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Bob Lamb

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Everything posted by Bob Lamb

  1. The attitude of the individual when faced with a new situation is a key to their character. Read any "Dilbert" book to see what happens to people when are confronted with "change"
  2. Can you fit that on a bumper sticker visible at 50 feet ? (20 feet in Calif.) We pack 'em tighter
  3. Marty Making "Big" Changes Carl didn't even last a year - (hired Jan 26, 2005) His coaching career: Saints Chiefs Tampa Bay Chargers Cardinals Bills Lions Chargers (again) Next ?
  4. Whatever you move into - install bottled water - perferablly from out of town - not the Colorado Lots of good jobs there - bartending is better than dealing
  5. Good Photo to hide Jeanneret's Mug http://www.canoe.ca/HockeyNHL97PlayoffsGallery/may3_4.html
  6. He's still bitter http://www.jsonline.com/packer/image/nfl/bill105.jpg
  7. So - you're letting him "skate" on Erik Flowers ? Those garbage plates are affecting your synapses !
  8. The Bills are using http://www.airnav.com/airport/KOLE Airport, Hair Care and Tire Center (no waiting) Ron White
  9. Tomilson was also injured in the Miami game and wasn't the same afterwards Marty's play calling was suspect at times - but we're used to that right ?
  10. I dont want to hear this stuff how his teams dont win superbowls, neither has bill cowher, that doesn't make him anything less then a great coach as well. 566852[/snapback] I am praying (and betting) for a Pats-Steelers AFC finale - just so I have the glee of watching Cowher once again cover himself with spittle as his team folds
  11. Marty played for the Bills - 10 bonus points right there !
  12. Another "He's rag - dolling Lemieux" (Rob Ray)
  13. Last night on the local radio waves - the story of MM was covered and in the next sentence the reader, Hacksaw Reynolds, played up the fact that the Bills might be interested in Marty Marty and AJ have been rumored to be at philosophical loggerheads (official rumor - AJ didn't want Brees to play the finale - but Marty had a 10 win bonus in his contract). Is a Herm Edwards type deal possible ?
  14. Recent league history shows turn-a-rounds happen very quickly
  15. Care to expound on the avatar picture ? What is going on ?
  16. I'm listening to the Sabres CD and keep hearing the Aud "horn" which is incrediblely as real as yesterday. When the Marena opened the "horn" (and a lot of other things) weren't the same. I'm just interested - do other major arenas have the same "horn" or some variation ? I've been to countless minor league rinks where a boat horn is the norm. I miss the Aud oranges and the "horn" "Curtis Brown scores - top shelf where Momma hides the cookies"
  17. This reminds of me of why I don't buy retreaded tires Too many miles (GM or HC)
  18. January movie releases are the worst - but Albert Brooks usually delivers http://wip.warnerbros.com/lookingforcomedy/LFC_content.html Right before the Pittsburgh / NE Game Make sure to hit the second trailer button
  19. No, he never said that. http://rochester-citynews.com/gyrobase/Con...?oid=oid%3A2135
  20. Pitt over Indy - Steelers are on a roll and Indy still knows for to choke NE over Denver - it's still Jake Plummer despite a decent season Seattle - 27 days of rain ? Leave the dome open - no difference Chicago's "D" is better than the terribly inconsistent Panthers
  21. I know there have to be some good hearted, clear thinking politicians but will they last ? Mayor Bob Duffy (Rochester, NY) http://www.lonsberry.com/writings.cfm?go=4 Mayor Jerry Sanders (new "strong" mayor of the City of San Diego) takes the bull by the horns and starts firing the inbred incompetents and some former officials may be facing a trial and/or perjury charges http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/metro/2...-mayortalk.html Meanwhile in California - Randy "Duke" Cunningham will avoid jail but his distinguished past is no cushion for his mighty fall And last, but not least, the Gubernator is just becoming another one of the "clones'. His new budget ? projected revenue up 5-6% - Spending up 9% Only the names and faces change or so it seems I apologize to all honest, hard working politicians
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