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Everything posted by scribo

  1. That's a good idea. I'll drink to the fellow die hards Sunday!
  2. It is better for Bills Backers groups that meet at sportsbar when the game isn't on local TV.
  3. I'm really looking forward to seeing him, too. But I want him to be 100 percent ready before he hits the field. Reed seems to finally be coming around, so I don't see any need to rush Roscoe.
  4. I think you should put down the crack pipe.
  5. I feel much better heading out on the road with Holcomb. He clearly showed yesterday that he doesn't rattle easily. As long as the Bills don't go in with too much confidence, they'll be fine. Yes, this game is very important. But I don't think the Pats game is critical, yet. The Bills could really build on a "morale victory" in Foxboro. Of course, that would make the Pats game in Buffalo very, very important.
  6. I really wish we had traded up to draft Mike Nugent.
  7. Yes, Tice is on his last days -- if not hours -- with the Vikes. Their offseason began at halftime yesterday. Keeping around any longer is only wasting time preparing for next season.
  8. When did he get so damn fast? It was like he knew the snap count all day yesterday. He jumped offsides once, but he was so fast I thought he was close to being offsides at least four other times. It was nice to see him show up to play. By the way, I don't think the announcers were giving Sam the credit he deserved when they talked about the center-QB exchange problems the Jests were having. The center wasn't getting the ball up because he was so scared of Sam.
  9. Last time I checked, 2-0 beat 0-0 by one game.
  10. He came back in for one play, was ineffective and had to leave for the rest of the game. I'm willing to bet he doesn't play next week, but I was also looking forward to seeing Nate battle it out with him.
  11. Read what I wrote next time before you reply. I didn't necessarily say the Bills were moving to Los Angeles. I just agreed with LABillzFan. What I did say is that the Mid-Atlanitc, South and West were much stronger economically. As for your examples of why the Bills won't become the LA Lounge Lizards: Cleveland got a team only because the NFL promised the city a team, but, it is important to note that when the original Browns left town, they went to Baltimore, which is in the Mid-Atlantic. Oh, I am pretty sure Cleveland is doing better fiscally than Buffalo. And, of course, Houston is in the south. The bottomline has nothing to do with whether or not the City of Buffalo can suport the team. The NFL is a business. It is about making as much money as possible. I think most businessmen would assume that more money could be made on an NFL team in San Antonio, Orlando, El Paso, Sacremento, Virginia Beach, etc., than can be made in Western New York.
  12. LA is right. When Ralph no longer owns the team, the team will have to move. Then I have to just stop watching football. Honestly, I agree with that Wilson is not very good at picking or keeping good GMs. But what are our options? If he sells, we lose the team. If he keeps it, we suck. I guess I'd rather watch a lousy team than not watch a team at all. For those of you who think a new owner might keep the team in Buffalo -- just for a reality check, look into how the economy is doing in Buffalo. Then go check out the economy is the Mid-Atlantic, the South, and the West.
  13. Thanks for starting this thread, ofiba. It is exactly what we all need right now. I remember sitting on my living room floor as a little kid crying when the field goal missed. My father, mother and sister just sat there. No one looked at each other. I reached up and turned the TV off as the Gints rushed the field. I didn’t go to school the next day. I was too sick. When our team was getting slaughtered by the Oilers a few years later, my family sat at the bowling alley bar, refusing to leave. We pulled our own hair out when they came back. I vowed that day to never stop watching a game until the final gunshot. I firmly believe that the Bills is the most difficult team to be a fan of. There is always preseason hope. There are always glimmers of hope through the season. But that hope is almost always followed by disappointment. Butt, as was so well stated in other posts above, the love of the Bills is engrained in our being. That is why I’ll be watching from kickoff through the end on Sunday. Now, damn it, let's squish those stinkin' fish.
  14. I'm willing to bet he wears his helmet the majority of the afternoon.
  15. I'll be wiling to kill for blue cheese. And I'll get fat.
  16. I don't feel that my week would be any better for knowing who our starting QB will be Sunday, and I see myself as a major fan. For one millionth time, the only entity to benefit from the Bills announcing the starter would be the Stinkin' Fish. Any real fan would rather his team have every advantage possible over the opposing team.
  17. Some American network needs to sign her. I'd watch every night.
  18. I think they could add a situp or two to their regime. Maybe one less Twinkie per day would help, too.
  19. MM has no reason, tactically speaking, to make such an announcement today. Not to mention the fact that he already said he is sticking with J.P. If he reverses field now, he is showing an obvious willingness to allow TD to dicate his player movements. If that is the case, MM might as well roll over and let TD wear the headset on Sundays.
  20. I found it very interesting that the team chose to post those particular questions in the the TD forum. Those questions very much represented what many, many of are wondering. It is good to know that the team is aware of these questions, but the answers were direct enough. I wouldn't be surprised to see the Bills run it 35 times Sunday.
  21. I have a buddy who once met someone who shook Ralph Wilson's hand. He heard a rumor that Bledsoe's attorney mistyped the contract with the Cowboys. Now it may expire tonight and the Bills may resign him. It's true. I heard it. Oh yeah, I also heard TKO ALREADY HAD HIS SURGERY.
  22. Too true. The receipt is flawed. You cannot make one thing if you have the ingredients for something completely different. He has the components to run, but he contiually fails to see that. Geeze, why does this problem seem so familiar?
  23. What gadgetry is out of JP's ability? JP has made some freakin' outstanding play-action fakes this year. Does this come from the one flea-flicker that blew up yesterday? Those things happen. JP has among the best pump fakes I've ever seen. But Clements is suppose to know when to call these types of plays and when not to. More importantly, TC is suppose to realize he has an o-line that was built to run block. Give them their chance. Pound the damn ball at the opposing defense all day. By the end of the game, McGahee and company will have worn that D-line down. That is exactly what New Orelans did yesterday, and it worked against our D like a charm. And it worked for the Bills big time last year.
  24. OK, I totally agree that this year's o-line was built to serve a smash-mouth running game. And I think the line is capable of just that. But our star running back had just 16 carries on the road yesterday. There is no real sign that he'll get more carries next weekend against the stinkin' fish. I doubt TD changes his coaches, and I doubt the coaches change their tune or their play calling. So, we'll continue to keep a line built for a ground game but we'll also continue to throw more than we'll run. So, we're doomed.
  25. I say put Preston at center, Teague at left tackle and Peters are left guard. Of course, Peters likely hasn't worked at guard, but Benny is terrible. But I think these moves could only help and won't cost anything as far as depth goes.
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