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Bob Lamb

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Everything posted by Bob Lamb

  1. When my father moved to Florida he hardly ever locked his house - he just showed all the neighbors his floor console stereo system with the 8-track player and the 15 B&W TV with no cable - he never had a problem I have always driven the family "heap" - don't have to lock it and even homeless people wouldn't curl up in the back seat - . I love parking next to shiny SUV's P.S. My wife gets the good car and gets all antsy if I try and get her in mine 1996 Chevy Corsica (96,000 miles) and still purrs - sometimes like an M1 - but parts are readily available
  2. The "Dean" is correct - the $$$ apply to the next season's cap
  3. Please - come see my neighborhood - the City (sic) doesn't have the resources (or willpower) to enforce it own codes. The condo HOA's have greater power And, we still have problems
  4. A scenario from the devestating October, 2002 fires that blew through some trendy neighborhoods in San Diego. One of the ignition sources was spotted before 5:00 PM local time and one helicopter crew was ready to attack - while the fire was in its' infancy. CDF quidelines prevented a take-off - 1/2 hour before sunset and the willing crew was grounded. What might have happened ? Butt covering still hasn't stopped in SD County - politicos rely on memory loss
  5. Bob LOnsberry weighs in - http://www.lonsberry.com/writings.cfm?story=1848&go=4
  6. My wife jokes about this and how they will virtually take your garbage off your hands. Needless to say, she has accomplished a lot the last two years leading that organization out of a mired entitiy "dying on the vine"... Really. You got me on the hunt! After football season - I turn off the TV (except for "24" & "NCIS") - on the weekends or if I get home early - it's back to the books. When my father died, his estate came in volumes My darling says - what are you doing out there (garage) ? I'm just listening to Sports radio and or/CD's whichever makes more sense at the moment - and pulling old favorites of the shelves for perusal. When we moved to CA 31/2 years ago - I gave away so many books - and brought so many more. My gumba (also a Bob) at the local used book store has a love-hate relationship with me . He loves my stuff and I hate to part with some -but space is always an issue. For those with a sense of humor: two of my favorites Bill Veeck : "40 Tons A Day" - the Story of Suffolk Downs (Boston) ROTFLMAO Bill V. also did the world's smallest strike zone and "DIE" Disco Night At Cominskey Stadium - He replaced PT Barnum and did it WELL ! Jimmy Breslin - wrote many books - but "The Gang Who Couldn't Shoot Straight" An absolute NYC Classic because all these people actually existed
  7. Presidential reviews take at least 50 years to allow for the power on hindsight. Jimmy Carter is psuhing this timeline. IMHO - Nixon really blew it in Watergate Secondly, JFK blew the Bay of Pigs - he allowed it to happen and then didn't follow through (really odd - considering all the other layers of association with that Italian brotherhood and Cuba) The half-assed, CIA trained invasion force of Cuban yahoos still could have taken the "Cuban" army if their moves weren't telegraphed and the WWII President had the gumption to back up the "invasion". I have read different reports about which aircraft carrier, the USS Ranger or USS Essex was visible on the horizon as the invasion beachhead never got past the tree line. Just one little air strike ? For the "what-if" crowd - just imagine if Castro was just another name in the time line of short-lived Caribbean despots and the Cuban Mislle Crisis had never happened and Cuba today was an island paradise ? http://www.orwelltoday.com/jfkcubabaypigs.shtml Then again - Fidel Castro may have made the Major Leagues http://www.snopes.com/sports/baseball/castro.asp
  8. If you lived between Ned Flanders & Homer Simpson Who would you rather own the potato cannon ? http://www.nationalreview.com/hanson/hanson200602170827.asp
  9. Vice presidents can get away with those things - like this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamilton-Burr_duel Two men who wanted to be President so bad they could taste it !
  10. There are three people in my office group (all Buffalo transplants) and we were remembering back home food stuff basics one day last week . Obviously, West Coast tacos are nothing like Mighty Taco - so the Californios don't understand. It's 1 AM - the "munchies" are on and a 12-pack is just what the doctor ordered ! Consuming since 1973 - still here - ALPO or not
  11. If the East coast was up - I wouldn't even acknowledge your ass You better make draft weekend in the mountains - it's a hoot Kicking Raider fans' butt is not only fun but easy!!
