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Bob Lamb

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Everything posted by Bob Lamb

  1. Once of the best da*n looking 50's I know - but all TBD ladies are "sweet"
  2. Pandas are actually a member of the racoon family and no specimen over 300 lbs has been documneted (in recent times). In zoo pregnanacies - two embryos are often confirmed by sonogram - but so far only one ever seems to be delivered and survive - nature's way http://www.bearbiology.com/gpdesc.html
  3. If you like hockey - The HOF is well worth a visit - you see all the Trophys up close and personal - and they're beautiful http://www.hhof.com/html/gi100.shtml If it's a clear day - the CN Tower (Up) ride is well worth the price of admission
  4. I had trouble getting in last year because of my firewall - but no trouble last night - I know my wife changed our security system but can't say what it is - I thought SDS said he changed something about the Chat Room ?
  5. Give me a cell number - I'll "phone" it in I swear - if you could find a decent hot dog out here in CA - scummers would be a "hit" It's a sorry state of affairs when 7-11 has the best hots (Osacr M on a roller)
  6. Does it count if I have a fish "taco" at 9 AM (my time) ? I'll look at the guy next to me and say, 'JP will be allright - eventually'. 'Please pass the pincante' Best I can do
  7. I was quite surprised to find that the SD Chargers media quide came on CD Rom I wonder how many other teams have made the transition ? I also don't know (yet) if the Chargers are available on paper
  8. For years in Erie County everytime there was budget crisis (this one ain't the first) one of the first things always threatened are the libraries. I guess this partly due to the fact that their funding is non-mandated and a "hot button" topic for some folk, So here's the topic again: http://www.buffalonews.com/editorial/20050722/1051943.asp I have heard the same discussions in San Diego (the city proper) which is suffering its' own budget meltdown. I have heard talk show hosts describe how libraries are useless in today's age - and I'm surprised how many callers agree. I grew up in a age where the corner library was everything. I swear I read every book (of interest) at my library (Lake Ave. & Latta Road) in Charlotte before age 12. I still go every couple of weeks to my local branch here - and spend a couple of hours just to browse the racks and pick a book off the shelf that looks interesting. Also, when I have a project/paper to finish - I go there and pull up a table because there will be limited distractions. Now, there are many people there but on weekends the longest lines are for the PC's. People who don't own a PC can't go anywhere else for free. The only thing I can disagree with is when did the public libraries go into the movie business ? Why should they spend money on videos/DVD's when that is a function of Blockbuster (choke) et al ? That would be more money for actual books. Remember, public libraries were relatively rare except for large metropolitan areas prior to the 1930's. Pay libraries - so many cents per day - for a book were up and running. So, do you still use your public library ? And what did you do with your 20 volume set of Encyclopedia Britanica ?
  9. Is the program pulled ? Too late anyway - the horse is already gone from the barn - http://worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=44987
  10. What happens when the people don't lead? Look around. OK, resume rending. 367780[/snapback] Please look up "naive" in a dictionary - when local politicos have a SCOTHUS ruling behind them - what possible chance does a commoner have ? Their dollars will outlast the losers' dollars - simple fact of life Phase two from Lonsberry - let both sides have it http://www.lonsberry.com/writings.cfm?story=1691&go=4 I may have voted for President Bush - but he has said ditto about this issue and his performance on the Mexicana-America border sures sucks too Expect that issue to become more important as 2008 gets closer
  11. Without a change in the NYS Constitution - whomever is governor does not matter At least in California - the statewide referndum option makes somethings possible http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?.../n152725D31.DTL
  12. And for illustrations http://www.dailyherald.com/story.asp?id=68437
  13. I get to hear Tony Snow's show on late night radio as I am coming home from work and this is just too good - Before you judge Snow as an AM right winger, he gets a whole spectrum of guests from all sides - because - he is just a "nice" guy So anyway - Jesse J. can't find enough insult in the US anymore - so he goes into Mexico http://www.dailystar.com/dailystar/news/82119.php
  14. SDS speaks wisely - ecspecially about the "tip". Let the serving staff "kinda" of know what is in store for them at evening's end and the level of service should definitely be attentive. There will always be chislers and cheaters at such events - accept, ignore and move on - the moment is too good to waste.
