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Everything posted by scribo

  1. That is a good point about Williams. That said, TD has made remarks that back up my preception that he believes the head coach should not have too much power. The bottom-line is that TD's worst decisions while running the Bills were the two head coaches he hired.
  2. And Cowher ended up running TD out of town, in a way. TD learned his lesson, and IMHO, decided to make sure he didn't hire another Cowher.
  3. Jauron was a head coach before. As you know, he was a past NFL heach coach of the year. Greggo and Meathead both were HC rookies -- not on their second time. TD thought he was so great that he could take a rookie HC and make him into a star.
  4. Amen. I don't knock TD's drafting. It was his big ego that forced him to bring in unproven and untested head coaches so that he wouldn't have to yield any power. All the national writers who love TD and contually point out the fact that TD drafted several of our top players need to get off that dead horse and start remembering that the coaching under TD was a total disaster. Hey, how's Meathead doing for the stinkin' fish?
  5. They totally gave the Bills the shaft. They talked about how great the Jests are playing, saying they were going to take one of the Wild Card spots, but they failed to mention that they were thumped a week ago in NJ by our beloved Bills. They showed the stinkin' fish logo disappear from the playoff board, but they failed to mention who kicked their asses off that board. No love, which is just the way I want it.
  6. All my best, Glen. You are doing noble work, and we all will benefit from your sacrifices. Be safe, fight hard, stay hydrated and always watch your six. God bless. I work for a veterans service organization, and while we dont have Bills DVD right now, we have a lot of movies and stuff on DVD that I could sned yuo and your comrades once you get a APO. Just PM it to me when you get over there, and I'll make sure we get yousome safe entertainment. As for helping pay to get Glen free copies of the games, I'm in, too.
  7. You bring up a good point. It often seem like teams make moves (like FA signings and trades) that fans think are crazy. Remember Benny Anderson? Ravens fans thought TD and company were nuts for giving him good money. I think each team should hire 31 diehard (football-smart) fans -- one for each of the other teams. Mamybe I'm giving fans way too much credit, but most of knew JJ was going to be a bust in SF long before his first injury there.
  8. You are wrong. The Chargers' move is a perfect example of a team giving up on a QB too early. Say what you want, but the Chargers would be in even better shape now if they had used the value of that #1 pick on something other than a QB. Don't forget that they ended up getting nothing for Brees, who is now working wonders in N.O.
  9. The worst off-season move by Marv and Company was picking Shelton over Ricard. Shelton is the one starter left who I just cannot understand why he is even on the team. It seems like every time I see him on the field he is screwing up.
  10. He should be arrested anyway for that.
  11. The Bears definately are impressive so far against the Panthers tonight. I am really looking forward to next week, not because I think the Bills will necessarily do well in Chicago, but because I think it will be a great chance to see how this young Bills team can stand up to the league's best right now.
  12. The defense did a good job as the final stats and score tunred out very well. But there are two important things to keep in mind -- first, the Vikes' offense has problems and is far from being considered efficent. And, the Bills D almost let this game get away from them in the end by once again failing to finish. This was an issue the Bills talked up big time before they stomped the stinikin' fish, and they came through then. But last week, and again in the end today, they allowed receiveres to get open deep and allowed the opposing QB to stay on his feet long enough to throw it deep. In all, our D is doing just fine considering how young they are.
  13. The game is officially a sell-out, which is all that matters. But this is the game with the Bills Backers package. The team was holding a bunch of tickets for that package and for late season ticket purchases. So, up until about a week ago, you couldn't even buy two tickets together unless you were purchasing the BB package, too.
  14. Not to mention: "Y'know what...if this is the way it's going to go, move the team. It's not worth it to get kicked in the crotch by a team that's only technically in the NFL. Don't buy tickets for 2006. Let the senile old man hemmorhage money."
  15. Yeah, he only has one more game on his league suspension.
  16. crackur = MM How did that whole Shaud playing third downs go last season?
  17. Oh, Ok. so you're a big time athlete. What I find annoying is fans who feel like they have the right to know everything about players' health. Yeah, Jauron, why didn't you tell the Jests and stinkin' fish that they have no reason to game plan for Spikes. That would certainly help them! No, I agree with telling as little as possible and leting the other teams guess, forcing them to prepare for all possibilities. This isn't new.
  18. I hate people.
  19. I think the team that plays it corectly will get at least a fifth, and more likely a fourth, from the Bucs for a decent QB. This is because Gruden is too stuborn to realize his team's season is already over.
  20. 10-6 wins the division this year.
  21. Not to rain on anyone tailgating, but I do believe "minus 1" means we're the favorites here. Of course, a home game is good for at least two points, so this line tells me the bookmakers would give the Vikes the advantage if this was to be played in a neutral site.
  22. Was it Eric Dickerson who said he never lifter in his life? Or was it Herschel Walker? Who ever it was, and I am pretty sure it was one of those two, he said he just did a ton of push-ups and sit-ups.
  23. I am not a fan of the Times (at all), but I agree with you 100 percent here. But I also believe that bitching Bills fans are happy Bills fans.
  24. Wind + Chad's arm + Donte =
  25. I read the whole thing before coming back up to look at the pic. Doh! Anyone needing log-in info for the Times' site: username - irritated5 password - irritated
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