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Everything posted by scribo

  1. No worries. Sure it's the first, but I predict J.P. will throw many, many more TD passes. Oh, what proof does this guy have that the ball he has it the real one? I tend to believe him since he is being so reasonable, but you never know.
  2. From the article: Sounds more than fair to me.
  3. Somehow Jim Haslett still has a good rep. I am pretty sure there were Wallers two yars ago pleading with TD to hire him.
  4. Wade was also screwed out of the head honcho spot in Atlanta, right? You're right. He was definately better as a head coach than Williams.
  5. Desperation -- for both parties.
  6. I agree that Fassel and Davis would likely get HC jobs before Gray. I also agree that most probably see Gregg Williams as the top DC out there right now, but it seems fairly clear that Washington is ready to promote him the minute Joe Gibbs retires, which I'm willing to bet is at the end of this season. Also, don't forget about Dick LeBleau.
  7. Thanks. Now I'm reading that it is believed that he asked to be traded. The funny thing is that the Skins will get nothing now even close to what they would have a year ago. Why the hell Gibbs is going with Brunell I'll never know.
  8. Probably not an impossible thing for TD to pull off. By the way, how funny is that QB controversary in Washington? Just about 18 months ago there were about four teams (the Bills included) who were willing to give a second or maybe even a first round pick for Patrick Ramsey. Now he is sitting again and will likely be the third QB by next season. Gibbs somehow lost his mind.
  9. It just makes no sense. They don't include Washington, D.C., on there but they have Columbus?!?! Edit: I see they have a link for more cities on there now, but, still, why leave Washington, Buffalo, etc., off the front page? Edit again: I believe that you cannot vote for/enter a sportsbar into this unless it is in one of the cities on the main page.
  10. I also went with the Jests, but in the long run I think a win byt the stinkin' fish this weekend might be better for the Bills' playoff hopes. Really, a 0-0 tie would be ideal.
  11. Everyone would be happy? That would be like driving to Buffalo from at least as far as Cayuga Lake, or maybe even Syracuse. No, if you do that, you might at well change the team's name. There would no longer be anyway you could consider them in San Diego.
  12. I'm not sure which board you were on, but I was lurking on http://bbs.buccaneers.com and saw plenty of smack getting thrown around. I too was surprised. One Bucs guy was quoting posts from bb.com that were six months old. I was also surprised by how many Bills fans were there throwing punches as well. Though it looked like the Bucs fans had jumped on the Bills fans first, who like Gullfer1 here, seemingly just stopped by to get a little bit of the opposing view. The big thing the Bucs fans kept hitting on was the whole Superbowl crap -- real original. The Bucs fans there really seem to think they'll win simply because of the heat. Like it never gets hot and humid in Buffalo. I guess they seem to forget that half our team is from the south.
  13. It would be hard for an average Joe charged with a second DUI in nine months to avoid at least a month behind bars. It likley means he also was driving on a revoaked liscense, without insurance and against a court order. I would be surprised if we see him Sunday.
  14. I am going to block out of my mind the comment in there about the Drew era. So, as far as I'm concerned, the Bills are ranked #8 on that list.
  15. I know a lot of people may disagree, but Vick can be pretty accurate on the run -- last night for example. Also, Mile High, I assume you remember that other #7 -- not Flutie -- Elway. All that said, I think J.P. has a shot at being something every special.
  16. I thought the same thing. The Colts look pretty damn tough on both sides of the ball. They seem to have something there on defense that they haven't had since Peyton came to town.
  17. Bobby Shaw.
  18. Is the NFL changing the game from Sunday Oct. 2?
  19. I would say I can definately yell louder standing up. But, you're correct in that there is no reason to try and stand the whole game.
  20. You're right that I don't use such verbage much. I just got worked up a bit. And, no, of course we're not, Cincy.
  21. I don't mean to be hard or harsh to anyone -- but the opposing offense. I just believe that anyone going to a Bills game should know beforehand that there will be tens of thousands of people there screaming their heads off -- because that is what the players want fans to do in support of them.
  22. Become?!?!?!? Hasn't that been the case for decades? What do you think homefield advatage is? It's a lot more than the fact that you get to sleep in your own bed the night before the game.
  23. Many thanks for your wish. Maybe it is time for a reality check for you. I don't LIVE at the Ralph. I go there to watch football. Yes, if I LIVED in an area that was built with the intention to host 71,000+ screaming, yelling, pumped-up fans, I should expect just that, or I should move. If someone doesn't want to be in a stadium that in known nationally for its super loud crowd, then don't go the games! I'm not saying that drunken cursing and spitting is OK, I am saying that when I go to a Bills game I feel it is my duty to make as much noise as possible to help me team. And I feel it is every other Bills fan around me to do the same. If you go to a play, yes, you have a "right" to relaxed, quiet setting. If you go to a pro football game (at any stadium), yes, you have a right to a loud, energized setting.
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