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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. Vermeil and Jaws...that would be a good booth. But hey, this could be worse. Imagine a Dierdorf-Theisman teaming.
  2. And when every other quarterback on the planet throws against a prevent defense with receivers that run after the catch, they get credit for the yards. But you're arguing that Losman should be held to a completely different (and breathtakingly inane) standard because...? We'll discuss precisely what a "prevent defense" is another time. Suffice to say, in the words of Inigo Montoya, "I do not think that word [sic] means what you think it means."
  3. I've got another $25. I'm sure Kornheiser will kick another $5. McGuire's probably good for a contribution, too.
  4. Ed, you mentally deficient marshmallow, at one point or another you've "known" that everyone was crayonz. In fact, this is the third time you've "known" I'm crayonz. Why the !@#$ would you be right this time?
  5. I can't believe they're interviewing Spike Lee, who's talking about how so much of the city is still wrecked, and the obligatory Why Can't America Do Something..."But hey, we spent a couple hundred million getting the Superdome ready for MNF!!!" Spike Lee's a hypocrite. And I may give up watching MNF, just because of the stupid-ass celebrity interviews. (And no, that has nothing to do with my general loathing of Spike Lee...I want to watch football, not listen to someone blather about something not related to the game).
  6. Of course not. I'm crayonz.
  7. I don't know...who are you, again?
  8. Archie Manning: "We [the community] are looking to the Saints to provide joy and happiness..." That has GOT to be the first time anyone said anything like that about the Saints...
  9. Oh my God. That was the WORST blocking I've ever seen. How can you let a guy come up the middle, unblocked, and block a punt?
  10. He is. He's just more humble.
  11. Where's that one? I missed it.
  12. My price for happiness is: however much the wife needs to buy shoes today.
  13. Try starting a poll about who's the biggest retard. That ought to clinch it.
  14. You're wrong. But in 24 hours you'll change your mind, I'm sure...
  15. Actually, I'm tickled. Is there another thread for me?
  16. I think we've thus reached the point where Losman was throwing backwards all day...
  17. Good question. Was Mohammed, in fact, Muslim? Was Jesus, for that matter, Christian?
  18. Is the 2 the yards after the catch? Because we can take it out then...
  19. But most of that 8.6 YPA was after the catch, so it doesn't count. Like receivers catch Holcomb's passes and stop dead in their tracks...
  20. No, they can't. If they ignore the Koran, they're not Muslim. They can, however, choose to read the actual passages, and not the incorrect drivel you've been throwing around here.
  21. I never get tired of this post. "Losman's yardage total begins to look a lot more similar to the one he had last week against Miami." How does 328 ever look similar to 83?
  22. But facts are hard...
  23. Outside. I was chanting "Death to the Great Satan!" while I did it. (Okay, actually I was chanting "Death to the Miami Dolphins!" Same thing, really...)
  24. I think those would be the parts that appear on his screen after you post them.
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