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Everything posted by scribo

  1. Good for Posey, no doubt, but I was hoping he could have provided a dangerous pass rush.
  2. I expect J.P. can become "under the best possible circumstances" a lot more than Plummer ever was/will be. But I agree that J.P. looks comfortable in the two-minute drills, which is much, but not exactly, like the no-huddle offense. His best drive of last year, IMHO, was one in last year's game against the Panthers. J.P. went no-huddle and it worked very well against a very good defense. Now, it is important to note that it seemingly came out of nowhere, so Carolina was likely caught out of position, and the Bills didn't go back to it for the rest of the game, so it is unclear if it would have worked again. But, with the direction the team has turned toward with its linemen on both sides of the ball, maybe this is something the Bills are looking at for this year. The no-huddle calls for lighter, more athletic linemen on both offense and defense, which is exactly what the Bills have now. Of course, running the no-huddle is very risky. It only takes a few bad drives to be totally out of a game.
  3. Wease's t-shirts are actually handed out in the locker room. The show also interviews several Bills each day during camp, and the producers give the shirts to the players then. From what I understand, wear the shirts because a.) they are free, and b.) because they like Wease.
  4. I played with Bano, as a fellow class of '95er. He was a huge Eagles fan back in HS. He was always super tall, but he was never that big until his senior year. He was a tight end every year up until then. I lifted with him (and several other Fairporters) between junior and senior year. He was getting bigger each year up until then, but I couldn't believe how huge he got in that tree-month span. The craziest thing was that he had never been a star, but right after gaining all that weight Syracuse locked him up with a full ride. So he's at McQuaid now? That is hysterical. Thanks for the update.
  5. Great stuff. Thanks for the news. So, was he the Fairport Red Raiders' QB? What a program they have. Of course, as a former Raider myself, that is not the most unbiased observation. Again, thanks. I hope Cottengim knocks their socks off. I don't think Fairport has ever had an NFLer. I believe Mark Banowitz (spelling?) was drafted by Jacksonville or Carolina, but I don't think he ever made the team.
  6. Another thread already hitting on this question.
  7. I'd rather have our QB hanging with the center than Willis.
  8. Ramsey must be thrilled. At least this should help cement the Jests' spot in the cellar.
  9. Yes, the helmets look great. I wonder if they are wearing them because white is cooler? But I would like to see them switch over at some point so they practice with the helmets they're going to wear in the games. Maybe it really doesn't make a difference, but it seems to me it would be better to get use to throwing to the right colors.
  10. Not being a hobknobber myself, I could care less about them getting the regular-fan treatment. But one thing TD deserves credit for was bettering the business side of the Bills. I hate that I cannot afford the 50-yard line seats, and I really hate that many in those seats are rich guys who don't care half as much abot the team as I do, but I know that the team couldn't exist if it wasn't for the big business types who throw their money at the team. The bottom-line here is that the Bills need to take care of the piggy bank.
  11. Jason Peters? Peters needs to get some sun. Really, thanks! These are great.
  12. Look, no, it is not necessarily "bad news" for Shelton. Yes, the Bills apparently saw an opportunity to raise the level of competition at a particular position. DJ has been clear that he would do exactly that whenever he could during camp. This is nothing but good news for the team. Zero risk, plenty of potential for payoff. I'll make that bet any day.
  13. Some great shots there, Mike. Thanks! The pic of Aaron Gibson shows one mean mo'fo. Any word on how he is doing so far? I think he is one of the more interesting players to watch this camp.
  14. Does anyone ever recall a player reporting to camp without a contract? I mean, rookies show up for OTAs before signing on the dotted line, why not do the same at training camp while your agent works things out with the team's front office? It will string things out quite a bit more for sure, but the team would likely be more willing to give in as the season grows closer, and all parties would be ready for the season this way. Of course, is there really a reason for players to want to be ready to start early in their rookie season? No one is going to remember what Whittner did in his rookie season five years from now when he is looking to cash in as a free agent. In other words, why should he care if he misses all of camp and isn't the starter until half way through the season? He just saved himself a good deal of wear and tear and still got his cash in the end. This system is not practical for the teams.
  15. I like this pick-up a ton. Ricard was/is one bad-ass FB. He just buried guys not too long ago. The Bills have nothing to lose and much to gain with this one. If he is healthy, he could become very valuable. If he isn't he is just one more cut.
  16. Marv said the number being offered is smack dab in the middle of what Huff and Simms just signed for. If the Bills are holding on to get an extra year in the contract, hell, that is something Whittner should give them for drafting him so high, IMHO. I'm a Bills fan first, and a fan of the players second. In other words, I am more interested in the team getting a fair shake than Whittner. But, as I just said, I think a six-year deal with #8 money is fair to all.
  17. Good pint, John. Anyone else realize the stinkin' fish were beat by the Bills last year early in the season and should have lost to the Bills late in the season (three first-quarter TDs for Lee and J.P.)? What did the stinkin' fish do since then? They added a QB with a suspect knee, but they also lost ricky. OK, culpepper has a decent shot at having a big year, but I don't think they improved all that much, so I firmly believe agree miami is overrated and due to fail terribly this season, which will be GREAT.
  18. OK, this being the case, why is LJ listed as the top one, two or three fantasy back on most every "expert's" list?
  19. You'll also be able to raise the d-line number next year McCargo will be a starter, and he makes more than $488.
  20. This sounds like a solid plan to me. Crowell showed he is too good to be on the bench, and I think Posey will make a very good situational LB/DE.
  21. I hear 'ya, Jay. But I just don't think going to an indoor water park is what Western and Central New Yorkers are looking for in the dead of winter. Hell, a lot of us are pale as Casper and out of shape for those 8-9 months of gloom each year. Who wants to get in a bathing suit then? Yes, the "Racino" is doing well, but have you been there? The crowd pumping in quarters does not include a whole lot of the types looking to go down water slides, etc. That exit is a prime locale for a big truck stop, not a high-end amusement attraction. I am all for growth in that area, but I just don't think this is the right choice. Anyone remember FunScape next to the Regal Cinemas theater at Eastview Mall? That is less than 10 miles away. It was an indoor amusement park with mini-golf, smaller rides, laser tag, virtual reality systems, other games, a huge modern jungle-gym, a food court, etc. It went belly-up after four years, and it only lasted that long because the theater attracted people to the building. There will be no theater this time, so there will have to be a lot of pricey advertising to get people to come out, plus it is not a quick ride from places such as Greece, Webster and some of the more affluent Rochester suburbs. I wish anyone putting money into the area the absolute best, and I will do my part to support it, but I just doubt it will be a long-term success.
  22. Thanks! My bad, the past posts about this taping completely slipped my mind. So, did they show an audience full of Bills fans?
  23. That is classy. Thanks for the story. Glad to hear water balloons weren't involved.
  24. This sounds like one hell of a luncheon. I certainly would like to hear more. When you say hold out, do you mean a player not reporting to camp on time? Or do you mean a player waiting until the last minute? I cannot not imagine a player would be very happy about missing camp time, thus sustaining the risks that come with that, to help his agent recruit fresh meat. It is very interesting to know Polian speaks freely about something like that. I often wonder what happenings are just part of the game despite the fact that they worry and piss off fans.
  25. I find this report awfully suspicious primarily because arrests are public record, and no mainstream news agency has yet confirmed this story. Comcast just picked up the report, but that little brief solely quotes the ProFootballTalk site. Comcast Nonetheless, Bunkley has yet to show anything that makes me regret the Bills passing on him. Of course, that isn't saying much at this stage.
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