  12. Remember ? - Like It Was Yesterday I Remember When People Had A Sense Of Humor & There Was No 24 Hour Media Circus
  13. MIghty Taco - Mighty Taco
  14. Ooops- Nixon's TD was off of Don Strock - mea culpa http://www.billszone.com/mtlog/archives/20..._dolphins_7.php
  15. Yes I can - wanna see my garage bookcases ? Look for this book - Sam Levinson (Levenson ?) "From The People Who Brought You Pearl Harbor" (out of print) RE: Japan & the Auto Industry - similar to the VW thing - ROTFLMAO I lent (lost) my copy
  16. Jeff Nixon - 11 picks in his first two seasons 3 picks against Miami (all on Bob Griese) on 9/7/80 - the day the Bills broke the 20-game streak (Bills win 17-7) - He also scored his only NFL TD - a 50 yard return. Joe Ferguson also threw five Int's that day 1979 16 games - started 4 1980 7 games - started 5 (hurt in game 5 of the season - San Diego) 1981 13 games - started 0 (hurt pre-season in a charity BB game) Jeff used to be a regular at Bills' alumni events when i still lived there - I believe he still lives in WNY http://www2.buffalobills.com/news/index.cfm?cont_id=151764
  17. I'm goona agree with KTFABD on this one - Greene was a surperior player on a piss poor team - for 9 seasons. His 101 yard TD INT return on 10/03/76 is still a Bills record. He picked off Tony Adams (???) with 10 seconds left in the fourth quarter as the Bills coasted to a 50-17 win. The Chiefs turned over the ball six times - each TO beacme a Bills TD. At that time - the smallest crowd in Rich Stadium history was a witness - 51,909
  18. More "Chin's" than in Manhattan ?
  19. But - If It Had Been a VW http://www2.cruzio.com/~arlo/Volkslore.html Who remembers that ad campaign ?
  20. Quayle (sic) hunting - for the good of the party
  21. The Draft Party "Wide Body - aka Master of Arms" brings PBR and RR with him - The Draft HQ has RR in the house - I wouldn't touch an IC with your tounge
  22. The NFL just keeps "jacking" their fans around
  23. There is a thing called "Economy of Scale" - look it up What are you measuring against ? I have worked in retail sales for years. The "heads" tell the troops - sales are up/down this week (versus last year) Now, in Buffalo - last January might have been socked in snow emergency for eight days - not a great comparison - but number crunchers do it anyway Now, I work for a large, public company on the NASDAQ. If you project to the Wall Street types that you are going to make $2.40 per share on $1B in sales and end up reporting that you only made $2.33 on $1.1B - the stock takes a temporary dive - (undeserved for those that can actually read financials) but that is the way that market works - and the pros sort out things afterwards. Now the federal government, which (BTW) prints all the money it wants, is running a deficit of gazillions (sic). Their cycle is largely indefinite because a "balanced" budget has the substance of Charmin - 2BL Ply and is projected at least 5 years in advance - why ? - Because they can. Future revenues are a pie in the sky guess. Future expenditures WILL go up So - a January surplus - ? Pretty much a myth - in the big scheme of things. Have you ever gone to a local budget meeting in your town, city, county where they actually have to balance a budget ? It ain't pretty. My little, local city out here in SOCAL is putting up a tax proposition for the November ballot to raise the local sales tax 0.5% to 8.25%. The tax will pay for a City Hall not in trailers with leaky roofs and two badly needed fire stations. California law says we can't do much about property taxes - so sales tax is the major revenue generator. The city's current top tax generator is a Ford car dealership right in the middle of town - what do you think that 0.5% will mean to their revenue ? Whomever said, "All Polictics Is Local" knew the system
  24. You think there are two parties ?
  25. Not a word (or rumor) of this anywhere near Mission Valley Brees is still a UFA and reportedly recovering well from his surgery
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