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Bob Lamb

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Everything posted by Bob Lamb

  1. Same fellow who used to be in front of the Aud ?
  2. September 7, 1986 Scoring Bills - Kelly to Greg Bell - 1 yd TD NY - Tony Paige 2-YD run (after a muffed punt by Walter Broughton (?) NY - Toon - 46 yard pass from O'Brien Bills - 19 yard FG (Norwood) Bills - Reed - 55 yds from kelly NY - Johnny Hector - 1 yard run NY - Wesley Walker - 71 yards Bills - Metzelaars - 4 yards Jets 28 - Bills 24 Kelly - 20 of 33 for 292 O'Brien - 18 of 25 for 287 Sellout - 79,951 The Bills defense had held the Jets to 14 yards and one first down in the third quarter
  3. Instant Replay & Cowbells
  4. Majority Leader "Frist drew a line in the sand Nov. 11 in addressing the conservative Federalist Society: ''One way or another, the filibuster of judicial nominees must end.'' The way he indicated was a rules change -- the nuclear option." http://www.suntimes.com/output/novak/cst-edt-novak201.html
  5. "No offense, but Netflix has made Blockbuster it's little B word......Netflix is one of the greatest things since sliced bread, and I have had zippo need to set foot in a Blockbuster, Hollywood Video, etc. in two years. They've taken a HUGE chunk of your business, and anyone who loves movies (and convenience) will eventually find their way to this service." I've had bad experiences with BB on both coasts (including the NF Blvd.) store and one here in CA. and will NEVER - EVER do business with them again. And that was after Wayne H owned them The stupid late fees were their downfall - they pissed off so many people - forever Netflix is an absolute
  6. The Ever Elusive Solution Niagara Falls Airport` - for the 1,000th time "A Madrid-based Spanish company, Cintra Concesiones de Infraestructuras de Transporte, was poised to sign an agreement with the NFTA four years ago that would have given it control of the airport for 99 years. But the plan was shot down by local government and business interests, who said it was a sell-off of one of the county's most valuable assets" That valuable "asset" is still empty http://www.buffalonews.com/editorial/20041214/1062098.asp
  7. There goes my nature mural (50 x 10 foot) painted by beaver tails http://www.boblonsberry.com/writings.cfm?story=1552&go=4 The "State" saves us again
  8. I defy anyone to finish an entire game upright. 147508[/snapback] At no risk of dating myself - we used to play a similar game with "reruns" of the original version of the "Untouchables" Everyone playing had to put a number (and a $1) in the pot representing how many times Robert Stack would fire his gun that night. This could anywhere from zero to automatic weapons fire - The "pot" paid for the Bocce's pizza and a 12-(24) pack of Screamers - winner got the leftovers (if any) A dollar went a lot further back then Some pizzas were known to leave the 4th story window - gravity sucks
  9. There is a TSA employee waiting to "touch" you in a very special way
  10. You didn't think they (the Congress) actually meant for it to be used - did you ?
  11. Pataki came to Buffalo once and signed and sealed a deal with Adelphia Cable too - The Buffalo Comic Council held that "land" (adjacent to the AUD) hostage for a while and then some other "stuff" happened. No 38-story tower = sigh
  12. The Amassador Bridge (Detroit) and Blue Water Bridge made improvement moves over the recent years that siphoned traffic away from the Peace Bridge. http://www.bwba.org/info.html
  13. Fort Erie & The Niagara Peninsula where much of Canadian and early American history (on the then) western frontier occurred. Canada didn't become a Confederation until 1867 and after the Civil War - some Yankees wanted to use the standing Union armies to make a "little" land grab further north
  14. At these high levels - an honest politician ? Money taints everything. The Keating Five & the Subsequent Savings & Loan Implosion No Senators were ever indicted http://www.azcentral.com/specials/special3...ccainbook5.html
  15. Zach Thomas has a great motor - with too many miles on it - pass
  16. Bruce S,, Talley and (sometimes) Bennett got all the headlines while Hansen just soldiered along - Good times
  17. I've gotta have my Physical therapist see this http://www.signonsandiego.com/sports/20041...z1s20galry.html
  18. This kind of "hindsight" shows what parties were not "in" on the take
  19. Before you get too excited - Marty S. is the coach - history is a B word
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