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Everything posted by scribo

  1. I agree with those writing that we should pull the trigger on this Henry for Shelton trade. And then try to keep JJ, move Shelton to left guard and have great depth at the tackle spot. But, I also think re-signing Pat Williams is more important than keeping JJ around.
  2. I stand by my statement that your point was irrational. I just looked back and the first time I replied to one of your posts. You wrote that the GM lawsuit was "it's all about the money." I disagree with that. My post showed my he had to sue, as did the post of several others on in this thread since then. You then decided to attack me my saying I wrote something that I did not. Really, if you want to continue this, we should probably take over to PMing.
  3. JJ is better suited for a passing team. Maybe if the stinkin' fish can keep their WRs healhty and off suspension in 2006 this would be a good thing for Miami, but I thought they were looking to build a soldi running attack again.
  4. Talk about picking a fight?! Look at your first post on this thread. Where in the world did that come from? Why won't you respond to my repetitive questions about where I disagreed with you? Why don't you explain how you read what I wrote and came up with the idea that I believe Brady doesn't care about money? I'm not looking for a fight over a Pat, but I think every post of yours was meant to do just that.
  5. That's the thing, smart guy. No one has refuted your "point." You're posts are irrational because you are arguing something that no one has disagreed with.
  6. You know, I just went back and re-read just about this whole thread. I cannot find one person here saying the Brady doesn't care about money. You're the only one who mentions that, really. Re-read the thread -- or at least the four or five posts before your first post in this thread.
  7. You are putting words in my mouth that I didn't say. See, up in the top left corner of each post is the screen name of the person posting that message. My name doesn ot appear next to a post that says what he is or is not suing for. I simply stated that the law suit is justified from what I've heard. I went on to say that I believe Brady cares more about winning than about money. When you tried to prove that I had said Brady didn't care about money you pulled a quote from me that plainly said no such thing. I still would like to know how you get from my posts that I think Brady doesn't care about money. "your reading comprehension is questionable if you thought i did......."
  8. Yes, a very intelligent way to back out of a conversation when your obvious illiteracy is spotlighted.
  9. Re-read the post, paying close attention to the parts I now put in bold. Can you comprehend that? If I said I care more about football than I care about hockey, would that mean that I don't care about hockey? No, it could mean I care about football this much, and I care about hockey a little less than that much. Now, as I said, I'm sure Brady cares about money, but I still think he cares more about winning.
  10. I agree that suicide is a coward's route, but it is sad that so many of our most creative people are mentally ill to the point that they feel they have to take such extremes. I use to often wish I had talent like Dr. Thompson, but I wouldn't ever want what seemingly comes with it.
  11. If Brady wanted major bucks he could jump ship and go play for at least 10 other teams that would pay him more than Manning makes. By the way, I don't think you're giving Charlie Weiss anywhere near enough credit.
  12. I don't think anyone said Brayd flat out doesn't care about money. The point that you're missing is that he cares more about winning than about money. Whereas Manning may have bettered his chances of winning by inking a deal worth a whole lot less.
  13. Your point is being missed because it is irrational. GM stole from Tom Brady's services. If you were to rent out an house to someone for three months and the renter paid you for three months, wouldn't you want another month's rent if the renter stayed for four months? That is waht GM did. They paid Brady to rent his image and then they decided to use it some more without paying more rent. THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH FOOTBALL PAY.
  14. The more people who leave New England the better. The interesting thing is that it has taken this long.
  15. That is a very valid point. Manning will never look at it like that, and he'll never get a Super Bowl ring.
  16. Coles is not good enough to be a number one receiver anymore. This is a classic example of fans of ne team commenting about another team's palyer. Coles drops everything thing thrown his weay. He has run nothing but sloppy routes the past two and a half seasons. Either he is stupid or he just refuses to come back for the ball when the QB is pressured. He is a HUGE reason the Deadskins sucked last year.
  17. He's in the Navy. Staying in shape is part of his job.
  18. Super Nanny?
  19. The whole Drew Henson situation is hysterical. We wanted 'em. Dallas wanted him. Dallas may have wanted him more, but Henson certainly wanted to go to Dallas much more than he wanted to come to Buffalo. Fine, the deal got done. Then.... Henson is given all of one half of a game, gets the hook and is now tied to the bench by Tuna -- the coach Henson so wanted to play for. Now, Henson may very well never start in the NFL. If Henson opts for Buffalo, he is in Losman's spot now. He would be at Orachard Park right now getting ready to be the starter on opening day. Instead, he may just be holidng a clipboard behind Drew Bledsoe -- the exact thing he wanted to avoid by staying away from the Billls. Life is fair.
  20. Firefox is the best browser out there -- blocks every pop-up -- and it's free. I had to get it when my computer was taken over by spyware.
  21. I don't believe BellyChick would be that stupid. But I hope so!
  22. Where'd you get that? I see he had an 87-yard TD in his last Tulane game. Considering he played behind one hell of a crappy o-line his senior year, I am left to assume he probably had to do a little scrambling to buy time for his receiver to get downfield.
  23. Not the opener, definately not right after they have their bye, and please, please not on primetime.
  24. I was thinking the same thing. Moreover, Stewart could likely teach JP a thing or two about surviving as a QB who can scamble. Let's put this way, last year when I thought he was coming to Buffalo I almost puked. Now I am fairly confident I'll keep my dinner down.
  25. Her guy look like a real dork.
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