yard with out permits causing my backyard to collapse into her backyard. It took the city and my neighbor two years too restore the hillside with a retaining wall. And this twerp has the balls to complain I encroached on her property line after the hillside was restored. I told her to never speak to me again and if she needs to communicate with me to contact my attorney in writing.



    Tell me that she paid for the reconstruction, and not the city...

  8. What have I told you as s holes about bringing me into your little petty spats.  If I am not involved leave me the hell out of it.  :blush:



    I wasn't bringing you into it. I was using "VABills" as a verb...meaning "to attempt to cover blatant stupidity by offering up even more blatant stupidity". As in "VABills tried to VABills his way out of saying Aaron Brooks was a capable starting QB..."

  9. Gentlemen,


    I understand this is a tautology - the same situation transpired last year under the irish pigs' (donahoe and mularkey) watch.


    But now they are gone: we have a series of intellectuals serving in the key positions of the apparatus (i.e., LEVY - JAURON - FEWELL)


    When the Bills State Apparatus drafted almost exclusively for defense this last summer in the "Baptism of the proletariat" known as the nfl draft, the bills ultra violence hooliganz had attained the kantian sublime.


    Gentlemen, while the king of field sports is the most complex of all sports, the most tactically complete set coupled with primordial violence, these layers of nuances relate to a certain f*cking locus that remains undisputable. It is the "hard kernel" that resists mutation according to temporal shifts.


    C'est a dire, a dominant defence with a running game shall win the f*cking matches.


    A dominant offense is not only irrelevant - an offense that generates 300 or soo metres a match ACTUALLY HURTS THE TEAM.  Look at the historiography of the NFL and this becomes f*cking transparent. Bills during the superbowl, colts every year, etc etc etc

    This implies the following : the offense must be an efficient apparatus, that mediates the time which the defense is to be on the field. The king of field sports proposes a complex inversal, and this is its very beauty: THE DEFENSE MUST BE THE AGGRESSIVE UNIT WHILE THE OFFENSE IS TO BE EFFICIENT, MEDIATIVE.


    THEREFORE: the qb position must not be filled by a Nietzschean uebermensch, but rather with an efficiency, with some german f*cking precision.


    To bring this into the american context so you may lucidly understand the thesis being offered to you: This means not a superman, but rather an AQUAMAN type figure. Our Aquaman at the moment is Craig Nall.


    Mr. Jauron and Mr. Levy: i know that you peruse this board at your f*cking leisure.

    Consider the thoughts of the collective fascistic will known as the bills ultra violence hooliganz and understand the aquaman.






    My hermeneutical ideal can still beat up your lacanian real, though...

  10. I'd like to formally announce a new weekly poll to vote on who's the most brain-dead of the coaster riders here on the Wall. We'll do this each week until the end of the season, and whoever has the most "wins" will get a padded Bills helmet, CHINSTRAP INCLUDED!


    So, don't forget to vote for YOUR favorite tard of the week!



    To be fair, this should be done on a Friday or Saturday. I mean, how can you judge who the Tard of the Week is on the first day of the week? :blush:


    I also think that Holcomb's Arm should be given a lifetime achievement award and removed from the list. It's simply not fair to the others who have to work at being retarded.


    And I vote you for Tard of the Week...for having a Tard of the Week poll on a Monday.

  11. You didn't address my point about those speaking arabic mis-reading the koran. They obviously don't have the translations wrong.


    Yes, I addressed your point. I said that you have absolutely no insight into the Koran, translated or in its native language, so why the hell should I debate it with you? You need to go out and learn something about it before I can begin to discuss it with you.


    Have you even considered that the translations YOU are using, might be inacurrate? I bet not.



    Have you ever considered that I'm not using a translation???? :blush:

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