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Bob Lamb

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Everything posted by Bob Lamb

  1. Sorry if already posted http://indabuff.com/media/ottawa.mp3
  2. If this your "realization" moment - WELCOME ! The next politico you meet, who says 'I'm here to help' 1. Grab your wallet and run 2. If you left your wife/SO etc in the room - think before returning 3. Reconsider Decision #2
  3. It's a proven fact that in areas where everyone is carrying - crime drops and idiots die from multiple angles Losman will show his "growth" in a more competitive atmosphere in 2006 Stranger things have happened in the NFL
  4. Read & Learn "The original intent of the 14th Amendment was clearly not to facilitate illegal aliens defying U.S. law at taxpayer expense. Current estimates indicate there may be over 300,000 anchor babies born each year in the U.S., thus causing illegal alien mothers to add more to the U.S. population each year than immigration from all sources in an average year before 1965. The correct interpretation of the 14th Amendment is that an illegal alien mother is subject to the jurisdiction of her native country, as is her baby." The Complete Lesson http://www.theamericanresistance.com/issue...hor_babies.html
  5. The "Truth" always falls somewhere in the middle - but even that possibility is scary and gives even more reason to prepare
  6. "and he is us" "Michelle Malkin, who has been a stalwart on immigration, reports that the United States government has been providing Mexico with intelligence about the lawful activities of American citizens, specifically, the locations and tactics of Minuteman patrols. The Minutemen have been maligned by pro-illegal-alien lobbyists, swaths of the mainstream media, and—infuriatingly—President Bush himself as a “vigilante” group. In fact, they are a vigilance group." God Bless Both Parties" http://article.nationalreview.com/?q=MWY0N...jZlMWFiOGYwYjQ=
  7. My daughter started following politics when she became a taxpayer I wonder how many "bleeding" hearts here would be moved by some "incoming" Getting targeted is a life altering experience - but you know that
  8. SDG&E (a divison of Sempra) has propsed building a 78 mile long high voltage power line from the clean, renewable geothermal sources that surround California's Salton Sea. The power line would cross the desert and mountains east of San Diego. http://www.sdge.com/sunrisepowerlink/index.shtml Of course, the enviormentalists have gone nuts - I wonder if they sit around campfires, singing 'Kumbaya' when the power goes out http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/northco...-7m8groups.html One of their arguments is that the power lines will be a hazard and kill many birds including the (somewhat) endangered bald eagles Others respond that these are illegal, Mexican eagles and shouldn't be here in the first place
  9. What an interesting, well thought out reply
  10. How many people saved stamps as a kid and never used them ? Lots !! How many people save $2 dollar bills - Lots !! American Express (among others) built an empire on selling people traveler's checks that were never cashed You used to be able to return unused US postage to the government and get your money back but no more All those pennies that people never redeem add up Throw away that can lately ? - I made $16 this morning on recyclables by not being lazy - took the sting off a $42 fillup My favorite is now FEDEX/Kinko's - you have to buy a card (which includes local sales tax) at their money matic machine - so for $1 - you get $1 in value. You get eleven copies at 9 cents a piece and either throw the card away or in your glove box (me) (saying - 'I'm gonna use it again' - until I have three and throw them all away - what happens to those pennies ? Wasn't that in a Superman movie ? - someone collecting all the fraction cents out of payroll checks? It all adds up
  11. Wind Energy Is Too "Ugly" http://www.suntimes.com/output/novak/cst-edt-novak04.html http://www.capewind.org/ God Bless Politicains - God Bless Them All !
  12. The new class of LPD's (San Antoinio Class) are being named after cities - no more LA attack subs available San Antonio, New Orleans, Mesa Verde, Green Bay, New York (city), San Diego, Anchorage, Arlington & Somerset already designated http://www.fas.org/man/dod-101/sys/ship/lpd-17.htm Looks like the Enterprise will wait until the 22nd century when the space yard opens
  13. I took Monday off - arranged weeks ago - I wonder if there will be consequences at work
  14. Oh - the symbolism Walk away from the "Job" that you came here for
  15. Silly Rabbit ! Of course not I'll speak for NYS and California - both raid the "highway" fund
  16. But don't you read Dale Brown & Larry Bond books ?
  17. I wonder what a "poll" back then consisted of ?
  18. Just For Reference Let's Hear a Roll Call How Much Of The Price Of Your Gas Is Federal AND State Taxes ??? The Tax Rate Should Be Posted On The Pumps I Should Know CA's but It's Late - someone can fill it in before me
  19. My wife has spent the last several months in Scotland - when she left the going price was $7 per gal (converted). No one gets excited - admittedly, it's not liking crossing Kansas - and the Brits have a semi-efficent rail network - so people adapt
  20. Have a will and living trust drawn up by a professional Sure - it's off his computer software but he knows the relavent state laws and your heirs will thank you (tax wise) when that time comes Don't forget the health care provisions We had one done about three years ago - $650 in CA - when we just established our Roth IRA's - the trust made everything easier
  21. Here's a little perspective http://news.yahoo.com/s/usatoday/20060414/...taboutcharacter
  22. Little contribution ? I remember many "4th & Riddick" plays - his stadium nickname He could fly ! Hey, we were grasping at straws back then
  23. My parents allowed me to get a job at 15 - what were working papers ? Corner drug store - $1.55 hr (1972) - worked there almost two years and learned many life lessons. I spent much time in the restaurant business - I tried to get my daughter to be a waitress at a friend's place - she declined. If there is one job that will teach you about life and people - it's in a restaurant. The work may be hard but the lessons are invaluable.
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