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Crap Throwing Monkey

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Everything posted by Crap Throwing Monkey

  1. "Reportedly". Which is at least honest. But clearly TO has problems. Undiagnosed medical problems.
  2. No sh--. And I have to live with that crap from people.
  3. I think he was decapitated on a yet-to-be-aired episode of Fear Factor. It's expected to adversely affect his game...but his teammates say he's much easier to get along with now...
  4. Except that they're too busy looking out for the rights of roaches. "...these gentle, complex, sensitive animals do not deserve to be eaten alive."
  5. And I still think you deserved it. A poll for Tard of the Week on a friggin' Monday...
  6. I don't know...I just think "boo-boo" and "metal plate inserted" are maybe two different things. But maybe that's just me.
  7. That's a pretty decent site. The few transcripts I browsed illustrated pretty clearly the difference between Muslims who practice their religion and extremists who manipulate others with it. Of course, if you just read the headlines, your opinion will be "IslamBad! " (I assume you have this trademarked by now, yall). The actual transcripts, though, are pretty informative. Save the ones from the Iranians. Those are just funny. Tom and Jerry rehabilitating the Jew...
  8. She lied. Annie's not into threesomes, she's into bondage. Uhhhh...well...that's what I heard...
  9. 7.7% of Disney's board...that's what they said. The Tom & Jerry analysis is particularly brilliant...
  10. You need to get out more...
  11. Hell, you HAVE said the same thing about Bush.
  12. Wow. That's impressive. You have a harder time admitting you're wrong than I do.
  13. You people are missing the point. Losman gets too many of his passing yards from his receivers running after the catch. Therefore, he sucks.
  14. So we can create stem cell lines from Democrats*, as well? (*Note to Democrats: I flipped a coin. You lost.)
  15. Again. What's normal? Prove 38% YAC isn't.
  16. Bad timing. It was full for all of about 30 seconds. Wish I remembered what I answered.
  17. Actually, I did answer JSP's. Never heard back from him, though.
  18. Rich should have been named Kalsu Stadium when they renamed it.
  19. Appropriate name, since the Cardinals don't have much of a chance at anything more than a BCS bowl game. But how the !@#$ do they not name it "Pat Tillman Stadium"? Money-grubbing pond scum NFL pieces of sh--...
  20. I'm sure he got the Cliffs Notes from Fox News, though. Who needs real understanding?
  21. I can see where you'd be an authority, then.
  22. But you forgot to subtract yardage against the prevent defense. And you should subtract the RAC yards from the 83 yards, too...
  23. Really? Good for you. Seriously. Wow...that's like losing an entire VABills...
  24. No one ever accused him of being a genius. A genius is someone like Norman Einstein. I want to see Joe and Holcomb's Arm discuss Losman's passing yardage yesterday. That would be interesting...
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