  15. So the wishes of a handful of people takes priority over an entire region ? Plus the rest of the county has to pay higher taxes just to placate a few people ? A dying region is in need of this boost. Sometimes, situations arise that need tweeking for a good reason. 365992[/snapback] Mark - What if it was your house ?
  16. My grandparent's ancestral home (built in 1841) is owned clear and free by the family. The structure is at the middle of a semi-blind 90 degree turn which the State of NY wants to "widen" for safety because it is a "truck" route. There has been a standing offer for years for the property - never accepted. There is no commercial issue involved - but who is to say that what this ruling will do next ? The 5th Amendment has just been gutted like catfish on a hot Mississippi day. Bob Lonsberry misses sometimes - but not today "Simply put, your home is your home only as long as the government says its your home. But the moment somebody with pull covets your home, business or property, it's gone. You do not have the right to own property. Not after yesterday. It went away. The Fifth Amendment says "Nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation." Nowhere in there does it authorize the taking of private property for private use. The Constitution doesn't authorize it, but now the Supreme Court does. Which makes two things very important: Who gets appointed to the Supreme Court. And the Second Amendment." http://www.lonsberry.com/writings.cfm?go=4
  17. The "10 Commandments Ruling" comes on Monday http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/artic...-2004Oct12.html I think it's time to go buy me a "scatter" gun
  18. I wear mine infrequently because of food splillage issues and they are not in Spanish - which confuses the locals Most San Diego people have little understanding of "Tailgate"
  19. Alright - it's the dead of football season and even I'm getting bored - I just purchased a two disc set (not available on 8-track) of Harry Chapin performing at the Bottom Line in Januray, 1981 - six months before he died in an auto accident on the LIE. I know all the songs by heart and still own every album - but thought the "live" recording might be different and the Bottom Line was certainly a special place. It was fine - but that made me think - with so many music fans here - what one artist (deceased) would you pay good money for to see one more time ? I would have to include lead singers for notable groups - not that I know any. If Harry Chapin was appearing at Melody Fair in N.T tommorrow - I'd be there - who needs A/C ?
  20. Thank You For The "Asner" Almost LABilzFan - Quality
  21. Because someone remembered my favorite pie. Must be a lesson there somewhere! 366801[/snapback] For my birthday last year (I don't have them anymore) - a heavy box came from Florida from my daughter. It was a strange occurence and unexpected. A little history - in my extended family, no matter whose house there was always the dictionary - a hulking 10-20 pound monster that was the ultimate authority for all homework, disputes and Scrabble (later Boggle) games. My daughter was raised on our monster and learned to hate it because we would never spell or define things for her - she was always told - "Go look it up." The PC age surplanted the dictionary but the book was always there. I usually kept it next to the PC desk for easy reference. Then the new dog came along - never chewed a shoe in its' life - loves kleenex, eats flowers of its' choice and has shown a propensity for old books. We suspect that the smell of the old glue in the binding is a beagle aphrodisiac because there have been a few literary victims. The old dictionary was one - a good chunk of the letters G - K were missing one day. When the big move to California happened - the old dictionary was a casualty - not worth moving. Then, Rock - just like your daughter - mine paid attention and in that box - was an old, used 20 lb monster from a flea market. It may not have "blog" or "cellphone" in it - but I can look up "coelentererates" and the correct definition of inflammable. It's not on the floor anymore. A pie would have been good too - but I know her cooking skills The same daughter just bought a condo in Florida and very soon she gets a dictionary (paper) in the mail - she won't use it but it can always hold a coffee cup ! Sorry for long winded - but sometimes kids surprise you .
  22. Put me down for Two (deux) XXXL - Great look Cindy !
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