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Bob Lamb

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Everything posted by Bob Lamb

  1. "Whether you like it or not, the Pro Football Hall of Fame uses passer rating to judge QBs, and that should be good enough for anyone." 87093[/snapback] There is so much more to judging a HOF player than just some numbers. No one has ever managed to figure out how to measure leadership, heart and sheer guts
  2. There is a Deutsche Bank in Manhattan which isn't too far away A phone call may do wonders http://banks.amillionlives.com/BankName-623-4559-36.html
  3. Murray's on the corner of Hertel & Colvin - An old place with an old crowd but most definitely - a RED SOX bar
  4. Yeah - I'll be there No decisions yet about where I'm staying
  5. "It seems Lake Erie is emptying out over The Ralph. phins 3 Bills 2" Yeah - it's pouring here this morning also - First real rain in 182 days (of course, I know where I'd rather be)
  6. Arnold cannot run - he is not a native born then again lots of undocumented voters can vote - why not run ? I'm sure it has happened somewhere Poor Arnold (and Alexander Hamilton)
  7. me - Jay - do I get "dibs" on the jacket ?
  8. Don't let the IRS change the rules ! http://www.suntimes.com/output/brown/cst-nws-brown14.html
  9. No
  10. I usually am not a fan of Mr. Esmonde http://www.buffalonews.com/editorial/20041013/1050262.asp
  11. My TV (relaxation) schedule was full as many bigs games (13) were on cable and were close, exciting games. Michigan, Notre Dame, Tenneesee and USC all posting impressive wins. Tough luck for Penn State but Purdue is a "rolling" team. Too bad for Texas and OSU - someone does care. There's still five games underway and the Yankees/Twins hit extra innings The wife should go away for more weekends Maybe the Bills might pull one out tomorrow to cap the weekend !
  12. How to play statistics with really big numbers: http://www.suntimes.com/output/otherviews/cst-edt-ref09.html Short cut to the end: "Before China can become an effective competitor to the United States, it must first overcome its Maoist legacy of corruption, inadequate infrastructure, weak financial institutions and the political rigidities of a one-party state. This last problem could be the most intractable. Local and regional party officials still hold great power and are loath to give it up. Attempts to curb such power and abuses could produce the two things the central government fears most -- political instability and a slowdown in the foreign investment needed to fuel the Chinese economic miracle." Plus - an economy very dependent on "filthy" coal http://www.usembassy-china.org.cn/sandt/Liaoningweb.htm
  13. "My question is: can the economy really be as bad as the Democrats say when the housing market, at least here in the Philadelphia area, is still robust? Is housing a leading or lagging indicator?" Housing is always first based on location, location and then, location If properties are selling in days (hours here on the W. Coast) then the market is hot and it is not a matter of the overall economy Supply and demand rule - BUT Look before you leap and a "real" home inspection is an ABSOLUTE ! 5.75% is a good rate - any points though ?
  14. I was offered Taylor for Crumpler. Do I do it? I also have Vick/McNair and Roth as QB WRs: Stallworth, Roy Williams, Muhammad and Stokley Do it - you're 0-4 ? taylor is not a difference maker
  15. "Does anyone know what these people are trying to accomplish? I can't see what a lawn sign does for a candidate. There can't be anyone who would see a sign in a neighbor's yard & say "Joe's voting for Smith, I will too" There are no policy statements or other positions, just the name of the candidate." I never have put a sign up but here are some reasons - 1. You know or are related to the person 2. You work for the person (or one of his relatives) 3. You owe them money (or vice-versa) 4. Job possibilities ? 5. You are a party hack. 6. You just want to piss off the neighbors. (For years - the house on the corner of my block put every sign possible It made my election day choices easier knowing who the owners backed)
  16. George Will gives voice to a simmering situation http://www.suntimes.com/output/will/cst-edt-geo07.html "John Kerry's selection of John Edwards as running mate was a blunder, and not just because Kerry probably will lose Edwards' North Carolina. The Edwards selection ratifies a provocative fact: trial lawyers have become the Democrats' most important faction. This has energized small-business owners, the self-employed, doctors and others who worry that they live one lawsuit away from ruin. Such people, now aroused, may propel tort reform that will curtail the windfalls that make trial lawyers the Democrats' largest source of contributions." And from the Washington Monthly - a like item from Grover Norquist http://www.washingtonmonthly.com/features/...9.norquist.html Now, Mr. Norquist would certainly qualify as a Republican operative but is this an opening salvo against the genre of the trial lawyers ? The VP challenger skirted the issue the other night except for some reference to a lawyer "review" panel and some "three strikes" nonsense. Noto Bene: There are also Republican trial lawyers loose amongst us
  17. The vote was 402-2 and Rangle voted "no" after introducing the legislation http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/a..._co/the_draft_6
  18. One Lewis already got off in Baltimore
  19. Of course you watch the games - KC is 0-3 ?
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