Navy, I had the same thing happening to me when I was in the Corps -- it had nothing to do with my service, but I too was dealing with Navy doctors.
Anyway, I was at the Navy hospital at Camp Pendleton for something else when I mentioned I had bad heartburn at the time. The doc I was seeing also worked on acid reflux patients. He ordered up an upper GI, some X-rays and sent me down to Balboa for some tests. Balboa had me walking around for two days with a wire that ran from a small computer on my hip, up my nose and down my throat. It measured just how bad the reflux was. Turned out the worst was when I was asleep, which I didn't really realize. It was so bad I had an ulcer in my esophagus and it was causing dental problems, too.
So, I was put on some pink pills. They stopped the reflux but brought on some other crappy side-effects. The important thing to the doctor though was that the reflux stopped. That, along with the upper GI, showed I had a hyaital hernia.
The doctor performed surgery on me and fixed it, but it was tough 30-day recovery period. You won’t be able to sit up for about a week. No solids for at least two weeks, and then you have to cut your food up real small for another two weeks. At least you’ll get a month of convalescent leave. But I haven’t had heartburn if four, almost five, years now. It was worth it.
PM me if you have any questions.