Many thanks for your wish. Maybe it is time for a reality check for you. I don't LIVE at the Ralph. I go there to watch football. Yes, if I LIVED in an area that was built with the intention to host 71,000+ screaming, yelling, pumped-up fans, I should expect just that, or I should move.
If someone doesn't want to be in a stadium that in known nationally for its super loud crowd, then don't go the games! I'm not saying that drunken cursing and spitting is OK, I am saying that when I go to a Bills game I feel it is my duty to make as much noise as possible to help me team. And I feel it is every other Bills fan around me to do the same.
If you go to a play, yes, you have a "right" to relaxed, quiet setting. If you go to a pro football game (at any stadium), yes, you have a right to a loud, energized setting.