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Bob Lamb

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  1. 2 years before - 47 since then
  2. The paper and ultra violet coating became hard to duplicate if you were paying attention Last summer there were several people passing "Movie Money" at Hertel Avenue Bars. Packed bar - busy beyond belief - it happens - or collusion? https://propmoviemoney.com/pages/the-prop-money-guide
  3. MGM Grand Dodgers + 250 Yankees +800
  4. I have kept a few Bills classics - but all the rest were handed off. I remember Dave & Adams selling boxes of all types (including in Spanish) - $5 Great Kindling!
  5. Their Chipotle Variant https://www.tapatiohotsauce.com/
  6. Who counterfeits a dollar? Then again - https://pcunix.medium.com/the-strange-story-of-the-henning-counterfeit-nickels-d19fecdb2d99
  7. Currently 260 but still 6'5" - never could dunk though Knee replacement surgery = a potential "death spiral" repeat? You want silicone bounce? Venice Beach - Baby! Lot 1 - Pole 5
  8. Physiatrist Approved
  9. Back in the day (mid 70's) - at the UB student run dormitory stores - they outsold Triscuts but were second to Cheese Nips. It was a pretty good cracker to handle dipping and/or cheese, The Nabisco rep could never understand. I thought it was the Long Island effect
  10. You genuflect on the right knee and then kiss the ring
  11. So - no politics = right? If you have to ask -
  12. Come closer so I can hit hit you with my walker!
  13. One of the original Two Bills Drives brick layers, Ken Crippen will be presenting at the Buffalo Historical Society: https://buffalohistory.org/event/the-buffalo-bills-of-the-all-america-football-conference/ If you are in Buffalo or coming early - this program will be a rare glimpse into the origins of Buffalo football
  14. One Prime - (It Could Happen!) Featuring a New Right Knee One Prime - (It Could Happen!) Featuring a New Right Knee
  15. I have been using Caesar's since the beginning but their service outages and interruptions are getting troublesome. Who do you use and are you happy!
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