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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. Because technically, a Muslim that doesn't follow the Koran isn't a Muslim!!! You speak as though following the Koran and being a Muslim are two different things. They're not. They can't be. By definition, a Muslim is someone who follows the teachings of Allah...i.e., the Qu'ran. So basically, your position is - once again, what a surprise - complete ignorant nonsense.
  2. I never understood why cross burning was such a bad thing. It's just two railroad ties, tied together, on fire. But then, I burned an American flag yesterday...
  3. Were you dropped on your head as a child? How can you hate what Mulims believe, but not hate Muslims, when Muslims are defined by what they believe?
  4. Hey, look Joe. It's unlocked.
  5. But that's half the fun right there: trying to argue with someone whose opinions aren't even grounded in tangible reality.
  6. JSP, can you open your poll again? I want to change my vote...
  7. Yeah, using Islam as a negative, in an insult, implying it's a bad thing to be Muslim, isn't racist.
  8. Are you and I the same person again? God, I hate it when that happens...
  9. "Get out from the mosque much?" Used in a negative manner, to attempt to insult me. There's your direct quote, dipshit.
  10. You mean the consistent attempts at trying to insult me by implying I'm Muslim weren't racism? Well...I could be wrong. Maybe it was just ignorant xenophobia.
  11. I'm surprised, given your racist point of view, you even discern a difference.
  12. Tell me that she paid for the reconstruction, and not the city...
  13. I wasn't bringing you into it. I was using "VABills" as a verb...meaning "to attempt to cover blatant stupidity by offering up even more blatant stupidity". As in "VABills tried to VABills his way out of saying Aaron Brooks was a capable starting QB..."
  14. His beliefs? What, now you're an expert on that, too?
  15. Counts double, actually, as it reinforces their status as a 'tard.
  16. Then why isn't it the "Tard of Last Week" poll? Now you're just trying to VABills your way out of admitting you !@#$ed up.
  17. It's more effective if you don't advertise it, though.
  18. My hermeneutical ideal can still beat up your lacanian real, though...
  19. That patch of sand and gravel in front of your house...
  20. That's two... Anyone else for JSP?
  21. To be fair, this should be done on a Friday or Saturday. I mean, how can you judge who the Tard of the Week is on the first day of the week? I also think that Holcomb's Arm should be given a lifetime achievement award and removed from the list. It's simply not fair to the others who have to work at being retarded. And I vote you for Tard of the Week...for having a Tard of the Week poll on a Monday.
  22. Yes, I addressed your point. I said that you have absolutely no insight into the Koran, translated or in its native language, so why the hell should I debate it with you? You need to go out and learn something about it before I can begin to discuss it with you. Have you ever considered that I'm not using a translation????
  23. I wouldn't let him anywhere NEAR my library, though. He might get squashed by a hard-cover book, or accidentally run over by the computer's mouse, and then how much trouble would I be in?
  24. I think if you hold it long enough to type it out and post it without contradicting yourself in the same post, it counts. Thus, JSP changes his mind. But ICE was nuts.
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