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Everything posted by scribo

  1. And how does the oh-so-holy Otto believe Bentley should prove himself worthy of the double-oh? I mean, does a player have to be a 14-year vet with a bunch of Pro Bowls, etc., under his belt before being "worthy" of changing his number to 00?
  2. This move may actually be to put this fat ass in as the starting RG. Seth McKinney was moved from center to guard a couple weeks ago. Plus, the stinkin' fish gave him too much dough to keep his fat ass on the bench the whole season.
  3. Incorrect. I have the basic Adephia package in Fredericksburg, VA, and I do not have NFL Network. I am moving in the very near future to Maryland, and there I will get NFL Network as part of the digital cable package with Comcast.
  4. But he cannot find the time to show in Buffalo. Thanks for the heads up.
  5. Tom Hanks is a great guy -- very genuine. He seems to be among the very, very few superstars who refuse to let all the fame and fortune go to his head. He donates more than 60% of his earnings. He lives in an average sized home, and he only owns three vehicles -- a pickup and two sedans. He puts a lot of time and energy into honoring veterans and helping the elderly. I've met him about a dozen times, and he always comes across as someone who is just doing what he loves and is very thankful for being able to do so. One of my favorite things about him is that he tries not to become news and he doesn't blabber about political views.
  6. Troy absoultely must remain with the Bills for at least one more year. Thin about it: The Bills just drafted practically a whole new secondary. How many vets are on that secondary? Well, Lawyer is goen, Nate and Terrance are both pretty young but qualify. Troy is the one pretty much only really experienced guy back there. The value of having a guy like that is priceless. And the Bills have plenty of room under the cap. Troy is a character-type, and he is damn smart. He will help the rookies and young vets. Why cut him anyway? To take the full brunt of his cap hit this year thus saving that much more space next year? Well, that makes some sense, but I think he is well worth his price. Troy is going to realize mentoring these guys could be a real way to leave a legacy. I see him stepping p big time, playing well and hopefully staying healthy.
  7. I'm not saying you're wrong, Bill, but that doesn't make sense to me. A team can only use the Transition tag once in its history? Or did Wright take it with him? In that case, call his ass up and get him to return it. He probably lost it eating burgers at McDonalds.
  8. I've read several articles and have yet to see that other tags mentioned.
  9. Pretty sure he overthrew Moulds down around the 20 near the end of the game. But the biggest take away for me on this particular game was that the coaches finally found something that worked (J.P. running the no huddle), yet they ditched it after the one good drive and never came back to it. I think that huge mistake is a very good reason we have a new coaching staff this year.
  10. A quick question here: This "agreeement" is that the Bills won't hit Nate with the franchise tag next year. But, and here is the questiion, is it possible to slap the transition player tag on him still? I believe so, and that would force a teamt give the Bills a 1st-rounder for him. Correct?
  11. Incorrect. He skipped the last one, too. DJ said a few diffent times in the media that he expected McGahee to show last time, but I am pretty sure he never did. The odd thing is that when he did show up a while back, he said all the right things -- "I need to show the new coaches that I am their guy." But now this...
  12. No real question on if he would sign it, but there was a lot of uncertainty on if would sign in before training camp -- let along the second mini-camp. This is very good as he'll have even that much more time with the rookies.
  13. Don't forget though, after roasting the Bills right after the Bills picked Whitner, he said he liked the pick. He really let the Bills have it though on the McCargo pick though.
  15. A second, provided the second was also the 14th in that round.
  16. Check it again. It says D'Brick fell to us twice out of the 25 mocks munched. It also says that two other players, who it does not identify, fell to the Bills once each. Oh, what is going on with the Buffalo data? It only lists 25 votes while all others list 26. Also note that it does not say how old these mocks were when munched. It seems that projecting the Bills to pick Ngata is old thinking. By the way, the data there says eight mocks had the Bills taking Ngata, which is the lowest number of hits of all the teams in the top-12 and tied for the fourth lowest among the top-20. One more important note: Cleveland is picked more times than the Bills to select Ngata. So if you really read this data, it says the Bills are most likely to pick Bunkely.
  17. Other than that little legal trouble, Sean Taylor is one mean safety, too.
  18. Yes, seven blocked kicks are a lot.
  19. Bellichick -- all players but Ty Law, Lawyer Milloy and other "me first" players.
  20. It would be great, but there is no way, IMHO, that D'Brick is still on the board even by the time Green Bay picks.
  21. What's wrong with Huff as a safety? Last time I checked the Bills need a legit starting S.
  22. I'll do that. Thanks. We're moving to Piney Orchard, and, as you said, I must be.
  23. Ah, that is so very much the correct way to do it, and I've tried that tactic, but I just cannot keep it up. This is going to be a great draft!
  24. As long as we're on the subject, I am moving to Odenton, Md., which is about 25 miles south of Baltimore. I see there is a Bills Backers group in Colombia. I was wondering if that is still active, and if so, how many Bills fans come out each week? Also, is that a good place to see the Sabres geames, too?
  25. We are Bills fans. It is natural at this point to panic. Just like we all hold our breath every time our QB drops back, every time our QB throws a pass, every time the opposing team's QB throws, every time the opposing team is facing a third down, etc., etc.
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