Forgive me if this is a little off topic, but I always want to tell this true story when someone is talking about Bonds.
In 1999 I was a Marine in San Diego. I was taking photos of a couple hundred Marines who were unfurling the world's largest American flag on the field for the National Anthem at Qualcom Statidum before a July 5 Padres-Giants game. It was Miiitary Appreciation Day and the game celebrating Independence Day.
I was on the field near first base as the National Anthem began. I clicked a couple quick shots of the Marines on the field and then turned to get a few shots of players standing with their caps over their hearts. Just as I was putting my camera down I noticed Barry Bonds. While the rest of his team was all standing at attention, he was lying down in the dugout.
It may not seem like a big deal, but I thought it was a disgrace. I wrote a opinion column for my base newspaper, and SI ran a clip from it. The Giants said he was lying down nursing an injury, but he never showed any other sign of an injury before or after that game.
It just pised me off, and I'll be very happy to see him leave the game.