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Everything posted by scribo

  1. Thanx Cincy!
  2. VABills, it seems that you're taking comments from a few individuals and using them to judge the general population here. I am quite sure that the majority of posters here do not think that JP is necessarily better than Drew right now. I do think that a great deal of us believe that with some experience JP will soon become much more effective than Drew. That experience will not come by holdng a clipboard and watching Drew fumble away another season. I don't think this is saying much, but I do believe that we have a better chance at winning out of the gate with JP vice with Drew. I wish Drew the best. I would be happy to see him have a good season with Dallas.
  3. Sold! He's certainly worth at least that. I cannot see the Deadskins giving him up for so little.
  4. Maybe you should forward that to Berman. He doesn't have a nickname for any of the current Bills.
  5. Want to know were WNY's money is going? Washington, D.C., just announced a budget surplus of $318 million from last year. The Commonwealth of Virginia took in some $3 BILLION more than expected last year. Sounds great for us down here, right? Before you pack the SUV and pick up a I-95 map, think about what the growth is doing for us. Everyone is leaving WNY and moving to places like northern Virginia. We’re growing too fast down here. Our traffic sucks, there were more than 200 murders in D.C. last year, our schools are gang-ridden and there is no light at the end of our tunnel. The population is expected to keep skyrocketing. There is plenty of money but you can only build schools, roads and train stations so fast. You can only find so many people who want to become policemen. You can only bring so many doctors into the area. On the plus side, it is in the high-60s in D.C. today.
  6. For what its worth, Green Bay, Wisc., is indeed doing well, but I think giving too much credit to some national media blitz is unfair to the city. The education level of its residents is very high -- among the very highest of any U.S. city. Madison, Wisc., is also highly educated. Green Bay also leads the way in quality of life polls in mid-sized U.S. cities. Moreover, its economy is diversified whereas the WNY ecomony has been a big loser because of its dependency on manufacturing, which has obviously declined greatly over the of the past decade, a reversal that seems very slow in ending.
  7. I don't think we need someone like Price half as much as we need a decent draft pick or a good o-lineman.
  8. I too would rather have Garcia, but he is going to be starting somewhere opening day. And J.P. is going to be starting for the Bills that day. Gannon -- is he really coming bacK? I doubt he plays another down in the regular season. Fielder -- how many times do we have to dicuss the same guy. I don't ever want to see him in a Bills uniform. Nothing personal, I just don't like his ears.
  9. Tekno Bowl would be so much better than Madden if it had the Bills.
  10. Orlando Pace sat out a good while -- he was probably the closest.
  11. Aren't the mod suppose to watch out for and rid the board of those who post just to get people riled up? This guy who started this thread gave nothing but a very vague opinion, offering nothing new to a converstaion that has been going on for about three years.
  12. What a great way to head into the weekend!!!!!!! Best news I've heard in a long, long time. I'm happy.
  13. It is kind of funny but mostly sick. I wonder about the legalities of all these crazy things going on on Internet. Sure, it is very much legal to have a rabbit butchered, and I agree that there is nothing wrong with eating animals. But is it legal to in effect hold it hostage for ransom? I seriously doubt this guy has received a single penny from an member of PETA.
  14. It seems, as usual, several of you are missing the point here. Cincy, I completely agree that there is nothing more important to the Bills this offseason than vastly upgrading the o-line.
  15. 'Cuse = over-rated or underachievers? I think it is both.
  16. My read on this quote is that McNabb never really thought the his team ever had a shot. In reality, they did and I would even say should have at the very least tied that game last night. They came out on that final drive acting as if they had no chance in hell. When a team thinks that way, they don't have a chance in hell.
  17. From the Hall of Montezuma, to the Shores of Tripoli…
  18. I think I heard of him somewhere...any one else ever hear of this guy?
  19. I too think an announcement will come next week. No word that Drew has been to Buffal lately -- to sign a new contract.
  20. Well, Mr. Jones, thanks for a great two decades! Now, go help the Bears to another losing season.
  21. Don't you see that this statement you just made totally destroys much of what you wrote throughout this thread? By the way, put down those outdated liberal talking points. We did not leave Afghanistan. We have nearly 20,000 American troops there right now. The Taliban is not taking back power -- at all.
  22. OK. Things just got a whole lot clearer. No need to expand on that.
  23. Yes, I am quite aware of the tragic fact that Corporal Tillmand died as a result of friendly fire. Not that I think you're saying otherwise, but this fact doesn not make Cpl. Tillman any less of a hero. I am also aware that Cpl. Tillman was not killed by bombs, which makes me wonder where the connection is to your statement that bombs indiscriminately kill. It is the terrible reality of war that tragic things too often occur even when the best intentions are put forth. I suppose we, the United States, should have never gone into Afghanistan. Maybe we should have instead issued an apology to Osama and the rest of the Muslim extermists. Since our bombs kill the innocent and, yes, there are plenty of innocent people in Afghanistan. If I am misunderstanding you, please let me know.
  24. I was being calm. You are a fuggin' a-- munch.
  25. Gen. Mattis has been an astute student of war for nearly his entire life. He fully understands to that killing for enjoyment is wrong, and he in no way wants to give the impression otherwise. Not to say these quotes were taken out of content, but if one was to read the entire transcript of the segment, and if one was to understand that the audience was field grade and senior officers, I believe you'd understand that his flippant remarks were not meant to demean the serious, terrible nature of war.
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