George Will gives voice to a simmering situation
"John Kerry's selection of John Edwards as running mate was a blunder, and not just because Kerry probably will lose Edwards' North Carolina. The Edwards selection ratifies a provocative fact: trial lawyers have become the Democrats' most important faction. This has energized small-business owners, the self-employed, doctors and others who worry that they live one lawsuit away from ruin. Such people, now aroused, may propel tort reform that will curtail the windfalls that make trial lawyers the Democrats' largest source of contributions."
And from the Washington Monthly - a like item from Grover Norquist
Now, Mr. Norquist would certainly qualify as a Republican operative but is this an opening salvo against the genre of the trial lawyers ? The VP challenger skirted the issue the other night except for some reference to a lawyer "review" panel and
some "three strikes" nonsense.
Noto Bene: There are also Republican trial lawyers loose amongst us