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Bob Lamb

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Everything posted by Bob Lamb

  1. And The filmakers wonder why sales (revenue) is slumping - too many repeats Batman was everything it should be and hopefully F4 will be too (because they have never been told before) Rewriting "The War of The Worlds" will work with Gen X but you can never replace the original How many times can you remake "Dawn of the Dead" ? Special FX Can only get you so far Forbidden Planet anyone ? http://www.forbidden-planet.org/Robby/
  2. I used to go to the Braves games for $4 (orange) on my student ID and so thoroughly enjoyed the old NBA - Big Bob (so skinny), Randy Smith (Buff State) and Ernie D. (he and Marvin Barnes from Providence) Adrian Dantley aand John Shumate as #1's So much Potential - But Paul Snyder (who screwed so many) was screwed by the Knoxes (for playing dates) and John Y / Henry Mangurian (sic) completed all the screwing there was to do in the Aud This SI Cover hangs on my wall to this day http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...bayphotohosting Heard makes the bucket, MacAdoo is behind him and under the label is over Jim McMilliam. Randy is the backcourt. I was there in SRO the night Darrel Garrelston called "The Foul" I have to remind the yuppies that in the old NBA - you used to score 120 points a night and still lose the game but they don't get it
  3. Four - so far - http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/california_eart...HVjBHNlYwNtcA-- Last Sunday's - we were still in bed - I'm reading and she's still sleeping when the quake gives a good, quick jolt. She wakes up and starts yelling at me - what did I do and why did I wake her up ? Had to be somebody's fault. Did I mention my wife is anti-social and grumpy until the second cup of morning java has soaked in ? We have visitors from Scotland at work and they are waiting in anticipation for a quake but did not feel either of them.
  4. Very common in mountain passes and narrow road routes or over long bridges - usually high profile vehicles - cars can be affected when there is loss of traction One example: http://www.signonsandiego.com/uniontrib/20...s_7m17wind.html
  5. Easier to make than chicken wings http://seafood.allrecipes.com/AZ/BjFshTcs.asp I just perfer flour over corn tortillas
  6. It's not too late to plan for the West Coast - shades of RJ & Flutie Kinda like fish tacos vs. garbage plates http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=25296
  7. What's next ? - Tofu pierogi ? Wine with fried balogna sandwiches ? What kind of crowd is this becoming ?
  8. Check this out - http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1416974/posts The only ones who would profit would be the lawyers - with nothing resolved
  9. "Later, I saw bob gulping water in the shade. Poor man Took on BDH." I wouldn't drink water (at a tailgate ?) - does no good to try and extinguish fire Milk maybe
  10. The NFL "wanted" Toronto once - too And what about Mexico City ? http://www.offthekuff.com/mt/archives/002542.html
  11. One of the greatest toys - ever The fun never stopped After the Lincoln Log years of course
  12. Well - He is an ex-satanist ? http://answers.org/Satan/warnke10.html "Another alleged ex-Satanist, Hershel Smith, purchased the Witchmobile from Morris Cerullo and began his own tour. Smith's testimony, seen in the 1974 book The Devil and Mr. Smith, coauthored by Dave Hunt, was an apparent effort to one-up The Satan Seller." What does TD know ?
  13. http://www.singers.com/barbershop/buffalobills.html You see their old albums on E-bay and a new CD compilation is out http://www.a-cappella.com/catalog/artists/...ls/p_5031c.html Classic Stuff - Good Times
  14. Now, let the controversy begin..... 337080[/snapback] Andre Reed - but only if he "plays" nice
  15. Bills related: http://www.profootballhof.com/hall/release...release_id=1475
  16. "AS PER ALWAYS: BIG DADDY WILL TAKE ON ALL (alleged) CALLENGERS! - to out hot him in hot pepper eating. My advice? be afraid, be very afraid. (His stomach is made of galvanized steel)" I've been working out with some Mexican culinary experts - The East Coast better step it up a notch
  17. The way Joe had to bare the burden of crappy team play always came to mind when other QB's seemed to get more than their share of blame. His biggest divisional rival was probably Bert Jones, and I could never figure out why Bert got so much good press and Joe did not. 329667[/snapback] Joe F. handled his career and his travails in Buffalo with so much class - it makes me proud. I met him several times and he was always a complete gentleman. While the bulk of today's NFL players are AOK - the "punks" could learn something from the alleged old-timers Joe D. is another one - who also protected Joe F's back for a while
  18. For quite a while I worked two jobs and went to night school, but it was worth it. 312214[/snapback] No wonder why you are so darn skinny (and bald)
  19. I'm thinking of purchases a 1945 bungalow in a really hot district of town. A block from a river, walk to downtown, and in a revitalization community. It's 1200 square feet and in a bit of mess. Structurally it looks good but I will get a house inspection. Thinking about buying it and either gutting it completely or doing a major renovations. Moving interior walls, bathrooms, carpets, hardwood, etc. Make sure that "revitalization community" doesn't mean a review board that can dictate what you can and can't do to change the exterior aspects of the structure.
  20. And as far as fighting terrorism (or stupidity) - a complete waste of time http://www.cnn.com/2005/TRAVEL/04/19/airport.screeners/
  21. They would - but they are out picketing a Wal-Mart Seriously - the market exists to fill your needs at an affordable price. There is nothing wrong with participating in the global market.
  22. Is too much attention paid to a non-scientific measurement ? http://www.signonsandiego.com/sports/nfl/2...-1s18forty.html
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