It is scary how much sense a deal like this actually makes today.
Really, the Iggles NEED to get TO off their roster today, so they are in the position in which they are going to be forced to take a little or nothing for TO. The Bills now apparently need to unload Moulds, and it is very unclear what they can get for him. Philly NEEDS someone like Moulds. So it does, on the surface, seem like a reasonable deal.
The first of two big factors making this unlikely to happen, of course, is that the Bills are looking for character guys. TO is a character, but not the kind the Bills are looking for. The second is that TO would very likely throw a hissy fit when he found he was on a team without a proven starting QB -- not the mention a team in a small market.
But...I'd like to see Marv and Dick talk to TO, ask him if he would play for the Bills considering the QB sitiuation, if he would play for reasonable money (incentive-laden), and if he could put his past demons behind him. If his answers are acceptable, pull the trigger and watch every other AFC East team scramble like crazy to get DBs who might be able to compete with TO because there aren't any right now.
WM+LE+TO (under control and focused) = playoffs, maybe Super Bowl